2023年2月27日 星期一

The trade between the US and China hit a record high last year- looking contemptuously at the decoupling theory

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

米中間の貿易額、昨年は過去最大を記録 切り離し論尻目に

2023.02.09 Thu posted at 21:21 JST

香港(CNN) 米商務省経済分析局は9日までに、米国と中国との間の貿易額が昨年、約6906億ドルと過去最大を記録したと報告した。








Hong Kong (CNN) - Trade between the United States and China hit a record high of about $690.6 billion last year, the US Bureau of Economic Analysis said on the 9th.

Exports to China increased by $2.4 billion to $153.8 billion, while imports increased by $31.8 billion to $536.8 billion, causing a huge deficit. The past record high for trade with China was $658.8 billion in 2018.

Political tensions were rising between the United States and China, and some U.S. policy makers were calling for decoupling the two countries in the economic and technological fields, and suggests that realistic responses were being made on the trade front.

The chief analyst for global trade at the “Economist Intelligence Unit”, the research arm of British business magazine “The Economist”, in an interview with CNN said that the supply chain issues were difficult, especially when it was related to China.

As the U.S. government sought to reduce its reliance on China in its supply chain, it was pointed out that most companies were mindful of getting their products to consumers on time and were looking for the most cost-effective way to operate.

In 2018, the Trump administration had imposed tens of billions of dollars worth of additional tariffs on Chinese products and launched hardline measures to push for a reduction in the trade deficit with China. These measures had largely survived.

The Biden administration was also taking measures to restrict trade with China, mainly in high-tech products, in light of the deepening conflict between the United States and China. In anticipation of China's military expansion, it had also come up with new ways to contain the acquisition of technology that might be diverted to military use.

So, trade between the United States and China hit a record high of about $690.6 billion last year. It seems that he hardline measures to push for a reduction in the trade deficit with China carried out by Trump administration by imposing additional tariffs on Chinese products failed to achieve the objective.

2023年2月25日 星期六

NATO secretary-general ``I don't trust China in the first place'' in ceasefire calling

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:


2023224 2157








In response to China's announcement of a new document calling for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg said: ``China has no credibility in the first place''.

Secretary-General Stoltenberg visited Estonia, a Baltic state, on February 24 which was the country's Independence Day, and held a press conference.

Prior to this, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a document on the 24th stating China's position on the situation in Ukraine, calling for the immediate resumption of direct dialogue between Russia and Ukraine and to achieve a comprehensive ceasefire.

Regarding this, the Secretary-General said that China was deepening cooperation with Russia; "China in the first place has not been able to condemn Russia’s illegal military aggression against Ukraine, so it has not much credibility."

Adding that he said, "If we want to protect Ukraine's sovereignty and seek a peaceful solution through negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, we need to support the Ukrainian military now”, and emphasized the need that NATO members should provide military assistance to Ukraine.

On the other hand, regarding the indication from the United States that China was considering military assistance to Russia, he said, "There are signs that China is considering and planning military assistance to Russia. If that happens, it will be a big mistake and it will become a serious situation", he was warning China.

So, in response to China's calling for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg says that China has no credibility. It is surprising to note that Stoltenberg has no faith in China to that extent and shows his attitude so openly.

2023年2月23日 星期四


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Subversion trial for Hong Kong political activists opens


Sun, February 5, 2023 at 10:49 p.m. PST

HONG KONG (AP) — Some of Hong Kong’s best-known pro-democracy activists went on trial Monday in the biggest prosecution yet under a law imposed by China’s ruling Communist Party to crush dissent.

The 18 defendants face up to life in prison if convicted under the national security law critics say is eroding the autonomy promised when Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, and its status as a global business center.

They were among 47 pro-democracy figures who were arrested in 2021 under the legislation that was imposed following protests in 2019. They were charged in connection with an informal 2020 primary election.

The pro-democracy movement has largely dried up after activists were jailed or went into exile. Growing numbers of young professionals have responded to the erosion of Hong Kong’s Western-style civil liberties by leaving for Britain, the United States and other countries. The United States imposed sanctions on officials it said were to blame for the abuses.

The primary in 2020 aimed at picking pro-democracy candidates who could win control of the territory’s Legislative Council. Prosecutors accuse them of trying to paralyze Hong Kong’s government and topple the city’s leader by securing a majority to veto budgets.

"The purpose of the conspiracy is to subvert the state power,” the prosecutor said in his opening statement.

The prosecution involves many of the city’s most prominent activists, including legal scholar Benny Tai, former student leader Joshua Wong and opposition party leaders Wu Chi-wai and Alvin Yeung.

Tai and four others were the election organizers and had indispensable involvement, the prosecutor said.

In previous proceedings, the 18 activists had indicated they intended to plead not guilty. But two of them — former district councilor Ng Kin-wai and businessman Mike Lam — later changed their minds, joining the other 29 activists, including Tai, Wong, Yeung and Wu, who plan to admit the charges.

While most of the 47 activists who were charged with conspiracy to commit subversion have been detained without bail for nearly two years, former lawmakers Raymond Chan and Helena Wong, who appeared in court on Monday, were among the minority who were granted bail based on strict conditions.

Ahead of the opening statements, the pair, alongside 14 other activists, pleaded not guilty in front of the judges, who were approved by the city’s leader to oversee the case. “There is no crime for me to plead guilty," former lawmaker Leung Kwok-hung said. Ng and Lam pleaded guilty.

Those who intend to plead guilty will receive their sentencing after the trial. Some of them, including Joshua Wong and former district councilor Lester Shum, were in the courtroom to observe the trial.

The court also heard that four of the 47 activists would give evidence as prosecution witnesses.

Earlier in the morning, more than 200 people, including relatives and friends of the defendants, lined up outside the court building as local police stepped up security in the area.

Some people at the front of the line, including a group of more than 10 who came at 6 a.m. to secure a seat for the hearing, said they had no clue what the trial was about. That prompted pro-democracy activists among the spectators to question whether they were just trying to occupy the seats so that other members of the public could not get a place to observe the high-profile trial.

Three members of the League of Social Democrats staged a small protest outside the complex, urging the immediate release of all political prisoners.

“Primary election is not crime. This is political repression," Chan Po-ying, one of the members, said.

Police took away her colleague for violating the mask mandate when he took his mask off and tried to speak loudly.

The trial is expected to last 90 days. The case has drawn international scrutiny, with advocacy groups and politicians condemning the charges.

Amnesty International’s deputy regional director Hana Young called on the charges to be dropped, saying the activists were forced to decide whether they should admit liability to “a non-existent crime” for a potential penalty reduction or fight a losing battle.

“With this mass trial, the Hong Kong government is attempting to shut off all meaningful political participation in Hong Kong,” she said.

But she added the authorities would never be able to fully silence dissidents, pointing to the protest outside the court.

The government postponed the legislative election that would have followed the primary, citing public health risks during the coronavirus pandemic. The electoral system was later overhauled to give Beijing more control over who is elected to Hong Kong’s legislature.

The national security law criminalizes secession, subversion, and collusion with foreign forces to intervene in the city’s affairs as well as terrorism. Apart from the activists, pro-democracy publisher Jimmy Lai is also facing collusion charges under the law.


香港(美聯社)- 週一,根據中國執政的共產黨為鎮壓異議而實施的一項法律,香港一些最著名的親民主活動人士受審,這是迄今為止最大規模的起訴。

如果根據國家安全法被定罪,這 18 名被告將面臨終身監禁。批評人士稱,這正在侵蝕香港 1997 年回歸中國時承諾的自治權, 及其作為全球商業中心的地位。

他們是根據 2019 年抗議後實施的立法, 2021 年被捕的 47 名親民主人士之一部份。他們被指控與民間的 2020 年初選有關。

在活動人士入獄或流亡後,親民主運動基本上已經枯竭。 越來越多的年輕專業人士通過前往英國、美國和其他國家來應對香港西方式公民自由受到侵蝕的情況。 美國對其認為應是侵權行為負責的官員實施制裁。

2020 年的初選,旨在挑選能夠贏得香港立法會控制權擁護民主的候選人。 檢察官指控他們試圖通過獲得多數票, 去否決預算案來癱瘓香港政府並推翻該城市的領導人。

檢察官在開庭陳述中: 陰謀的目的是顛覆國家政權



在之前的訴訟中,這 18 名活動人士曾表示他們打算不認罪。 但他們中的兩人 - 前區議員吳建偉和商人林景楠後來改變了主意,加入了其他 29 名活動人士的行列,包括戴、黃、楊和吳,計劃承認指控。

儘管被控串謀顛覆罪的 47 名活動人士中的大多數人已被拘留近兩年,不得保釋,但周一出庭的前立法會議員陳志全和黃碧雲是少數根據嚴格的條件獲准保釋的人。

在公開陳述之前,這這兩人與其他 14 名活動人士在法官面前拒認罪,法官已獲該市領導人批准監督此案。 前立法會議員梁國雄說:我沒有罪可以認吳和林認罪。

那些打算認罪的人將在審判後接受判決。 他們其中的一些人,包括黃之鋒和前區議員岑敖暉,都在旁聽法院審理的進行。

法庭還獲悉,47 名活動人士中有 4 人將作為控方證人作證。

清晨早些時候,包括被告親友在內的 200 多人在法院大樓外排隊,當地警方加強了該地區的安保。

排在隊伍最前面的一些人,包括上午 6 點前來為聽證會爭取席位的 10 多人,表示他們不知道審判的內容。 這促使旁觀者中的親民主活動人士質疑他們是否只是想佔據席位,以便其他公眾無法獲得位置去觀看這高調的審判。


其中一名成員陳寶英: 初選不是犯罪。 這是政治打壓


審判預計將持續90天。 此案已引起國際關注,擁護團體和政治家譴責這些指控。

國際特赦組織區域副主任 Hana Young 呼籲撤銷指控,稱這些政治活動人士被迫決定是承認對不存在的罪行承擔責任, 以獲得可能的減刑,還或是打一場必敗之仗。

: 通過這次大規模審判,香港政府試圖切斷香港所有有意義的政治參與


政府以冠狀病毒大流行期間的公共衛生風險為由,推遲了本應在初選之後舉行的立法選舉。 後來對選舉制度進行了全面改革,讓北京對香港立法會擁有更多控制權, 去控制誰會被選舉成為議員。

國家安全法將分裂國家、顛覆和勾結外國勢力干涉香港事務, 以及恐怖主義定為犯罪。 除了政治活動人士之外,親民主的出版商黎智英也面臨法律上的串通指控。

       So, some of Hong Kong’s best-known pro-democracy activists go on trial in the biggest prosecution yet under a law imposed by China’s ruling Communist Party that aims at suppressing dissidents. Eighteen defendants will face up to life in prison if convicted. I am interested in knowing the outcome of this trial and how the international communities will react.

2023年2月21日 星期二

AI development competition between Google and MS may lead to ``unexpected results''

Recently CNN.co.jp on-line reported the following:


2023.02.08 Wed posted at 16:47 JST

ニューヨーク(CNN) 米グーグルは6日、オープンAIの「チャットGPT」に対抗する対話型AIサービス「Bard(バード)」を、「数週間中に」リリースすると発表した。










New York (CNN) - Google said on the 6th that it would release a conversational AI service called “Bard” "in the coming weeks" to compete with OpenAI's “Chat GPT”.

The day after the announcement, Microsoft scheduled an event with OpenAI at its headquarters in Washington state.

Richard Waters of a British Newspaper the Financial Times wrote on the 6th in an article titled "The Internet War Returns" to pointed out that "Since Google fended off Microsoft's all-out attack 10 years ago, a new battle is ready to be started. ''

But the tremendous energy appeared in technology also raised serious ethical questions.

Beena Ammanath, executive director of the Deloitte AI Institute, said that new technologies could have "unintended consequences," and AI chatbots could do the same unless adequate precautions were to be taken. She likened the lack of protection policy to "building Jurassic Park, putting up warning signs, but leaving the gates open."

As Ammanath pointed out, bias in AI, which had long been viewed as a problem, had not yet been resolved. In addition, AI couldn't distinguish between truth and fiction.

"Even if it sounds that it is logical, wrong information can pop out, moreover that will be sent out with confidence." (Ammanath)

Last month, CNET was forced to make corrections to dozens of articles after they were created with the help of AI tools.

Clearly, Google and Microsoft were well aware that AI technology had the power to change the face of the world today. The only question would be whether the two companies would follow the Silicon Valley code of conduct in going forward. The principle of "move fast and break things" had caused a lot of confusion in the past.

              So, Beena Ammanath as an expert in the field of AI, has pointed out that new technologies may have "unintended consequences," and AI chatbots will do the same unless adequate precautions are taken. It is shocking to note that she likens the lack of policies to guard against possible dangers to "building Jurassic Park, putting up warning signs, but leaving the gates open.”


1. OpenAI is an American artificial intelligence research laboratory consisting of the non-profit OpenAI Incorporated and its for-profit subsidiary corporation OpenAI Limited Partnership. OpenAI conducts AI research with the declared intention of promoting and developing a friendly AI. (Wikipedia)

2. Beena Ammanath, the Executive Director of Deloitte AI Institute, is an award-winning senior executive with extensive global experience in AI and digital transformation, spanning across e-commerce, finance, marketing, telecom etc. (https://www2.deloitte.com ›)

3. It was said that Facebook's motto for years was "Move fast and break things". In a letter to potential investors in 2012, Mark Zuckerberg listed some of the other proverbs he steered his company by, including "Done is better than perfect" and "The riskiest thing is to take no risks". Any turmoil would be worth it, he said, because his social network would usher in a golden age. (https://go.gale.com/ps/i.do?id)

2023年2月20日 星期一


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

US Wins Expanded Access to Philippine Bases Amid China Tensions

Andreo Calonzo and Cecilia Yap

Thu, February 2, 2023 at 12:16 a.m. PST

(Bloomberg) -- The US secured access to more Philippine military bases, clearing the way for a greater American presence in the Asia-Pacific region as tensions with China over Taiwan and the South China Sea persist.

The announcement Thursday of a plan to designate four new locations in “strategic areas” where the US will have expanded access didn’t mention China. Instead, it said the new sites — to be identified later — “will allow more rapid support for humanitarian and climate-related disasters in the Philippines, and respond to other shared challenges.”

But a key shared challenge the two allies have is China, given Beijing’s increasingly assertive claims to a wide swath of the South China Sea, including islands and reefs Manila sees as its own. Chinese ships have regularly been seen trailing Philippine fishing vessels, often intercepting them and forcing them to divert from contested areas long seen as within the country’s exclusive economic zone, or EEZ.

“It is a really big deal,” US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said Thursday at a news conference alongside Philippine Defense Secretary Carlito Galvez. “This is an opportunity to increase our effectiveness and interoperability. It is not about permanent basing.”

The accord will bring the total number of military sites the US can access to nine, including five existing ones, under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement signed in 2014. The pact allows the US to rotate its troops for prolonged stays as well as build and operate facilities on those bases in the Southeast Asian country.

Three Philippine bases near Taiwan - two in the northern province of Cagayan and one in Isabela province - in addition to one in Palawan near the South China Sea, are among the new sites that are being considered where US forces may gain greater access, a former Philippines military chief said in November.

Chinese Patrols in Disputed Sea Hit New Peak as Tensions Climb

That would mark a strategic victory for the Biden administration, which is readjusting its force presence in region and has sought to rebuild previously strained ties between the US and the Philippines after President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. took office last year.

The move jump starts US-Philippines collaboration in responding to China’s “harassment of Filipino economic activities along its EEZ” and will “address the blockade thrown around Scarborough and Second Thomas Shoals by Chinese Coast Guard and militia,” said Rommel Ong, a retired rear admiral in the Philippine Navy who is now a professor at Ateneo de Manila University’s School of Government.

China criticized the announcement as another examples of the US’s “Cold War, zero-sum mentality.”

“This is an act that escalates tensions in the region and is dangerous to regional peace and stability,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said Thursday at a regular press briefing in Beijing. “Regional countries should remain vigilant about this and avoid being used by the US.”

The announcement comes after the US last week confirmed that starting in 2024 it would be relocating thousands of Marines based in Japan to a reactivated facility in Guam, a move seen as part of a wider effort to disperse American forces in the Pacific to help it better confront China in case of a crisis.

On Thursday the US and Philippines also agreed to substantially complete projects at the five existing military sites, including a base in Palawan province, near the South China Sea. The US has allocated over $82 million toward infrastructure investments in the five sites.

“Our nations share the belief that sustainable development and genuine peace should go hand in hand,” Philippine Defense Secretary Galvez said at news conference with Austin. The two defense chiefs agreed to “deepen bilateral cooperation to support the Philippine defense capability needs as well as the Philippine-US alliance,” he said.

Austin is the latest senior US official to visit after Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken made trips to Manila in recent months and assured the Philippines of support. The US has a seven-decades-old mutual defense treaty with the Philippines, its former colony.

US, Philippines to Negotiate Nuclear Power Tech-Sharing Pact

President Marcos has sought greater political and economic cooperation with Washington. Early in his presidency, Marcos said he couldn’t envision his nation’s future without the US. He also recently said that he hopes Washington will maintain its South China Sea presence, a sore point with Beijing.

Marcos, who also met with Austin on Thursday, said the US has pledged to help the Philippines modernize its defense capabilities. He said “the future of the Philippines and, for that matter, the Asia Pacific will always have to involve the United States.”


(彭博社)- 隨著與中國在台灣和南中國海問題上的緊張局勢持續存在之際,美國獲得了更多菲律賓軍事基地的使用權,為美國在亞太地區清理出更多通道。

週四宣布的一項計劃是在美國將擴大進出的 戰略區域指定出四個新地點,但並未提及中國。 相反,它說新地點 - 將會稍後確定 - “將允許更迅速地支持菲律賓的人道主義和氣候相關災難,並應對其他共同挑戰。

但這兩個盟友共同面臨的一個關鍵挑戰是中國,因為北京對南海大片海域的主權越來越強硬,包括馬尼拉認為屬於自己的島嶼和礁石。 人們經常看到中國船隻尾隨菲律賓漁船,經常攔截它們並迫使它們避開被該國長期視為自己專屬經濟區 (EEZ) 內有爭議的區域。

美國國防部長奧斯汀週四在與菲律賓國防部長 Carlito Galvez 一起舉行的新聞發布會上: “的是一件大事”;這是提高我們的效率和互操作性的機會。 這與永久基地無關。

根據 2014 年簽署的加強防務合作協議,該協議將使美國可以進入的軍事基地總數達到 9 個,其中包括 5 個現有軍事基地。該協議允許美國輪換其部隊以長期停留,並在這個東南亞國家的些基地上建造和運營設施。

前菲律賓軍事首長在 11 月表示, 三個菲律賓基地在台灣的附近- 兩個在北部的卡加延省和一個在伊莎貝拉省 - 以及一個在靠近南中國海的巴拉望島, 是正在考慮的新地點,美國軍隊可能會在這些地點獲得更大的進入權。



菲律賓海軍退役海軍少將 Rommel Ong,現任 Ateneo de Manila University 政府學院教授: “此舉開啟了美菲合作應對中國 騷擾菲律賓專屬經濟區沿線的菲律賓經濟活動; 並將 解決中國海岸警衛隊和民兵在 Scarborough 和仁愛礁周圍實施的封鎖

中國批評該聲明是美國 冷戰、零和思維的又一例證。

中國外交部發言人毛寧週四在北京舉行的例行新聞發布會上說:這是加劇地區緊張局勢、危害地區和平與穩定的行為”; “地區國家應對此保持警惕,避免被美國利用。

該公告發布之前, 美國上週證實從 2024 年開始,它將把駐紮在日本的數千名海軍陸戰隊員重新部署到關島的一個重新啟用的設施,此舉被視為更廣泛部處的一部分,旨在分散太平洋地區的美軍,以更好地幫助美國 遇到危機時與中國對抗。

週四,美國和菲律賓還同意實質地完成五個現有軍事基的項目,包括位於靠近南中國海的巴拉望省的一個基地。 美國已撥款超過 8,200 萬美元用於這五個地點的基礎設施投資。

菲律賓國防部長Galvez在與奧斯汀舉行的新聞發布會上說:我們各國都相信可持續發展與真正的和平應該牽手並進。, 兩位國防部長同意 深化雙邊合作,以支持菲律賓的國防能力需求以及菲美聯盟

奧斯汀是繼副總統賀錦麗,和國務卿布林肯在最近幾個月訪問馬尼拉並向菲律賓保證支持後,最新一位訪問的美國高級官員。 美國與其前殖民地菲律賓, 有簽訂長達七十年的共同防禦條約。


馬科斯總統尋求與華盛頓加強政治和經濟合作。 在擔任總統初期,馬科斯表示他無法想像沒有美國的菲律賓未來。 他最近還表示,他希望華盛頓保持在南中國海出現,這是北京的痛處。

週四也與奧斯汀會面的馬科斯表示,美國已承諾幫助菲律賓實現國防能力現代化。他: “菲律賓的未來,就此問題而引伸,亞太地區的未來將始終需要美國的參與。

So, the key common challenge to the Philippines and the US is China’s increasingly assertive posture in claiming a wide area of the South China Sea, including islands and reefs that Manila sees them as its own. It is China’s behavior that forces the Philippines to move closer to the US.


The Ateneo de Manila University, also known simply as the Ateneo de Manila, the Ateneo, or AdMU, is a private, research, basic and higher education institution along the historic Katipunan Avenue in Quezon City, Philippines. Considered to be the top university in the Philippines, Ateneo topped among that country's best universities several times. It offers professional degrees through the Graduate School of Business, the School of Government, the School of Medicine and Public Health, and the Ateneo Law School. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ateneo_de_Manila_University)

2023年2月19日 星期日

China's Baidu to launch conversational AI service in March

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2023.02.07 Tue posted at 19:50 JST

香港(CNN) 中国のインターネット検索大手・百度(バイドゥ)は7日、対話型の人工知能(AI)「文心一言(アーニー・ボット)」のサービスを3月に開始すると発表した。







Hong Kong (CNN) Chinese Internet search giant Baidu announced on Wednesday that it would launch a conversational artificial intelligence (AI) service called Ernie Bot (文心一言)in March.

A spokeswoman for the company told CNN that it was currently undergoing internal testing.

The development project for Ernie Bot had been based on a large-scale language model developed by the company in 2019. It would now possible to write poems and papers, and automatically generate images using sentences.

Baidu didn't go into details about what form the Ernie Bot would take, or whether it could be included in the company's search engine, etc.

Baidu shares jumped 16% on the Hong Kong stock exchange following the announcement.

On the 6th, Google also announced a conversational AI "Bard" to compete with "Chat GPT" released by OpenAI last year.

              So, new AI services such as “Ernie Bot” , "Bard"  and "Chat GPT" will be available soon.

2023年2月18日 星期六

Intake of ultra-processed food: its relationship with cancer and increased risk of death - British research

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

超加工食品の摂取、がん発症・死亡リスク増大と関係 英研究

2023.02.01 Wed posted at 21:53 JST

(CNN) 冷凍食品や出来合いの食品など超加工食品の摂取量が多いほど、がんの発症や死亡リスクが増大するという調査結果が1月31日の医学誌に発表された。この調査は英国で約19万7000人を対象に実施。調査対象者の半数超は女性で、特に卵巣がんのリスクが高いことが分かった。














(CNN) According to a study published in the medical journal January 31, the higher the consumption of ultra-processed foods, such as frozen and ready-made foods, the higher the risk of developing cancer and death. The survey surveyed about 197,000 people in the UK. More than half of those surveyed were women, who were found to be at particularly high risk of ovarian cancer.

Ultra-processed foods include ready-made soups and sauces, frozen pizza, prepared foods, hot dogs, sausages, French fries, sodas, store-bought cookies, cakes, candies, donuts, and ice cream.

According to Kiara Chang, the first author of the paper and a Fellow at Imperial College London School of Public Health, such foods erre made with industrially sourced ingredients, food additives were used for the purpose of add color, flavor, texture and extended shelf life.

"Our bodies react differently to ultra-processed ingredients and additives than they do to fresh, nutrient-rich foods that are largely unprocessed" (Chang)

Duane Mellor from Aston Medical School in England who was not involved in the study, said that people with higher ultra-processed food intakes, tended to drinking more carbonated beverages than tea and coffee, and low at taking food associated with healthy diets such as vegetables.

Mellor said, an increase risk of cancer was not the only the impact of ultra-processed foods, the possibility was that it might reflect the effects of eating less healthy foods.

The study looked at the relationship between eating ultra-processed foods and 34 types of cancer over a 10-year period.

A database that tracked residents from 2006 to 2010 was used to examine the dietary habits of 197,426 people, and found that ultra-processed foods accounted for 9.1% of the diet for those who consumed only a small amount, and 41.4% for those who consumed a large amount.

According to a report from Imperial College London, based on the result of a study that compared dietary patterns and medical history, it was found that a 10% increase in ultra-processed food intake was related to a 2% increase in the onset of cancer. In particular, the risk of being diagnosed with ovarian cancer increased by 19%.

The number of deaths due to cancer was also increasing. For every 10% increase in ultra-processed food intake, the risk of dying from cancer increased by 6% and the risk of dying from ovarian cancer increased by 30%.

These correlations persisted even after adjusting factors such as smoking and exercise.

The researchers found that young people ate the ultra-processed foods most, and few had a family history of cancer. In addition, it was found that there were many people who did not move their bodies and were classified as obese. Many of them tended to live in areas with many low-income people that had low household income and minimal educational background.

The study only found a link between ultra-processed foods and cancer, not a causal link, said lead author Esther Vamos. Still, he pointed out that “other evidence supports the importance of reducing ultra-processed foods for the purpose of good health."

So, a study published recently shows that the higher the consumption of ultra-processed foods, such as frozen and ready-made foods, the higher the risk of developing cancer and death. It makes sense that for purpose of good health and to reduce the risk of developing caner, we should try to eat less ultra-processed foods.

2023年2月17日 星期五

China's Sichuan province abolishes restrictions on children born out of wedlock - Part of countermeasures against declining birthrate

Recently CNN News on-line reported the following:

中国・四川省が婚外子の制限撤廃 少子化対策の一環

2023.01.31 Tue posted at 20:30 JST

香港(CNN) 中国南西部の四川省で2月以降、結婚していないカップルの間に生まれた子どもの出生登録が認められるようになる。省当局が少子化対策の一環として、婚外子への制限撤廃を決めた。






Hong Kong (CNN) China's southwestern province of Sichuan would from February allow birth registration for children born to unmarried couples. The provincial authorities had decided to abolish restrictions on children born out of wedlock as part of measures to combat the declining birthrate.

Sichuan province currently only allowed married couples to register the births of up to two children. From February 15, all citizens, including unmarried parents, might register the birth of an unlimited number of children.

In China in generally, birth registration would be needed for family registration for procedures such as health insurance for pregnant women, medical insurance for childbirth, maternity leave, and for children to receive medical care and education.

In an interview with local media, a ministry health official said the aim was to protect the rights of single mothers, stressing that he did not encourage unmarried couples to become parents. Officials clarified that the policy was to promote balanced population development over a long term.

Even after China abolished its one-child policy in 2015, the declining birthrate had not stopped, and last year the population declined for the first time in 61 years. Ahead of Sichuan, Guangdong province in the southeast and Shaanxi province located in the middle of country had also lifted restrictions on illegitimate children.

              So, following Guangdong province and Shaanxi province, Sichuan will allow birth registration for children born to unmarried couples as China’s population is declining. I am interested in knowing whether the birthrate will rise again under the new policy.

2023年2月15日 星期三

Does exercise of 10 minutes or less a day improve cognitive function? English research

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

1日10分以下の運動で認知機能改善か 英研究

2023.01.29 Sun posted at 13:30 JST

(CNN) たとえ1日に10分以内でも中程度以上の運動をすれば、認知機能が改善されるとの研究結果が発表された。









(CNN) According to a new study, even 10 minutes or less of moderate-intensity exercise a day could improve cognitive function.

John Mitchell, a doctoral student at University College London, published this in a journal about epidemiology and community health.

The study looked at the effects on short-term memory, problem-solving and technical skills with nearly 4,500 participants in the UK who wore activity monitors all the time for seven days.

As a result, one group engaged in 6-9 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking, cycling, and running up and down stairs, to high-intensity exercise, such as aerobics, jogging, swimming, and cycling uphill. It showed that working memory improved, and above all, significant changes were observed in executive functions such as planning and organizing when compared to another group that sat or slept all the time.

Cognitive improvements were modest, but increased as the duration of exercise increased.

The researchers said, ``Although we did not observe the participants' cognitive functions over a long period of time, yet we may consider that the group that exercised their bodies had higher cognitive functions on average'', and pointed out that it showed a slight change in daily life could make a difference. They said that, of more important than anything else, it was noted that the result of accumulating exercise patterns for a day, a week, and a month is equivalent to going out to exercise just once. 

On the other hand, those who replaced 8 minutes of moderate-to-high-intensity exercise with sitting, or 6 minutes with light exercise, or 7 minutes with sleep would respectively experience a 1-2% decline in cognitive function.

However, there were still many unclear points in this study, such as the participants' health status and sleep quality, and more research were needed to verify and understand the results.

              So, according to a new study, even 10 minutes or less of moderate-intensity exercise a day can improve cognitive function. Moderate-intensity exercise may include brisk walking, cycling, and running up and down stairs etc. I think common sense has already told us that a right amount of exercise a day is beneficial to your health.

2023年2月14日 星期二

Hazardous PFAS detected in blood tests - more than 3 times higher than national survey - government considers countermeasures

 Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

有害性指摘のPFAS 血液検査で国調査の3倍余検出 国は対策検討

2023130 1911



PFASの検出相次ぐ 米軍基地周辺や都内各地など



血液検査でPFOSなど検出 国調査の3倍余





環境省は対応策を検討 情報発信へ





About the organic fluorine compound PFOS which had been pointed out to be harmful, in blood tests for residents in the Tama area of Tokyo conducted by experts together with citizens' groups, the test result was announced which showed that PFOS etc. in the blood concentration were found to be more than three times higher than a previous survey conducted by the national government.

Regarding "PFAS", which was a chemical substance including "PFOS", there was a government policy to co-ordinate countermeasures, and to decide on what should be the direction in disseminating information.

PFAS detected one after another around U.S. military bases and various places in Tokyo

There were more than 4,700 types of "PFAS". "PFOS" and "PFOA" (Pefor), which were their organic fluorine compounds that had been pointed out to be harmful, were said to have been found in rivers and underground water around US military bases such as Okinawa Prefecture and Kanagawa Prefecture. Levels exceeding the national government's provisional target values were detected one after another. Throughout Tokyo, values exceeding the provisional target values had also been detected in well water and groundwater.

However, the toxicity of PFAS as a whole had not yet been elucidated.

In a blood tests, PFOS etc. of three times more than the national survey were detected

Associate Professor Koji Harada (原田浩二)of Kyoto University and others, in collaboration with a citizen's group,  had been conducting blood tests on residents of the Tama area, where the U.S. Army Yokota Air Base was located. Of the approximately 280 people tested so far, the results of 87 people were announced on the 30th.

As a result, the concentration of "PFOS" and "PFOA" in blood detected was more than three times the average values of a survey conducted by the government at three locations nationwide in 2021.

Associate Professor Harada pointed out, ``Although there is no immediate impact on health, the national and local governments should take appropriate measures, including investigating future impacts, identifying sources of pollution, and verifying the effectiveness of countermeasures.''

The civic group would suppose to continue blood tests until the end of March this year, and eventually analyze the survey results of about 600 people.

The Ministry of the Environment considered countermeasures and information dissemination 

Regarding "PFOS" etc., the United States had issued strict guidelines that even a small amount would not suppose to be detected in drinking water, while Japan only had provisional target values. On the 30th, the Ministry of the Environment held the first meeting of experts to grasp the latest scientific knowledge and the situation on detection; and to promote comprehensive countermeasures.

At the meeting, the WHO (World Health Organization) made reports including proposing new methods etc. in the international trends in measuring the amount of PFAS in drinking water.

At the conference, it was the policy to compile countermeasures based on scientific evidence, and the direction on how to disseminate such information.

              So, blood tests conducted on residents from the Tama area, where the U.S. Army Yokota Air Base is located, show that concentrations of "PFOS" and "PFOA” in blood are more than three times the average values of the survey conducted by the government previously. This is an environment issue and the  Japanese government is now looking into this matter.

2023年2月13日 星期一


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Biden extends deportation protection for Hong Kong residents


Thu, January 26, 2023 at 9:44 a.m. PST

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Thursday signed off on a two-year extension of a program that protects Hong Kong residents in the U.S. from deportation, renewing the protection until January 2025.

Biden first authorized the program, the Deferred Enforced Departure for Certain Hong Kong Citizens, in August 2021 for 18 months. It was set to expire on Feb. 5.

The decision to provide a temporary safe haven was in response to Hong Kong's sweeping national security law and other measures that undercut the rights promised when the former British colony was handed back to China in 1997.

“With this action, we are demonstrating again President Biden’s strong support for the people of Hong Kong in the face of increasing repression by the (People's Republic of China)," the White House National Security Council said in a statement. "We continue to strongly oppose the PRC’s use of its National Security Law to deny the people of Hong Kong their human rights and fundamental freedoms, undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy, and chip away at Hong Kong’s remaining democratic processes and institutions.”

The Chinese government moved to stifle opposition following protests in Hong Kong in 2019 against a proposed law allowing extraditions to mainland China. Under the national security law, which took effect in June 2020, police have cracked down on opposition politicians, activists and demonstrators.

Changes were also made to Hong Kong’s election laws to reduce the number of directly elected lawmakers and give a largely pro-Beijing committee the leeway to nominate lawmakers aligned with the mainland government.

Liu Pengyu, spokesman for China's embassy in Washington, said in a statement that the Biden administration move further exposed the United States' “sinister intention” to undermine stability in Hong Kong and "contain China’s development."

“We urge the U.S. to stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs,” he said.

Since China imposed its national security law, at least 150 opposition politicians, activists and protesters have been taken into custody on politically motivated charges, including secession, subversion, terrorist activities, and collusion with a foreign country or external elements, according to the White House.

Additionally, it said 1,200 political prisoners are now behind bars, and over 10,000 people have been arrested on other charges in connection with anti-government protests.

In addition to criticizing Beijing's crackdown on democracy activists in Hong Kong, Biden has repeatedly taken China to task for human rights abuses against the Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities, coercive trade practices, military provocations against self-ruled Taiwan and differences over Russia’s prosecution of its war against Ukraine.


華盛頓(美聯社)- 總統喬·拜登週四簽署了一項保護在美國的香港居民被免於驅逐出境的計劃延長兩年,將保護期限延長至 2025 1 月。

拜登於 2021 8 月首次批准了為期 18 個月的 部分香港公民延期強制離境計劃。 它原定於 2 5 日到期。

提供臨時避風港的決定, 是對香港全面的國家安全法和其他措施的回應,這些措施削弱了這個前英國殖民地於 1997 年回歸中國時所承諾的權利。


2019 年香港抗議一項允許將罪犯引渡到中國大陸的擬議法律後,中國政府開始鎮壓反對派。 根據 2020 6 月生效的國家安全法,警方鎮壓了反對派政客、活動人士和示威者。


中國駐華盛頓大使館發言人 Liu Pengyu 在一份聲明中表示,拜登政府此舉進一步暴露了美國破壞香港穩定和 遏制中國發展險惡用心

: 我們敦促美國停止干涉香港事務

據白宮稱,自中國實施國家安全法以來,至少有 150 名反對派政客、活動人士和抗議者因具有政治動機的指控被拘留,包括分裂國家、顛覆國家政權、恐怖活動以及與外國或外部勢力勾結 .

此外,它說現在有 1,200 名政治犯在獄中,超過 10,000 人因與反政府抗議活動有關的其他罪名被捕。


       So, President Biden continues to demonstrate a strong support for the people of Hong Kong in face of increasing repression by China, and to strongly oppose the PRC’s use of its National Security Law to deny the people of Hong Kong their human rights and fundamental freedoms. With these in the background, I do not think the US-China relation will improve soon.

2023年2月12日 星期日

Chinese military had also shot down foreign balloons that invaded the sky in the past - Chinese media reports

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

中国軍も過去に上空侵入の外国の気球撃墜 中国メディア報道

202327 513








The Chinese government objected to the shooting down of a Chinese balloon by the US military, saying that it was "clearly an excessive response."  According to Chinese media, four years ago, the Chinese military also took the same action as the United States, shooting down a foreign reconnaissance balloon that invaded the sky.

China's foreign ministry and defense ministry criticized the shooting down of a Chinese balloon by the US military, saying it was "clearly an excessive response and a gross violation of international conventions."

However, according to multiple Chinese media, four years ago in September 2019, a Chinese military fighter plane using a missile to shoot down a foreign reconnaissance balloon that had invaded its sky.

Reports at the time said that the wreckage that fell to the ground revealed that it was a reconnaissance balloon of a foreign country, but it did not report on the specific location of that foreign country.

Also, it said that reconnaissance balloons were "used by military powers to scout weather and ground targets, and some large airships are also used as 'early warning and control aircraft' to monitor low-flying cruise missiles", showing a strong sense of caution.

China, which opposed to the US response this time, was also wary of foreign reconnaissance balloons and took the same action as the US in shooting it down.

              So, China, which opposes to the US’s response this time, had shot down a foreign reconnaissance balloon four years ago.

2023年2月11日 星期六

The Earth's inner core may have stopped rotating, or it may be rotating in the opposite direction - New research

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

地球の内核が回転停止か、逆回転の可能性も 新研究

2023.01.26 Thu posted at 10:30 JST

(CNN) 地球中心部にある内核の回転が止まり、さらに逆回転している可能性があると指摘する新たな論文が科学誌に掲載された。














(CNN) A new paper in the scientific journal suggested that the inner core at the center of the Earth had stopped rotating and even reversed its rotation.

 The Earth consists of the crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core. The solid inner core lies about 5,150 kilometers below the crust, and is separated from the semi-solid mantle by a liquid outer core. This allowed the inner core to rotate at a speed different from the Earth's rotation.

The Earth's core had a radius of about 3,540 kilometers and was about the size of Mars. It was mainly composed of iron and nickel, and accounted for about one-third of the mass of the earth.

Researcher Yi Yang together with Professor Xiaodong Song of Peking University investigated seismic waves passing through the inner core, and also referred to records from the 1960s onwards to estimate the rotational velocity of the inner core. They published a paper on the 23rd in the scientific journal "Nature Geoscience".

In the result, it said that since 2009 that there had been almost no change in the seismic waves that had been changing until then, suggesting that the inner core had stopped rotating.

The paper said, "This is a startling observation which suggests that the inner core has nearly stopped over the last decade and may be reversing". Song said, “There was a clear change in the decade from 1980 to 1990, but no big change in 2010 to 2020.”

The rotation of the inner core was driven by the outer core's magnetic field and balanced by the gravitational effects of the mantle. If we could understand how the inner core rotated, we could be able to understand the interaction of each layer inside the earth.

However, there were controversies about the speed of rotation and changes in speed.

Hrvoje Tkalcic a geophysicist at the Australian National University pointed out that "The inner core hasn't completely stopped". About this study he held the view that “the inner core is more in sync with the rest of the Earth than it was a decade ago"; and also, that “no big changes has occurred'.

Song and Yang argued that, according to their calculations, small imbalances in the electromagnetic and gravitational forces could slow and delay interior angle rotation, and had a possibility in reversing the rotation. This was part of a 70-year cycle that was detected around 2009 and 2010; before that it happened in the early 1970s.

Tkalcic acknowledged that the paper's "data analysis is robust”, but also mentioned that the findings derived from it would 'need to be careful'. He acknowledged that more data and innovative methods might be needed to solve the problem.

He estimated that the cycle of the inner core would be 20 to 30 years, which was different from that in this paper. This range of predictions was due to the difficulties  in understanding events occurring at the deepest part of the Earth, and he said, “We use geophysical reasoning to infer properties of the Earth's interior, but caution is warranted until interdisciplinary findings confirm our assumptions and conceptual frameworks.”

"Seismologists are like doctors who examine a patient's organs with imperfect and limited instruments. Despite progress, the image of the Earth's center is still unclear" (Tkalcic)

              So, regarding the Chinese scientists’ suggestion in a research paper that the inner core at the center of the Earth has stopped rotating and even reversed its rotation, Tkalcic holds the opinion that we 'need to be careful' with the conclusion. He estimates that the cycle of the inner core is 20 to 30 years, which is different from the viewpoint in the paper.


1.Nature Geoscience is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Nature Publishing Group. The Chief Editor is Tamara Goldin, who took over from Heike Langenberg in February 2020. (Wikipedia)

2. Xiaodong Song (晓东) is the Peking University Chair Professor. His research focuses on seismology and studies of the Earth’s deep interior, including studies of structure and dynamics of the Earth’s core and lower most mantle, and lithosphere structure and tectonics of China and east Asia. (http://faculty.pku.edu.cn/SONGXiaodong/en/index.htm)

3. Professor Hrvoje Tkalcic is the Head of Seismology and Mathematical Geophysics of the Research School of Earth Sciences at the Australian National University. He uses seismology and mathematical geophysics tools to understand the internal workings of planets. (http://rses.anu.edu.au/~hrvoje/)