2021年2月28日 星期日

Pfizer and Moderna vaccines effective for corona mutants - experimental results announced

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


ファイザーとモデルナのワクチン、コロナ変異株に有効 実験結果を発表

2021.02.18 Thu posted at 10:55 JST

(CNN) 米ファイザーと独ビオンテックが共同開発した新型コロナウイルスワクチンについて、南アフリカで見つかった「B.1.351」を含む変異株に有効であることを示す新たな報告が、米医学誌「ニューイングランド・ジャーナル・オブ・メディシン」に17日発表された。







(CNN) A new report showing that the new coronavirus vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer of the United States and BioNTech of Germany was effective against mutant strains including "B.1.351" found in South Africa. This was published on the 17th in the US medical journal the " New England Journal of Medicine".

Pfizer and researchers at the University of Texas at Austin had add genetic manipulation to the new coronavirus, and some observable changes in B.1.351 was kept. Then, towards this virus, a test was done to see the effects of blood samples from 15 people who had been vaccinated twice with Pfizer and BioNTech vaccines in fighting against the virus.

As a result, while the activity of neutralizing antibodies produced by serum was reduced, but it was still at a level sufficient to neutralize the mutant virus.

Scott Weaver of the University of Texas School of Medicine, who was the lead author of the treatise, told CNN a viewpoint that "it is not yet known exactly how much neutralization reaction is needed to prevent the onset and infection of the new coronavirus. However, based on experience with other vaccines, the Pfizer vaccine is likely to be relatively effective against this variant. "

Separately, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Moderna had published a letter in the magazine explaining the results of the experiment that was reported last month. Similar to Pfizer's report, towards genetic manipulated B.1.351-like virus, the antibody response was reduced, but not to the extent that the vaccine was less effective.

It was said that about the mutant "B." first found in the UK, there was also no indication of a decrease in vaccine efficacy.

              So, it is nice to know that the vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer of the United States and BioNTech of Germany is still effective in dealing with Covid-19.

