2022年11月30日 星期三

分析 -受烏克蘭戰爭所震驚,俄羅斯鄰國哈薩克斯坦向西望

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Analysis-Shocked by Ukraine war, Russian neighbour Kazakhstan looks west

Thu, November 17, 2022 at 9:10 p.m.

By Olzhas Auyezov

ALMATY (Reuters) - There is little doubt that Kassym-Jomart Tokayev will extend his rule over Kazakhstan by seven years in presidential elections on Sunday. What is less clear is how the former diplomat can reduce his resource-rich country's dependence on Russia without alienating it.

Tokayev – who opinion polls predict will comfortably win reelection at the weekend - has pushed back publicly against territorial claims made by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, souring relations between the former Soviet republic and Moscow.

Russia and Kazakhstan share the world's longest continuous land border, prompting concern among some Kazakhs about the security of a country with the second-biggest ethnic Russian population among ex-Soviet republics after Ukraine.

At a forum in St. Petersburg in June where Tokayev shared the stage with Putin, he said his government did not recognize Russian-controlled regions in eastern Ukraine and that Kazakhstan upheld the inviolability of internationally recognized borders.

His blunt remarks took observers by surprise and prompted angry threats from some pro-war commentators in Russian media. And last month, when Tokayev hosted a summit of Central Asia presidents, he held face-to-face meetings with other leaders but no bilateral talks with Putin, amid a cooling in relations.

The 69-year-old Tokayev took office in 2019 after Kazakhstan's previous president resigned amid protests. After surviving unrest in January triggered by fuel price rises, Tokayev unveiled reforms - including constitutional amendments and a hike in the minimum wage - and called snap elections.

Amid popular demand for sweeping change, he has recently accelerated plans to increase the amount of Kazakh oil exported west across the Caspian Sea, avoiding Russia to the north.

Kazakhstan currently relies heavily on the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), one of the world's largest pipelines that crosses Russia to the Black Sea port of Novorossiisk. Out of total exports of 68 million tonnes a year, 53 million tonnes of Kazakh oil move through it.

While there is nothing to replace that volume, a push announced last week to increase trans-Caspian shipments tenfold in the coming years, to 20 million tonnes, was the clearest sign yet of a move by Tokayev's government to limit economic reliance on Russia.

"We have developed a roadmap to diversify (oil) exports," Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov told reporters. "Work is underway to expand and increase oil export capabilities in all directions."

But meeting that target will not be easy. The chief executive of Kazakhstan's state oil firm KazMunayGaz said this week that the target of 20 million tonnes was a "medium-term" aim.

"Comparing something that is good, cheap, and works (CPC) with something new, unknown, and more expensive: this is not an easy decision to make from the economic point of view," Magzum Mirzagaliyev said.

Kazakhstan's presidency and Russia's foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment on this story. A spokesman for Tokayev said in July that Russia remained a strategic partner and that plans to diversify energy supply routes were not driven by politics.


The main alternative route to the CPC is the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline, which originates in Azerbaijan on the opposite side of the Caspian to Kazakhstan. From Baku, oil can also travel by pipeline to the Black Sea port of Supsa in Georgia and from there onto world markets.

But getting Kazakh oil to Baku requires either tanker shipments across the sea or the construction of a trans-Caspian pipeline. The existing fleet is modest, and pipeline talks between the sea's littoral states have stalled for decades over territorial disputes.

Both options would be needed to reach the 20 million tonne target as Kazakh ports on the Caspian lack the necessary capacity and there is no tanker fleet in place to move such volumes.

Smailov said last week that Kazakhstan would start by sending an additional 1.5 million tonnes a year via BTC starting from 2023, gradually rising to 6-6.5 million tonnes.

He did not detail how the target would be reached. Kazakhstan's Aktau port, the only one equipped to load oil tankers, can handle up to 5.5 million tonnes. Another port, Kuryk, can be used to load train ferries carrying oil.

Smailov said Kazakhstan's biggest oil producer, Chevron-led Tengizchevroil, had doubled its railcar fleet to move crude to Georgia's Black Sea port of Batumi, which is owned by Kazakhstan and can be reached via Russia or the Caspian.

The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Three traders said the Kazakh unit of France's TotalEnergies had started regular shipments via BTC since September, taking a hit to profits in favour of stability. TotalEnergies did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Tokayev has also called for oil storage facilities to be built on the Caspian coast, which would prevent pipeline disruptions from immediately affecting production.

To the east, a pipeline running from Kazakhstan to China is currently used to transport about 10 million tonnes of Russian crude a year, roughly half of its capacity, plus some 2 million tonnes of Kazakh crude.

Kazakhstan's ability to fill that pipeline is limited by demand on the Chinese side and pricing, which is reviewed annually.


Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, Central Asia's five former Soviet republics have increasingly been standing up to Moscow, aware of their new-found leverage as Russia looks to their markets and trade routes in a bid to circumvent Western sanctions.

One senior government official said a resounding election win for Tokayev could embolden him to further distance himself from Russia.

The official, who declined to be named to discuss sensitive political issues, said Tokayev wants to prove he can lead his country of 20 million people without a patron, after he split from his long-serving predecessor Nursultan Nazarbayev in January following the unrest over fuel price increases that escalated into an attempted coup.

Putin backed Tokayev and a Russia-led military bloc sent troops to Kazakhstan at a time when the Kazakh leader could not fully trust his own security forces, prompting criticism that he would now be in Moscow's debt.

His actions since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine in February suggest otherwise.

Kazakhstan has called for peace and refused to recognize referendums by which Russia claimed to have annexed some Ukrainian regions - votes derided as a sham by Ukraine and the West.

Even before the war, the official said Kazakhstan had resisted a push by Moscow in 2020 for a single currency and joint parliament within the post-Soviet Eurasian Economic Union, as part of a five-year strategic plan.

The official said Kazakhstan's government was reassessing its relations with Russia, although the giant neighbour still has significant leverage.

The CPC has suffered more disruptions this year than at any other time, forcing Kazakhstan to trim its 2022 oil production and exports in a setback to state finances.

The pipeline twice reported damage to mooring points, limiting throughput, and a Russian court also sought to suspend the pipeline's operations, citing spill concerns.

(Additional reporting by Tamara Vaal in Astana; Editing by Mike Collett-White and Daniel Flynn)


阿拉木圖(路透社)- 毫無疑問,Kassym-Jomart Tokayev 在周日行的總統選舉將延長他對哈薩克斯坦統治7 年。不太清楚的是,這位前外交官如何能夠減少他的資源豐富國家對俄羅斯的依賴, 而不令它感到憤恨沮喪。

Tokayev - 民意調查預測他將在周末輕鬆贏得連任 - 公開反對俄羅斯總統普京在烏克蘭提出的領土要求,使這前蘇聯共和國與莫斯科之間的關係惡化。

俄羅斯和哈薩克斯坦擁有世界上最長的連續陸地邊界,這引發了一些哈薩克人對他們在前蘇聯共和國中, 僅次於烏克蘭擁有俄羅斯族人口第二多的安全擔憂。

6 月在聖彼得堡舉行的一次論壇上,Tokayev與普京同台發言,他說他的政府不承認俄羅斯在烏克蘭東部控制的地區,哈薩克斯坦維護國際公認邊界的不可侵犯性。


69 歲的Tokayev 2019 年在哈薩克斯坦前總統在抗議中辭職後繼任。在經歷了 1 月份燃料價格上漲引發的動蕩之後,Tokayev公佈了改革措施 - 包括修正憲法和提高最低工資 - 並宣布提前舉行選舉。


哈薩克斯坦目前嚴重依賴 Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC),這是世界上最大的管道之一,穿過俄羅斯通往黑海新羅西斯克港。在每年 6,800 萬噸的總出口量中,有 5,300 萬噸哈薩克斯坦石油通過它.

雖然沒有什麼可以取代這一數量,但上周哈薩克斯坦宣佈在未來幾年將跨裏海運輸量增加十倍,達到 2000 萬噸,這是Tokayev政府採取行動收窄對俄羅斯的經濟依賴的最明顯跡象。

總理 Alikhan Smailov 告訴記者:我們已經制定了使(石油)出口多樣化的路線圖。正在努力擴大和提高各個方向的石油出口能力。

但實現這一目標並非易事。哈薩克斯坦國有石油公司 KazMunayGaz 首席執行官本週表示,2,000 萬噸的目標是 中期目標。

Magzum Mirzagaliyev 說:將好的、便宜的、有效的(CPC)的東西與新的、未知的、更昂貴的東西進行比較:從經濟的角度來看,這不是一個容易做出的決定。

哈薩克斯坦總統和俄羅斯外交部沒有立即回應對此事發表評論的請求。Tokayev的發言人在 7 月表示,俄羅斯仍然是戰略夥伴,能源供應路線多元化的計劃不是由政治驅動。


CPC 的主要替代路線是巴庫-第比利斯-傑伊漢 (BTC) 管道,它起源於裏海對面的阿塞拜疆到哈薩克斯坦。從巴庫,石油也可以通過管道輸送到黑海港口蘇普薩格魯吉亞並從那裡進入世界市場。


由於裏海的哈薩克斯坦港口缺乏必要的能力,而且沒有油輪船隊來運送如此大的數量,這兩種選擇都需要能達到 2,000 萬噸的目標。

Smailov 上週表示,哈薩克斯坦將從 2023 年開始通過 BTC 每年額外發送 150 萬噸,逐漸增加到 600-650 萬噸。


Smailov 說,哈薩克斯坦最大的石油生產商,雪佛龍公司領導的 Tengizchevroil,已將其鐵路車隊增加一倍,將原油運往格魯吉亞的黑海港口巴統,該港口歸哈薩克斯坦所有,可以通過俄羅斯或海到達。


三位交易員表示,法國 TotalEnergies 的哈薩克斯坦分公司自 9 月以來已開始通過 BTC 管道定期發貨,接受利潤打擊以換取穩定。 TotalEnergies 沒有立即回應置評請求。

Tokayev 還呼籲在裏海沿岸建造儲油設施,以防止管道中斷會立即影響生

在東部,一條從哈薩克斯坦到中國的管道目前每年用於運輸約 1,000 萬噸俄羅斯原油,大約是其能的一半,另加有約 200 萬噸哈薩克斯坦原油。



自烏克蘭戰爭爆發後,中亞的五個前蘇聯加盟共和國意識到他們新發現的影響力, 越來越多地反對莫斯科,因為俄羅斯正在着他們的市場和貿易路線以規避西方制裁。

一位高級政府官員表示,Tokayev 在選舉中大獲全勝可能會鼓勵他進一步遠離俄羅斯。

這位拒透露姓名以討論敏感政治問題的官員表示,此前因燃料價格上漲不滿而演成為意圖政變後, Tokayev與長期任職的前任Nursultan Nazarbayev 1月分道揚鑣, Tokayev希望證明他可以在沒有贊助人的情況下領導他的 2,000 萬人口的國家。


他的行為自俄羅斯 2 月入侵烏克蘭以來,表明情況並非如此。

哈薩克斯坦呼籲和平並拒承認俄羅斯聲稱吞併了烏克蘭一些地區的公投 - 烏克蘭和西方國家嘲笑這些投票是滑稽戲。

甚至在戰爭之前,這位官員就表示,哈薩克斯坦曾拒莫斯科在 2020 年推動在後蘇聯歐亞經濟聯盟建立單一貨幣和聯合議會,這是五年戰略計劃的一部分。


CPC今年遭受的破壞比以往任何時候都多,迫使哈薩克斯坦削減其 2022 年的石油量和出口, 打擊了該國財政。


So,  Kazakhstan will expand its oil exporting route not for immediate economic benefits. From a political point of will, I would say that Kazakhstan’s move is an act of de-coupling, with a view to reduce reliance on Russia. Since the outbreak of Putin’s war in Ukraine, Central Asia's five former Soviet republics have increasingly been standing up to Moscow, knowing their new-found leverage as Russia is busy in finding out ways to circumvent Western sanctions. I think such a development is beyond the expectation of many people, including Putin himself.

2022年11月29日 星期二


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

China's 'most comprehensive' rescue package for property sector lifts stocks, bonds

Mon, November 14, 2022 at 9:43 a.m.

By Clare Jim and Xie Yu

HONG KONG (Reuters) -Chinese property stocks and bonds soared on Monday as the market cheered Beijing's "most comprehensive" support measures aimed at boosting liquidity in the sector in its latest attempt to stabilize a key pillar for the world's second-largest economy.

The package, which sources say lays out multiple financing measures for the cash-strapped industry, was hailed by analysts as a "turning point" with one even describing it as the equivalent of "soaking rain after a long drought".

China's property sector, which accounts for a quarter of the economy, has struggled with defaults and stalled projects, hitting market confidence and weighing on growth.

Previous efforts by policymakers to help ease the cash crunch have done little to bolster the property market.

The plan comes nearly a month after Chinese President Xi Jinping secured his third term at the helm of the ruling Communist Party at a time when the economy faces a series of headwinds including China's zero-COVID strategy, a property slump and global recession risks.

"We see property being much less of a drag to GDP (gross domestic product) growth in 2023," said Tao Wang, chief China economist at UBS Investment Bank Research.

The Hang Seng Mainland Properties Index jumped more than 13.5% to close at a two-month high, with the share prices of many Chinese property developers posting double-digit gains.

Country Garden rallied 45.5% to hit an over three-month high. Logan Group, KWG Group, Agile Group and R&F Properties all rose more than 30%.

A dollar bond of defaulted Yango Group due 2023 rose 1.787 cents on the dollar to 2.712 in early trade, according to data from Duration Finance. Powerlong Real Estate's April 2025 bond was traded at 9.275 cents, 3.055 cents higher than Friday. Their bonds also surged onshore.

Two sources told Reuters on Sunday a notice to financial institutions from the People's Bank of China (PBOC) and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) outlined 16 steps to support the property sector, including loan repayment extensions.

PBOC and CBIRC have not responded to Reuters' requests for comment.

Meanwhile, the CBIRC on Friday issued a notice allowing commercial banks to issue letters of guarantee to real estate firms for escrow pre-sale housing funds.


Citi said the package signals a major shift in regulators' policy stance on developers, from "imposing restrictions" to "providing support", and "rescuing projects, but not developers" to "rescuing both developers and projects".

The notice "introduced by far the most comprehensive set of support measures for the ailing property market," it said.

Jefferies estimated the package, together with other recent policies, would inject around 1.3 trillion yuan ($183.83 billion) credit into the property sector, largely covering private developers' public bonds and trust products due to mature by end-2023.

Last week, the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors said it would widen a program to support about 250 billion yuan worth of debt sales by private firms, including property developers.

Some investors remained cautious about the impact of the latest policy, however, as regulators have already made many attempts to revive the property sector and the macro environment remains weak amid the country's COVID restrictions.

China's property sector has slowed sharply this year as the government sought to restrict excessive borrowing by developers.

The clampdown has triggered falls in property sales and prices, bond defaults and the suspension of housing construction, angering homeowners which have threatened to stop mortgage payments.

Private data released earlier in November showed home prices in 100 cities dropped for a fourth month in October, while property sales by floor area fell about 20% year-on-year.

"At the end of the day, the rebound of home sales is still needed for an ultimate industry comeback," said James Wong, portfolio manager at GaoTeng Global Asset Management Ltd.

Li Gen, CEO of Beijing BG Capital Management Ltd, which specialises in credit investment, said developers that have not defaulted would benefit the most, but the help would be "less meaningful" for offshore property bonds as it remains unclear how offshore financing could be enhanced.

Citi said the package should also help bank shares as it eases investors' concern on developers' credit risk.

Banks with higher exposure to developers including Ping An Bank, Industrial Bank and China Merchants Bank, would particularly benefit, Citi added.


香港(路透社)- 中國房地產股和債券週一飆升,因市場歡呼北京採取最全面的支持措施,旨在提高該行業的資流動性,這是其穩定世界第二大經濟體關鍵支柱的最新嘗試。

消息人士稱,該一籃子計劃為資金短缺的行業製定了多項融資措施,被分析師譽為 轉折點 , 甚至將其描述為相當於久旱逢甘霖



該計劃在中國國家主席習近平獲得了執政共產黨的第三個任期近一個月出台,當時經濟面臨一系列不利因素,包括中國的零 COVID 戰略、房地產市場低迷和全球衰退風險。

瑞銀投資銀行研究部首席中國經濟學家Tao Wang表示我們認為房地 2023 GDP(國)增長的拖累要小得多了”

恆生內地地產指數升逾 13.5%,收於兩個月高位,多家內房股股價錄得雙位數升幅。

碧桂園大漲 45.5%,創逾三個月新高。龍光集團、合景泰富集團、雅居樂集團和富力地產漲幅均超過30%

根據 Duration Finance 的數據,違約的陽光集團 2023 年到期的美元債券在早盤交易中上漲 1.787 美仙至 2.712 美仙。寶龍地 2025 4 月期債券的交易價格為 9.275 美仙,較上週五上漲 3.055 美仙。他們的在岸債券也飆升。

兩名消息人士周日告訴路透社,中國人民銀行 (PBOC) 和中國銀行保險監督管理委員會 (CBIRC) 向金融機構發出的通知概述了支持房地產行業的 16 項措施,包括延期償還貸款。




花旗表示,該方案標誌著監管機構對開發商的政策立場發生了重大轉變,從施加限制 提供支持 ,從救項目,不救開發商救開發商和項目

花旗稱,該通知 為不景氣的房地產市場推出了迄今為止最全面的一套支持措施

Jefferies 估計,該一籃子計劃連同其他近期政策將為房地產行業注入約 1.3 萬億元人民幣(1,838.3 億美元)的信貸,主要用於覆蓋將於 2023 年底到期的私人開發商的公共債券和信託產品。

上週,National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors 表示,將擴大一項計劃,支持包括房地產開發商在內的民營企業發行價值約 2,500 億元人民幣的債券。

然而,一些投資者對最新政策的影響仍持謹慎態度,因為監管機構已經多次嘗試重振房地產行業,而宏觀環境在該國的 COVID 限制下仍然疲軟。


打壓導致房地產銷售和價格下跌、債券違約和住房建設暫停,激怒了房主, 他們威脅要停止支付抵押的貸款。

11 月初公佈的民間數據顯示,10 100 個城市的房價連續第四個月下跌,而按建築面積計算的房地產銷售同比下降約 20%

 GaoTeng Global Asset Management Ltd 的投資組合經理 James Wong 表示:歸根結底,房屋銷售的反彈仍然需要行業的最終復甦。

專門從事信貸投資的 Beijing BG Capital Management Ltd 首席執行官 Li Gen 表示,沒有違約的開發商將受益最大,但對於離岸房地產債券的幫助將意義不大 ,因為目前尚不清楚離岸融資如何進行強化。



So, Beijing will introduce its “most comprehensive" support measures aimed at boosting liquidity in its latest attempt to stabilize the country’s economy. Some experts think that the rebound of home sales is still needs an ultimate industry comeback. Let’s wait and see how this new round of booster will help China’s economy.


1. Jefferies Group LLC is an American multinational independent investment bank and financial services company that is headquartered in New York City. The firm provides clients with capital markets and financial advisory services, institutional brokerage, securities research, and asset management. (Wikipedia)

2. National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors

National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors helps develop the Chinese interbank bond, interbank lending, foreign exchange, commercial paper and gold markets. The association's membership includes policy, commercial, and credit cooperative banks, insurance companies, securities houses, fund management companies, and trust and investment companies. (https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/NATASZ:CH)

2022年11月27日 星期日

World Population Exceeds 8 billion - Significant Increase in India and Africa

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

世界の人口 80億人突破 インドやアフリカなどで増加が顕著に

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According to the United Nations, the world's population had exceeded 8 billion on the 15th. Population growth was significant in India and African countries, and it was expected that India would overtake China to become the world's most populous country next year.

The world's population continued to grow against the backdrop of increased life expectancy and a decline in maternal and child mortality, with an increase of approximately 1 billion people over the past 12 years, and the United Nations said it had exceeded 8 billion on the 15th.

According to the United Nations, the population in some South Asia countries and in Africa was expected to continue to increase significantly in the future, and India was expected to surpass China next year and become the most populous country in the world.

Also, by 2050, more than half of the world's population was expected to be in countries south of Sahara Desert in Africa.

On the other hand, in 61 countries and regions including Japan, it was predicted that their populations could drop by 1% or more by 2050 due to declining birth rates and other factors.

The pace of global population growth was also gradually slowing, and it was believed that there could b a possibility of a decline after reaching a peak of about 10.4 billion people in the 2080s.

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs said that countries with rapidly growing population need to secure education and job opportunities for young people, while countries that did not expect population growth needed to prepare for declining birthrates and aging populations.

Eight countries would experience significant population growth by 2050

The United Nations had identified eight countries that could experience significant population growth by 2050: India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Egypt, the Philippines, and Tanzania.

In these countries, a factor that would be expected to significantly increase population as pointed out by the United Nations was that while the average life expectancy was increasing, the mortality rate of infants etc. were decreasing.

On the other hand, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs said that the rapid population growth and continued high birth rate could hinder the development of society because the education of children could not keep up.

On top of that, by promoting gender equality, etc., it was said that it could be possible to shift the birth rate that would be too high into a more stable level.

The background of India's population growth

India's current population was approximately 1.4 billion.

Since the 1950s, the government had implemented policies aimed at limiting the number of children for married couples to two to curb the population, contraceptive surgery was also performed, but currently there were no strict restrictions as a country.

Recently, the population was increasing by 1% every year, and one of the reasons believed was a decrease in infant mortality rate due to improvements in the sanitary environment.

According to government statistics, the infant mortality rate dropped from 68 per 1,000 people in 2000 to 28 per 1,000 in 2020.

In addition, as the economy continued to grow rapidly, the average life expectancy had increased from 49.7 years in the early 1970s to 69.7 years in the late 2000s, an increase of 20 years.

The population structure was in a bell shape, with a high percentage of young people who were expected to have children in the future. The population was expected to continue to grow for the time being, and projected to exceed 1.6 billion by 2050.

By 2050, 1 in 4 people would be Africans

The wave of population growth was also hitting Africa, and according to the United Nations, the population of Africa in 2022 could be over 1.4 billion, about 18% of the world's total, and over 2.4 billion people by 2050. It was predicted that 1 in 4 of the population could be African.

High fertility rates were behind the rapid population growth. According to United Nations data, countries south of Sahara had an average index of 4.5 children per woman in their lifetime. This was well above the global average of 2.3.

Furthermore, in Africa not only the population was increasing, but had a special feature that its average age was younger than the rest of the world, making it a highly attractive market and drawing attention from around the world.

In recent years, against the backdrop of the spread of the Internet, many local start-up companies were born to create new services in fields that were facing issues until now, such as healthcare, logistics, and agriculture. Investments from all over the world were attracted here, and in Japan the public and private sectors were actively moving to increase investment.

On the other hand, education and employment could not keep up with the ever-growing population, and widening disparities had become major problems. In addition, poverty and hunger were becoming more serious in some countries. Africa's population problem had become an issue that must be addressed by the world.

United Nations Population Fund “Policies Based on Population Change Data”

Regarding the world population surpassing 8 billion, Ian McFarlane, Director of the Division for Communications and Strategic Partnerships of the UNFPA = United Nations Population Fund, who was visiting Japan, told NHK in an interview that "On the fact that people live longer and fewer women die in childbirth, first of all, we should congratulate that. On the other hand, there will also be voices of concern about the impact on the world, such as the burden on the environment."

On top of that, regarding concerns about food shortages and widening disparities, he said, "In addition to accurately grasping the situation of population fluctuations, we need a legal framework that allows people to enjoy services equally and contribute to society." He pointed out the need to promote policies based on data on population fluctuations, as issues and responsibilities to be addressed by each country could arise.

Also, he said. "In one of the countries with the highest fertility rate, individual woman has nearly seven children, and in most situation, women don't want that many children"; and supposed that “To guarantee women and girls access to health services and contraceptive methods, and also to create an environment where they can make their own decisions about marriage and childbirth will bring about changes to the situation” and stressed the importance of providing education and options to women.

              So, the United Nations has announced that the world's population exceeds 8 billion. Population growth is significant in India and African countries, and it is expected that India will overtake China next year to become the world's most populous country. I am interested in knowing how China leaders will react to a declining population in the country.


1. UNFPA is the United Nations Population Fund, formerly the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, it is a UN agency aimed at improving reproductive and maternal health worldwide. (Wikipedia)

2. Niger or the Niger is officially known as the Republic of the Niger. It is a landlocked country in West Africa. It is bordered by Libya to the northeast, Chad to the east, Nigeria to the south, Benin and Burkina Faso to the southwest, Mali to the west, and Algeria to the northwest. It covers a land area of almost 1,270,000 km2 (490,000 sq mi), making it the second-largest landlocked country in West Africa after Chad. Over 80% of its land area lies in the Sahara. Its predominantly Muslim population of about 25 million live mostly in clusters in the further south and west of the country. The capital Niamey is located in Niger's southwest corner.  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niger)

2022年11月25日 星期五


Germany's Scholz visits Vietnam as manufacturers eye shift from China

Sun, November 13, 2022 at 7:02 p.m.

By Francesco Guarascio

HANOI (Reuters) - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz discussed energy and trade ties with Vietnam's Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh during a visit to Hanoi on Sunday, the first for a German leader in more than a decade.

Scholz's stop in Vietnam on his way to the G20 leaders' summit in Indonesia, highlights Vietnam's growing role in global supply chains as many German firms consider diversifying their manufacturing operations by expanding their presence beyond China, their main hub in Asia.

At a joint news conference with Chinh, Scholz said Berlin wanted deeper trade relations with Vietnam and would support the country's transition to a greener economy, including through the expansion of the metro system in Hanoi, Vietnam's capital.

The Hanoi visit follows Scholz's trip to China last week, the first by a Western leader in three years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. He will next visit Singapore before heading to the G20 summit on Nov 15-16.

Vietnam and Singapore are the only countries in Southeast Asia that have a free trade agreement with the European Union. As a result, they are the EU's biggest trading partners in the region.

Germany is Vietnam's second-largest trading partner among EU states after the Netherlands, with exchanges worth $7.8 billion last year, according to law firm Dezan Shira - far less however than the United States, China, Japan and South Korea.

About 500 German firms operate in Vietnam, of which around 80 have manufacturing plants in the country, according to the German chamber of commerce in Vietnam, AHK.

Among them are engineering giant Bosch, energy firm Messer, and several smaller companies involved in the global automotive supply chain.

Many more are looking to diversify some of their activities away from China where about 5,000 German companies operate, AHK head in Vietnam, Marko Walde, told Reuters.

Over 90% of German firms planning such a move look at Southeast Asia as their preferred choice, Walde said, noting that Vietnam and Thailand were favourites in the region.

(Reporting by Francesco Guarascio; additional reporting by Sarah Marsh in Berlin)


內(路透社)- 德國總理舒爾茨在週日訪問河內期間, 與越南總理范明正討論了能源和貿易關係,這是十多年來德國領導人首次訪問河內。

舒爾茨在前往印度尼西亞參加 G20 領導人峰會的途中在越南停留,這突顯了越南在全球供應鏈中日益重要的作用,因為許多德國公司正在考慮通過將業務擴展到亞洲主要樞紐 -中國- 以外的地區來實現製造業務多元化。

在與范明正的聯合新聞發布會上,舒爾茨 表示,柏林希望與越南建立更深層次的貿易關係,並將支持該國向綠色經濟轉型,包括通過擴建越南首都河內的地鐵系統。

內訪問是舒爾茨繼上周訪問中國之後進行的,這是自 COVID-19 大流行開始之後三年來,西方領導人的首次訪問。他接下來將訪問新加坡,然後前往 11 15 日至 16 日舉行的 G20 峰會。


根據 Dezan Shira 律師事務所的數據,德國是歐盟國家与越南的第二大貿易夥伴, 僅次於荷蘭,去年的貿易額為 78 億美元,但遠低於美國、中國、日本和韓國。

據越南德國商會 AHK 稱,約有 500 家德國公司在越南開展業務,其中約 80 家在該國設有製造廠。


AHK 在越南的負責人 Marko Walde 告訴路透社,還有更多的人希望將他們的一些活動從中國轉移到中國以外的地方,在中國有大約 5,000 家德國公司。

Walde 說,超過 90% 的德國公司計劃採取這樣的行動,將東南亞視為他們的首選,並指出越南和泰國是該地區的最愛。

So, about 5,000 German companies are operating in China and some people has estimated that over 90% of German firms plan to diversify their activities away from China to Southeast Asia and that Vietnam and Thailand are their favorite locations. I am wondering how this will affect China’s production activities.

2022年11月24日 星期四

US plans to purchase 100,000 shells from South Korea for use in Ukraine

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

米、韓国から砲弾10万発の購入を計画 ウクライナ供与用に

2022.11.12 Sat posted at 18:00 JST

 (CNN) 米国がウクライナに供与する砲弾10万発を韓国の兵器メーカーから購入する計画であることが分かった。米当局者が明らかにした。ウクライナでの高烈度戦闘に使用可能な兵器を確保する幅広い取り組みの一環となる。








(CNN) It was understood that the United States had planned to buy 100,000 rounds of artillery for Ukraine from a South Korean weapons maker, a U.S. officials made clear that. It was part of a broader effort to secure weapons that could be used for high-intensity fighting in Ukraine.

The United States would purchase 100,000 155mm high-explosive shells, which could be in the form of handing over them to Ukraine through the United States.

The deal would allow South Korea to maintain its pledge not to provide lethal weapons to Ukraine. South Korea's defense ministry said in a statement Monday morning that it had not changed its position on not supplying weapons to Ukraine and believed the United States would be the end user of artillery ammunition.

The south Korea’s Defense Ministry said in a statement that "Negotiations continue between US and South Korean companies to export artillery ammunition to fill US stock shortages of 155mm ammunition", the Pentagon in a statement said it was discussing a "potential sale" of ammunition purchased from South Korea by the United States.

However, statements from South Korea and the United States made it clear that negotiations that had been going on for months and had yet to be finalized. Buying such a large amount of ammunition would be a very sensitive issue for South Korea, especially given North Korea's recent missile launches and weapons tests.

South Korea, as a member of the U.S.-established “Ukraine Defense Contact Group”, had publicly refused to provide lethal weapons to Ukraine, confining it to non-lethal aid such as medicines and bulletproof vests, as well as humanitarian aid.

About this case, it was first reported by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). The United States had recently warned that North Korea was secretly supplying Russia with ammunition for use in the Ukraine war.

So, South Korea previously has publicly refused to provide lethal weapons to Ukraine. I am interested in knowing how the US will overcome this political inconvenience as I believe that the American will eventually get the artillery ammunition.

2022年11月22日 星期二

Japanese believed to have fought in Ukraine dies - Government official

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

ウクライナで戦っていたとみられる日本人男性死亡 政府関係者

20221111 454











A Japanese government official said that a Japanese who was believed to have entered Ukraine to fight against the Russian army had died.

After receiving information that a Japanese had died in the fighting in Ukraine, the Japanese government requested information from the Ukrainian side through the local Japanese embassy.

As a result, according to Japanese government officials, it was understood that a Japanese in his 20s died in the fighting in Ukraine.

The man who was believed to have fought on the Ukrainian side to join the fighting against the Russian army died on the 9th of this month.

No further details were known, including in which part of Ukraine he died in the fighting.

Currently, the embassy was contacting his family in Japan.

People involved said that this was the first time a Japanese died in Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Information was posted on social media that a “Japanese volunteer soldier” who had fought against the Russian army died in Ukraine. Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno at a press conference on the 10th confirmed the facts to make clear the case.

The Japanese government had issued an evacuation advisory from Ukraine, and called on people to stop traveling there for any purpose.

              So, a Japanese who was believed to have fought for the Ukrainian against the Russian army died.   My salute goes to this Japanese volunteer soldier.

2022年11月21日 星期一

Ukrainian War Accelerates Shift in Energy Sources, a Major Transformation - said IEA

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2022.11.05 Sat posted at 17:30 JST

  (CNN) 国際エネルギー機関(IEA)は5日までに、ウクライナに侵攻したロシアの化石燃料の輸出が減少の一途をたどっていることを受け、より持続可能で安定したエネルギー源確保への移行が世界規模で加速する可能性があるとの報告書を公表した。











  (CNN) On the 5th, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said Russia's incursion into Ukraine had led to a shift to more sustainable and stable energy sources as fossil fuel exports continued to decline. A report released said that a global transition to more sustainable and stable energy sources could be accelerating.

As highlighted in the annual “World Energy Outlook”, its analysis saw a recognition that the international energy market was in the midst of a "major shift".

As many countries were trying to adapt to new conditions after Russia's energy exported to Europe had dwindled. It also expected that global carbon emissions could hit a record high in 2025.

Again, as the first time for the IEA to forecast energy resource supply and demand, it said that there was a possibility that global demand for all fossil fuels could reach a peak or flat level before reaching a plateau in the mid-2030s.

Energy markets and related policies had been transformed by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, said IEA Director General Birol, noting that the repercussions would not only be a problem for now but would also last for decades to come.

According to the World Energy Outlook, the analysis was that many governments facing the energy crisis were taking measures based not only on short-term consumer protection measures but also on long-term prospects. It said that some governments were looking to diversify their oil and natural gas sources, and many were also looking to accelerate structural change in energy policy,

The IEA estimated that global investment in clean energy could swell to more than $2 trillion annually by 2030. It would mean an increase of 50% or more compared to the current situation.

The IEA also predicted that Russia, the largest exporter of fossil fuels, would never regain a strong foothold in international energy markets. It said the invasion of Ukraine had broken its relations with the European market, and judged that this would expose Russian to a significant loss of status in the energy market.

The director-general said on the 3rd that based on recent trends and foreseeable developments in global and European gas markets, he would claim that in the coming winter Europe were poised to face greater challenges in gas procurement.  

IEA stressed the need for European governments to take swift action to avoid further gas shortages, and stressed the importance of urgent action to improve the efficiency of energy use and to accelerate the development of renewable energy. It also called for the introduction of other measures to structurally reduce gas demand.

              So, according to IEA, Russia's incursion into Ukraine has led to a shift to more sustainable and stable energy sources as fossil fuel exports continue to decline. It also predicts that Russia may face a significant loss of status in the energy market.

2022年11月20日 星期日

Canadian Public Broadcasting to close Beijing bureau - visa not issued by Chinese government

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

カナダ公共放送 北京支局を閉鎖へ 中国政府からビザ発給されず

2022114 718








Canadian public broadcaster CBC announced that it would close its branch office in Beijing because the Chinese government was unable to issue journalist visas. China's foreign ministry claimed that as there were no resident reporters for a long time, it supposed that the reporters had finished operation.

Canadian public broadcaster CBC announced on the 2nd that it closed a branch office in Beijing of China which had been open for more than 40 years.

According to the CBC, after a journalist stationed in Beijing returned to home due to the spread of the new coronavirus, two years ago in October 2020 a successor reporter applied for a visa, and although he had appealed to the Chinese side, it was said that the visa had not been issued.

Regarding this, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said at a press conference on the 3rd that ``CBC reporter left the post two years ago by himself, and according to regulations, if there are no resident reporters for more than 10 months, they consider the office has finished its work"; and he emphasized that ' Chinese laws must be complied with.'

Four years ago, Canadian authorities arrested the vice chairman of Huawei who was a major Chinese telecommunications equipment maker while Chinese authorities detained two Canadians, there was tension for a while.

In addition, China government last year about British’s public broadcaster the BBC international broadcasting, was not pleased with its overseas media reports and regarded them as contrary to the truth and harmed the interests of the country, had banned BBC broadcasting in China etc.

So, CBC announces that it will close its branch office in Beijing because the Chinese government does not issue journalist visas. Four years ago, Canadian authorities arrested the vice chairman of Huawei, and since then the relation between the two countries has not been smooth. I always think that Canada, Australia and England are trouble makers in the eyes of China.