2021年2月17日 星期三

PepsiCo and Beyond Meat - became partner to develop plant-derived products

  Recently CNN.co.jo reported the following



2021.01.27 Wed posted at 15:58 JST

ニューヨーク(CNN Business) 米ペプシコと植物由来の肉製品の製造などを手掛けるビヨンド・ミートが植物由来のたんぱく質を使ったスナック類や飲料の開発・販売で提携したことがわかった。





New York (CNN Business) -- It was revealed that PepsiCo in the US and Beyond Meat which handled the manufacturing of plant-derived meat products had entered partnership to develop and sell snacks and beverages using plant-derived protein.

With this partnership, Beyond Meat could gain access to global market network and marketing capabilities. A Beyond Meat spokeswoman said the partnership would increase its realm and bring new products to market faster. In the future, it might also consider entering markets such as China and the United Kingdom.

Analysts at UBS, a Swiss financial giant, pointed out that Beyond Meat's marketing so far had been SNS-dominated and was insignificant. The partnership with PepsiCo was expected to take marketing to a new level and attract more customers.

Global Data, a research firm, pointed out that consumer demand for plant-derived products would be large enough to affect sales, and the market for plant-derived alternative products continued to expand. PepsiCo's decision to expand existing options for plant-derived snacks could make a big difference in the market in the long run, as more consumers would be naturally attracted to plant-derived products.

              So, PepsiCo is diversifying its product and taping into the Green concept. I am interested to know whether Coca-Cola will do something in response.


a. Beyond Meat is a Los Angeles-based producer of plant-based meat substitutes founded in 2009 by Ethan Brown. The company's initial products were launched in the United States in 2012. The company has products designed to simulate beef, meatballs, ground meat, and pork sausage etc.

