2021年2月22日 星期一

委內瑞拉- 100,000劑量俄羅斯衛星五號疫苗抵達

Recently Yahoo news on-line reported the following:

100,000 doses of Russia's Sputnik V vaccine arrive in Venezuela

Reuters Sat., February 13, 2021, 11:40 a.m.

CARACAS (Reuters) - The first 100,000 doses of Russia's Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine arrived in Venezuela on Saturday.

In a tweet, President Nicolas Maduro said medical and health personnel would be the first to receive the vaccine, "given their exposure to COVID-19."

The vaccines arrived at Caracas' international airport on a special flight from Moscow on Conviasa airlines, Venezuela's state carrier, according to Reuters witnesses and images shown by state television VTV.

"Here is the vaccine to serve the most vulnerable sectors with the highest priority, health personnel, for example; it is a vaccine that addresses the most grave cases of patients with morbidities," said Vice President Delcy Rodriguez.

"It is a vaccine that seeks to reduce community transmission," she added.

Maduro has previously said after healthcare workers, "vulnerable sectors" would be next in line, followed by teachers.

For months Venezuela's government has said the South American country would receive 10 million doses of the Sputnik V vaccine, although the vaccine's maker has not confirmed that figure.

In addition to Sputnik V, the Pan American Health Organization's chief of mission said last week that between 1.4 million and 2.4 million doses of the AstraZeneca Plc vaccine had been reserved for Venezuela. At $10 per dose, those vaccines would cost between $140 million and $240 million.

Venezuelan government officials and opposition leaders have met to discuss buying coronavirus vaccines through the international COVAX program using cash frozen in the United States by economic sanctions, but no deal has been made.

In a Thursday evening state television appearance, Maduro said the government was working on a $300 million deal with the Pan American Health Organization for vaccine supplies, but did not provide details.

Authorities on Friday reported 132,259 coronavirus cases in the country and 1,267 deaths, but medical unions and opponents have said the figure is likely higher.

The government has authorized a relaxation of the national quarantine for two weeks for the next Carnival holiday.


卡拉卡斯(路透社)- 俄羅斯的衛星五號(Sputnik V)冠狀病毒疫苗的首批100,000劑於週六抵達委瑞拉。

總統尼古拉斯·馬杜羅(Nicolas Maduro)在一條推文中,“鑑於醫護人員曝露於COVID-19”,他們將率先接種該疫苗。

根據路透社的目擊者和國家電視台VTV顯示的圖像,這些疫苗是乘坐委瑞拉國家航空公司Conviasa的特殊航班, 由莫斯科抵達加拉加斯國際機場。

副總統Delcy Rodriguez:“這疫苗服務最容易受感染的羣體, 提供最有優先的人, 例如醫護人員;這裡的疫苗是治患有最嚴重疾病或醫療狀況的人。”




除了衛星五號外,泛美衛生組織(Pan American Health Organisation)的行動負責人上週表示,委瑞拉已預留了140萬至240萬劑阿斯利康Plc疫苗。以每劑10美元的價格,這些疫苗將花費1.4億至2.4億美元。





President Nicolas Maduro is a friend of Russia, so it is normal that he will receive vaccine from the latter. The same situation can be said about Cambodia and China. It is nice to know that countries can buy coronavirus vaccines through the international COVAX program.

