2024年4月29日 星期一

中國要求電信公司逐步淘汰外國晶片,對英特爾、AMD造成打擊 - 華爾街日報

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

China tells telecom firms to phase out foreign chips in blow to Intel, AMD - WSJ

Updated Fri, April 12, 2024 at 7:25 a.m. PDT

(Reuters) -Chinese officials directed the country's largest telecom carriers earlier this year to phase out foreign chips that are key to their networks by 2027, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing people familiar with the development.

The move would impact U.S. chip giants Intel and Advanced Micro Devices, according to the report. Their shares were down more than 1.5% in premarket trading.

Intel declined to comment, while AMD did not respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Beijing has ramped up efforts to replace Western-made technology with domestic alternatives amid Sino-U.S. tensions, as Washington tightens curbs on high-tech exports to its rival, Reuters reported late last year.

State-owned enterprises were instructed in 2022 to replace office software systems with domestic products by 2027, the first time such specific deadlines were imposed, according to five brokerage firms that cited a September 2022 order from China's state asset regulator. Reuters could not independently verify the order.

China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ordered state-owned mobile operators to inspect their networks for non-Chinese semiconductors and map out timelines to replace them, the WSJ report said.

Beijing had introduced guidelines to phase out U.S. chips from Intel and AMD from government personal computers and servers, the Financial Times had reported in March.

China was Intel's largest market last year and was responsible for more than 27% of its total revenue.

Procurements by Chinese telecom carriers show they are increasingly switching to domestic options. This has been made possible in part by the improved quality and stability of local chips, according to the WSJ report.

(Reporting by Akanksha Khushi and Harshita Mary Varghese in Bengaluru; Editing by Arun Koyyur and Pooja Desai)


(路透社) - 根據《華爾街日報》週五援引知情人士的話報道,中國官員今年早些時候指示該國最大的電信運營商到 2027 年逐步淘汰對其網絡中重要的外國晶片。

報導稱,此舉將影響美國晶片巨擘英特爾(Intel)和超微半導體(AMD)公司。 他們的股價在盤前交易中下跌超過 1.5%

英特爾拒絕置評,而 AMD 也沒有回應路透社的置評請求。


五家券商引述中國國資監管機構 2022 9 月的命令稱,國有企業在2022年被要求到 2027 年之時用國產產品替換辦公軟體系統,這是首次這樣規定具體期限。 路透社無法獨立核實該命令。

《華爾街日報》報道稱,中國工業和資訊化部命令國有流動電話營運商去檢查其網路中, 是否有非中國的半導體,並制定更換時間表。

根據英國《金融時報》3 月報道,北京已出台指導方針,逐步從政府個人電腦和伺服器中淘汰英特爾和 AMD 的美國晶片。


中國電信業者的採購顯示他們越來越多地轉向國內選擇。 根據《華爾街日報》報道,這在一定程度上是因為本地晶片品質和穩定性已提高。

So, China's largest telecom carriers will phase out foreign chips that are key to their networks, and chips from Intel and AMD are the targets. It seems that trade protectionism is getting grounds globally.

2024年4月27日 星期六

15 分鐘內暴跌99%發生後,中國水泥製造商停牌

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Chinese Cement Maker Halted After 99% Crash in 15 Minutes

Bloomberg News

Wed, April 10, 2024 at 12:35 a.m. PDT

(Bloomberg) -- A Chinese cement producer was in the spotlight after it suspended stock trading Wednesday, following a selloff that nearly wiped out all its market value in the final 15 minutes of the previous session.

China Tianrui Group Cement Co. said trading in its Hong Kong-listed shares has been halted from 9 a.m. local time, pending an announcement related to inside information, according to an exchange filing.

Based in the central Henan province, Tianrui’s stock plunged 99% to about HK$0.05 Tuesday, cutting its market capitalization to HK$141 million ($18 million). During the selloff, about 281 million shares, or a third of the firm’s free float, changed hands. Of that amount, more than 80 million shares were traded during the final few minutes of the session known as the closing auction.

Tianrui’s abrupt and dramatic stock rout is a reminder of the risks associated with obscure Chinese firms with a high concentration of shareholding and those that engage in financing practices such as using shares as debt collateral. The loss-making company’s woes also come at a time when an unprecedented housing crisis is causing increased stress among the country’s property developers and construction firms.

“When there is a relatively large selling order, it is easy to trigger panic since there are not enough buyers,” said Steven Leung, executive director at UOB Kay Hian in Hong Kong, adding that penny stocks are prone to sudden plunges given thin liquidity. “It could also come from margin calls if the major shareholder pledged the stocks.”

Tianrui’s controlling shareholder Li Liufa and his spouse jointly own approximately 70% of the company, according to a filing in January. The cement producer also announced at that time that it pledged 97 million shares, or 3.3% of its total, to secure a 12-month loan of up to 166.5 million yuan.

The company’s investor relations officials couldn’t be reached for comment when contacted by Bloomberg. It also didn’t immediately respond to a written request for comment.

Tianrui swung to a net loss of 634 million yuan ($87.7 million) last year, from a profit of 449 million yuan in 2022. It cited weak demand resulting from China’s property downturn, intensifying market competition and high raw material costs as reasons.

Listed in Hong Kong in 2011, the company has an annual cement output capacity of about 58 million tons, with its business primarily focused on central and northern China, according to its official website. It also said its products were used in major domestic infrastructure projects such as high-speed rail lines.


(彭博)週三,一家中國水泥生產商暫停股票交易,該公司在前一交易日最後 15 分鐘的拋售中幾乎抹去了其所有市值,該公司成為眾人關注的焦點。

根據一份交易所備案文件,中國天瑞集團水泥有限公司表示,其在香港上市的股票已於當地時間上午 9 點起停,等待與內部消息相關的公告。

天瑞總部位於河南省中部,週二股價暴跌 99%,至 0.05 港元左右,市值降至 1.41 億港元(1,800 萬美元)。 拋售期間,約 2.81 億股(即該公司自由流通股的三分之一)易手。 其中,超過 8000 萬股在收市競價交易時段的最後幾分鐘進行了交易。

天瑞的股價突然暴跌提醒人們,股權高度集中、不知名的中國公司以及從事以股票作為債務抵押品等融資行為的公司所面臨的風險。 這家虧損公司陷入困境之際,前所未有的住房危機正在給該國的房地產開發商和建築公司帶來更大的壓力。

香港 UOB Kay Hian 執行董事 Steven Leung 表示,「當賣單相對較大時,很容易引發恐慌,因為沒有足夠的買家」。他補充說,由於流動性低,細價股很容易突然暴跌。 「如果大股東抵押了股票,突然暴跌也可能來自追加保證金」。

根據1月的文件,天瑞的控股股東 Li Liufa 及其配偶共同擁有該公司約70%的股份。 該水泥生產商當時也宣布,它抵押了9,700萬股股份,佔總股本的3.3%,以獲得高達1.665億元人民幣的為期12個月的貸款。

彭博社未能接觸該公司投資者關係官員請求置評。 它亦沒有對請求書面評論作出立即回應。


據其官網介紹,該公司於2011年在香港上市,水泥年產能約5,800萬噸,業務主要集中在華中和華北地區。 該公司還表示,其產品是被用於高鐵等國內重大基礎設施項目。

              So, Tianrui’s abrupt and dramatic stock rout is a reminder of the risks associated with obscure Chinese firms that have a high concentration of shareholding. This company is making a loss due to an unprecedented housing crisis that causes stress to property developers and construction firms.


1. China Tianrui Group Cement Company Limited (中國天瑞集團水泥) was founded in 2000 by Li Fashen and Tianrui Group Casting Co., Ltd. Its business focuses on the domestic mining and utilization of limestone, as well as the production and sales of cement. The headquarters is located at Ruzhou City, Henan Province, China.

2. Closing auction (收市競價交易時段),which allows execution at the closing price, is a trading mechanism commonly used in securities markets across the globe.  During a closing auction, market participants interested in trading at the closing price may input buy and sell orders.  Then their orders interact with each other to form a consensus closing price for each security, and orders are executed at that price. (https://www.hkex.com.hk/Global/Exchange/FAQ/)

3. According to IFEC (投委會)in Hong Kong, a closing auction session (CAS) was introduced by the HKEX on 25 July 2016. It extends trading by an extra 8-10 minutes to all equities and funds to meet the needs of some investors, such as index fund managers, to trade at the closing price. (https://www.ifec.org.hk/web/tc/investment/investment-products/stock/stock-trading/)

For comparation and clarity purposes, a Chinese version of the above paragraph is attached:

收市競價交易時段 (closing auction session) 是一種以單一價格競價的交易機制,買家和賣家在該時段輸入買賣訂單,而交易系統在收集有關的訂單後,會因應訂單的互動,得出一個可以完成最多交易的價格,即收市價。之後,按照買賣盤類別、價格和時間的排序,買賣訂單會以這個單一價格依次進行配對和交易。(https://www.ifec.org.hk/web/tc/investment/investment-products/stock/stock-trading/)

2024年4月25日 星期四

U.S. Tesla's new car sales in the January-March period were 387,000 units, significantly lower than expected

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

米テスラの新車販売、1~3月期は38.7万台 予想を大幅に下回る

2024.04.03 Wed posted at 16:17 JST

ニューヨーク(CNN) 米電気自動車(EV)大手テスラは2日、1~3月期の新車販売台数が市場予想をはるかに下回り、前年同期より大幅に少ない約38万7000台にとどまったことを明らかにした。







New York (CNN) U.S. electric vehicle (EV) giant Tesla announced on the 2nd that sales of new cars in the January-March period were far below market expectations, reaching around 387,000 units, significantly lower than the same period last year.

The number of units sold decreased significantly from 484,507 units recorded in the October-December period last year. In the January-March period last year, the number was 422,875 units.

Tesla announced that it produced 433,000 cars in the January-March period. Sales were expected to be between 414,000 and 440,000 units.

Tesla responded to increased competition by lowering prices, resulting in declining profit margins. The company's stock price had fallen by more than 30% since the beginning of this year, as the company failed to meet investors' expectations for sales growth. Stock price fell another 5% on the market on the 2nd.

Tesla cited shipping disruptions in the Middle East and the Red Sea as reasons for the decline in sales, as well as the suspension of operations due to a fire at a factory in Germany, but a slowdown in demand as a result of intensifying competition in the EV industry was also seen as a major factor.

In terms of EV sales, while Chinese giant BYD overtook Tesla to become the world's top EV seller, but in the January-March period, sales stood at 300,114 units, a significant decrease from 525,409 units in the October-December period last year with Tesla regaining the lead.

So, Tesla announced that sales of new cars in the January-March period were far below market expectations. Intensifying competition in the EV industry is cited a major factor in a slowdown in demand for Tesla cars. Obviously Chinese giant BYD, with its low priced-cars, is a successful competitor in the sales of EV globally

2024年4月23日 星期二

Open AI: Development of generative AI that reproduces human voices, there are also concerns about the risk of misuse

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

オープンAI 人の声を再現する生成AI開発 悪用リスク懸念も

2024330 2154


アメリカのベンチャー企業、オープンAI29日、人の声を再現する生成AIVoice Engine」を開発したと発表しました。







Open AI, an American venture company, announced that it had developed a generative AI that could reproduce human voice. While the company said it could be useful for supporting people who were unable to speak the language due to illness or other reasons, they were not making it publicly available at this time to avoid the risk of it being misused in elections etc.

Open AI, an American venture company, announced on the 29th that it had developed a generative AI "Voice Engine" that reproduced the human voice.

After you recorded an original voice for 15 seconds, then keyed in a sentence that you wanted to say, this sentence would be read out in exactly like the original voice.

It was also possible to translate audio into foreign languages while preserving the original accent.

Regarding generative AI, this Open AI could be used to support people who could not speak the language well due to illness, etc., and for companies to disseminate information to foreign countries.

On the other hand, concerns had been raised regarding generative AI that it could be misused to spread false information in elections etc.  Open AI supposed that "We recognize that there are serious risks in producing sounds that resemble the human voice. This is especially important in years when there are elections."

For this reason, the service would not be fully released to the public at this time, and it was necessary to take measures to prevent abuse, such as creating a mechanism to prevent the reproduction of celebrity voices.

So, Open AI has developed a generative AI that could reproduce the human voice.  Such a device could help the making of fake new for the purpose of spreading false information or false message to confuse others. In future we should take extra care when we receive important voices messages.

2024年4月21日 星期日

大量廉價中國商品湧入世界並加劇貿易緊張 (2/2)

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

A glut of cheap Chinese goods is flooding the world and stoking trade tensions (2/2)

Analysis by Hanna Ziady and Laura He, CNN

Thu, March 28, 2024 at 4:42 a.m. PDT


Earlier this month, Premier Li Qiang, Xi’s number two, told China’s parliament that the government would focus on exporting more of the country’s “new trio” of products, namely EVs, lithium batteries and solar panels.

Eskelund of the European Union Chamber of Commerce says the organization is seeing “overcapacity across the board” in China, whether in the production of chemicals, metals or EVs.

“We haven’t seen all that capacity coming online just yet. This is something that’s going to hit markets over the next few years,” he added.

Trade tensions mount

Beijing is aware of China’s overcapacity problem, acknowledging it as an issue for the first time in almost a decade at an annual meeting of senior officials in December.

But on the eve of this week’s China Development Forum, several Chinese state-owned media outlets published editorials challenging the notion that China’s supply glut poses a threat to other economies.

“What China exports is advanced production capacity that meets the needs of foreign customers,” Xinhua News Agency wrote.

Washington and Brussels have a different view, however. US President Joe Biden recently pledged to investigate whether imports of Chinese vehicles pose a national security threat.

“A dynamic auto industry is vital to the US economy,” he said in a statement last month. “China is determined to dominate the future of the auto market, including by using unfair practices. China’s policies could flood our market with its vehicles, posing risks to our national security.”

The EU, meanwhile, is looking into China’s state support for EV makers, which it suspects may be enabling these firms to keep prices super-low, creating unfair competition with European rivals.

European officials are also considering whether existing measures to safeguard the EU steel industry should be extended or adjusted, as well as investigating allegations of biodiesel dumping by China following a complaint by European producers. Biodiesel is a renewable alternative to fossil fuels used in the EU’s transport sector.

The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, said in December that it might impose tariffs on Chinese biodiesel imports if dumping was confirmed.

China, for its part, is fighting back. It said this week that it had filed a complaint with the WTO to contest “discriminatory subsidy policies” for EVs under Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. Earlier this year, Beijing opened an anti-dumping investigation into brandy imported from the EU.

If there is a silver lining to China’s influence in global trade, it’s that it should help keep goods prices and overall inflation in check in advanced economies this year, according to Jennifer McKeown, chief global economist at Capital Economics.

“But perhaps more importantly, persistent oversupply and low prices of Chinese goods will add to geopolitical tensions and keep the threat of tariffs and counter-tariffs alive,” she wrote in a recent note. And these could ultimately raise inflation in the years ahead, she said.

 - Shawn Deng contributed reporting.




歐盟商會的 Eskelund 表示,該組織發現中國全面產能過剩 ,無論是化學品、金屬還是電動車的生產。

他補充道: 「我們仍未看到那些能已被用盡。 它是一些將在未來幾年內進入市場的東西」。


北京已經意識到它的產能過剩問題,並在去年 12 月舉行的高級官員年度會議上, 近十年來首次承認這一問題。

但在本週的中國發展高層論壇 前夕,多家中國國有媒體發表社論,質疑中國供應過剩對其他經濟體構成威脅的觀點。

新華社寫道: 「中國出口的是滿足外國客戶需求的先進產能」。

然而,華盛頓和布魯塞爾卻有不同的看法。 美國總統拜登最近承諾調查中國進口車是否構成國家安全威脅。

他在上個月的聲明中表示: 「擁有一個充滿活力的汽車產業對美國經濟至關重要」。 「中國決心主導汽車市場的未來,包括採取不公平的做法。 中國的政策可能會使它的汽車充斥我們的市場,對我們的國家安全構成風險」。


歐洲官員也正在考慮是否應該延長或調整現有的保護歐盟鋼鐵工業的措施,並在歐洲生產商提出投訴後調查中國生物柴油傾銷的指控。 生物柴油是歐盟在運輸方面使用的化石燃料的可再生替代品。


就中國而言,它正在反擊。 它本週表示,已向世貿組織提出申訴,質疑拜登《通膨削減法案》下針對電動車的「歧視性補貼政策」。 今年早些時候,北京對從歐盟進口的白蘭地啟動了反傾銷調查。

Capital Economics 首席全球經濟學家 Jennifer McKeown 表示,如果說中國在全球貿易中的影響力還有一線希望的話,那就是它應該幫助控制發達經濟體今年的商品價格和整體通膨。

她在最近的一份報告中寫道: 「但也許更重要的是,中國商品持續供過於求和低價, 將加劇地緣政治緊張局勢,並使關稅和反關稅威脅持續存在」。說,這些最終可能會加劇未來幾年的通膨。

              So, China’s factories are producing more steel, cars and solar panels than its slowing economy can use, forcing a flood of cheap exports into foreign markets. These goods create tensions with its major trading partners, including the United States and the European Union. China’s global trade surplus is now approaching $1 trillion. Probably the persistent oversupply of low-price Chinese goods will add to geopolitical tensions and keep the threat of tariffs and counter-tariffs alive, thus creating inflation globally.


1. China Development Forum (中國發展高層論壇) is a high level and annual international forum initiated in 2000 by China Development Research Foundation of the Republic of China's State Council. Initially it was conceived by former Premier Zhu Rongji. The forum aims to strengthen communication at high level between China and the world. (Wikipedia)

2024年4月19日 星期五

大量廉價中國商品湧入世界並加劇貿易緊張 (1/2)

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

A glut of cheap Chinese goods is flooding the world and stoking trade tensions (1/2)

Analysis by Hanna Ziady and Laura He, CNN

Thu, March 28, 2024 at 4:42 a.m. PDT

China’s factories are churning out more steel, cars and solar panels than its slowing economy can use, forcing a flood of cheap exports into foreign markets.

The oversupply of Chinese goods in key industries is stoking tensions between the world’s biggest manufacturer and its major trading partners, including the United States and the European Union. Its global trade surplus in goods has soared and is now approaching $1 trillion.

The United States and the EU are fretting over potential “dumping” by China — that is, exporting goods at artificially low prices — with electric vehicles among the products caught in the crosshairs.

“Europe cannot just accept that strategically viable industries constituting the European industrial base are being priced out of the market,” Jens Eskelund, president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, told reporters earlier this month.

But China needs to increase exports as a key measure to revive its economy, which is grappling with a protracted property slump, weak household spending and a shrinking population among other problems.

Beijing is now focusing on higher-value exports, after investing billions into advanced manufacturing. But the move is badly timed, coming amid slower economic growth globally and a shift by Western consumers from pandemic-era spending on goods to travel and leisure.

It is also coming up against a push by Europe and the United States to reduce their dependence on China and boost local manufacturing, creating jobs — including through the Net-Zero Industry Act and the Inflation Reduction Act respectively.

“It is hard for me to imagine that Europe would just sit by and quietly witness (its own) accelerated de-industrialization… because of the externalization of low domestic demand in China,” Eskelund said.

According to China’s National Bureau of Statistics, prices of Chinese exports are at their lowest level since 2009, when the West was reeling from the global financial crisis.

And China’s surplus in goods trade has more than doubled since the pandemic, according to Brad W. Setser, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. In 2019, the country exported an estimated $400 billion more in goods than it imported — a surplus that ballooned to $900 billion last year.

From clothes to cars

China’s exports of low-priced goods got a boost after it joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. Its economy and heft as a manufacturer have also grown substantially since then.

Having conquered the production of clothing and consumer electronics, China has come to dominate electric vehicles, solar panels and wind turbines — industries viewed as strategically important in Europe and the United States as they seek to green their economies and reduce planet-heating pollution.

Europe’s solar panel producers have been all but wiped out by Chinese competition, and the same fate threatens its wind industry.

“European companies could fall behind (Chinese manufacturer) Goldwind, which already offers its turbines well below the price of the established (European) manufacturers,” Markus W. Voigt, CEO of the Aream Group, an asset manager specializing in renewable energy, said in a statement this month.

In the last three months of 2023, China’s BYD overtook Tesla (TSLA) as the top seller of EVs worldwide, capping an extraordinary rise for the Warren Buffett-backed carmaker. Compared with Tesla, BYD’s cars are more affordable, which has helped it attract a wider range of buyers. Its entry-level model sells in China for the equivalent of just under $10,000. The cheapest Tesla car, a Model 3, costs almost $39,000.

Alongside “surging EV exports,” China manufactures 80% of the world’s solar panels and makes more wind turbines than any other country, Setser wrote in a recent note. “Chinese policy continues to emphasize upgrading China’s capacity in advanced manufacturing as a major driver of future growth,” he added.

(to be continued)



中國商品在關鍵產業的供應過剩, 正在加劇全球最大製造商與其主要貿易夥伴之間的緊張關係,包括美國和歐盟。 中國全球貨物貿易順差飆升,目前已接近1兆美元。


中國歐盟商會會長 Jens Eskelund 本月稍早對記者表示:「歐洲不能呆着地接受其構成戰略上可行的歐洲工業基礎, 因高價格而被擠出市場」。


北京在向先進製造業投資數十億美元後,現在將重點放在高價值的出口上。 但這項措施的時機並不恰當,因為全球經濟成長放緩,西方消費者從疫情時期的商品消費轉向於旅行和休閒。

中國也面臨歐洲和美國推動減少對它的依賴、他們努力促進自己的製造業、去創造就業的機會- 包括分別通過淨零工業法案和通膨削減法案。

Eskelund : 「我很難想像,由於中國國內需求低迷的外向化,歐洲會袖手旁觀,靜靜地見證(其自身的)工業化的加速」。

根據中國國家統計局的數據,中國出口價格處於 2009年以來的最低水平,當時西方正遭受全球金融危機的影響。

美國外交關係委員會高級研究員 Brad W. Setser 表示,自疫情爆發以來,中國的貨物貿易順差增加了一倍以上。 2019年,該國的商品出口額估計比進口額多了4,000億美元 - 去年順差激增至9,000億美元。



在征服了服裝和消費性電子產品的生產之後,中國已開始主導電動車、太陽能電池板和風力渦輪機 - 這些產業在歐洲和美國正在尋求綠色經濟和減少地球暖化問題之際, 被視為具有戰略重要性。


專注於再生能源的資產管理公司 Aream Group 首席執行官 Markus W. Voigt 在本月的聲明中表示: 「歐洲公司可能會落後於(中國製造商)金風科技,金風科技提供的渦輪機價格已經遠低於老牌(歐洲)製造商的價格」。

2023 年最後三個月,中國比亞迪 (BYD)超越特斯拉 (TSLA),成為全球電動車銷量最高的公司,為這家巴菲特支持的汽車製造商的非凡冒昇畫上句號。 與特斯拉相比,比亞迪的汽車價格更便宜,這有助於它吸引更廣泛的買家。 其入門級型號在中國的售價略低於 10,000 美元。 最便宜的特斯拉汽車 Model 3 售價近 39,000 美元。

Setser 在最近的一份報告中寫道,除了「電動車出口激增」之外,中國還生產了全球 80% 的太陽能電池板,並生產了比其他國家更多的風力渦輪機。 他補充道: 「中國政策繼續強調提升中國先進製造能力,將其作為未來成長的主要驅動力」。



1. First announced under the Commission's Green Deal Industrial Plan in early 2023, the Net Zero Industry Act (淨零工業法案) is part of the EU's direct response to the US Inflation Reduction Act. It was designed to help the EU reach its 2030 climate targets while boosting the production of key green technologies within the EU. (https://www.wwf.eu/?12836866/nzia-trilogue-pr#)

2. According to the US Department of the Treasury, on August 16, 2022, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) (通膨削減法案) into law, marking one of the largest investments in the American economy, energy security, and climate that Congress has made in the nation’s history. Across the economy, the IRA is creating opportunities to build projects, hire workers, and manufacture equipment needed to strengthen domestic supply chains, lower household energy costs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and pay good wages for those efforts. (https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/inflation-reduction-act#:~:text=)

3. Goldwind Science & Technology Co., Ltd., commonly known as Goldwind (金風科技), is a Chinese multinational wind turbine manufacturer headquartered in Beijing, China. Goldwind was a state-owned enterprise before 2007, with largest shareholders including Hexie Health Insurance, China Three Gorges Renewables Group, and the National Social Security Fund, state-controlled corporations holding almost 40% shares. Its founder, Wu Gang, is a Communist Party member and had a seat in the 12th National People's Congress. (Wikipedia)

2024年4月18日 星期四

Chinese EV giant BYD's net profit increased 80% last year, surpassing Tesla in global sales

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

中国EV大手BYD、昨年の純利益は80%増 世界販売でのテスラ超え受け

2024.03.27 Wed posted at 13:56 JST

香港/ロンドン(CNN) 中国の電気自動車(EV)大手BYDは26日、昨年の純利益が80%以上増加したことを明らかにした。同年には米テスラを抜いて、EV販売台数で世界一の座に就いていた。








Hong Kong/London (CNN) Chinese electric vehicle (EV) giant BYD announced on the 26th that its net profit increased by more than 80% last year. In the same year, it overtook Tesla to become the world's number one EV seller.

According to BYD, its net profit in 2023 would be 30 billion yuan (approximately 630 billion yen), nearly double the 16.6 billion yuan (approximately 350 billion yen) in 2022. It reported that the company had improved its performance despite a "complex external environment." Specifically, citing the situation of high global inflation and slowing growth in most of the world's largest economies.

BYD overtook Tesla to become number one in global EV sales in the October-December period of last year. During the same period, BYD sold 525,409 cars while Tesla sold 484,507.

BYD's global sales for the whole year of 2023 reached a record high of 3.02 million units. It recorded a 62% increase compared to the previous year. Of these, 1.44 million were plug-in hybrid vehicles that Tesla did not sell. On the number of battery-powered EVs sold, Tesla was 1.8 million compared to BYD 1.57 million.

BYD's EVs were cheaper than Tesla's, contributing to their appeal to a wide range of buyers. Compared to BYD's entry-level model could be purchased in China for just over $10,000 (approximately 1.5 million yen), Tesla’s lowest-priced Model 3 costs nearly $39,000.

But intense price competition last year had hurt the profit margins of many Chinese automakers, including BYD.

According to the latest figures from the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA), the country's auto industry's profit margin in 2023 was 5% on average. It continued to decrease at 6.1% in 2021 and to 5.7% in 2022.

So, BYD announces that its net profit had increased by more than 80% last year, overtaking Tesla to become the world's number one EV seller. It is surprising to know that the price difference between the two companies is so huge: $10,000 compared to $39,000. I am wondering what are the reasons for that.

2024年4月17日 星期三

拉詹表示,印度錯誤地相信成長的 “炒作”

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

India Making Mistake Believing ‘Hype’ About Growth, Rajan Says

Anup Roy and Dan Strumpf

Tue, March 26, 2024 at 12:39 a.m. PDT

(Bloomberg) -- India is making a big mistake believing the “hype” around its strong economic growth since there are significant structural problems that need to be fixed for the country to meet its potential, former central bank Governor Raghuram Rajan said.

The biggest challenge a new government must grapple with after elections is improving the education and skills of the workforce, Rajan said in an interview. Without fixing that, India will struggle to reap the benefits of its young population, he said, in a country where more than half of the 1.4 billion population are below the age of 30.

“The greatest mistake India can make is to believe the hype,” he said. “We’ve got many more years of hard work to do to ensure the hype is real. Believing the hype is something politicians want you to believe because they want you to believe that we have arrived.” But it would be a “serious mistake for India to succumb to that” belief, he added.

Dismissing Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambition to make India a developed economy by 2047, Rajan said it was “nonsense” to talk of that goal “if so many of your kids don’t have a high school education” and drop-out rates are high.

“We have a growing workforce, but it is a dividend only if they’re employed in good jobs,” he said. “And that’s, to my mind, the possible tragedy that we face.” India needs to firstly make the workforce more employable, and, secondly, create jobs for the workforce it has, he said.

Rajan cited studies showing a drop in the learning ability of Indian school children to pre-2012 levels after the pandemic, and that only 20.5% of grade three students could read a grade two text. Literacy rates in India also remain below other Asian peers like Vietnam.

“That is the kind of number that should really worry us,” he said. “The lack of human capital will stay with us for decades.”

India needs to do a lot more work to get to 8% growth on a sustainable basis, Rajan said, dampening some of the recent optimism about the economy’s prospects.

Foreign investors have been flocking to India to take advantage of the rapid expansion, which the government predicts will reach more than 7% in the coming fiscal year, making it the fastest-growing major economy in the world.

Rajan said policy choices made by the Modi government to spend more on subsidies for chip manufacturing than the annual budget for higher education were misguided. The subsidies to semi-conductor businesses to set up operations in India was an estimated 760 billion rupees ($9.1 billion), compared with 476 billion rupees allocated for higher education.

Chip Manufacturing

The government was too focused on high-profile projects like chip manufacturing instead of doing the work to fix the education system so it can produce well-trained engineers needed for those industries, he said.

“The ambition of the government is real, to become a great nation,” he said. “Whether they pay attention to what needs to be done is a different question. I worry that we’ve become more fixated on prestige projects, which suggest more great nation ambition, such as chip manufacturing, while leaving the underpinnings that will contribute to a sustainable chip manufacturing industry.”

A professor of finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Rajan is a well-known commentator on the global economy and an outspoken critic of India’s policies. He left the Reserve Bank of India for academia in 2016 after his term as governor wasn’t extended, having come under attack from hardline politicians for his views.

He recently co-authored a book titled Breaking the Mould: Reimagining India’s Economic Future and has been releasing a series of videos on his LinkedIn profile to provide perspective to India’s growth outlook.

Beyond improving education, Rajan highlighted a number of policy priorities for the new administration, including reducing inequality and increasing labor intensive production. He also said India’s governing system was too centralized, and devolving control to states will help improve development.

“What we need is a pragmatic approach,” Rajan said. Quoting China’s former leader Deng Xiaoping, who spearheaded that country’s economic reforms, Rajan said if India learns anything from China, it should be that “it doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white, it matters whether it catches mice,” he said.


(彭博)前央行行長拉古拉姆·拉詹 (Raghuram Rajan) 表示,印度正在犯下一個大錯誤,它相信圍繞其強勁經濟增長的 炒作 ,因為該國需要解決重大結構性問題才能發揮其潛力。

拉詹 (Rajan)在接受採訪時表示,選舉後新政府必須應對的最大挑戰是提高勞動力的教育和技能。 他表示,如果不解決這個問題,印度將很難從年輕人口中獲益,因為印度 14 億人口中有一半以上的年齡在 30 歲以下。

: 「印度可能犯的最大錯誤就是相信炒作」; 「為了確保炒作的容成真,我們還有很多年的努力要做。 政治家希望你相信炒作,因為他們希望你相信大家已經成長」。 但他補充說,「如果印度順從這種信念將是一個嚴重的錯誤」。

拉詹不認同總理莫迪希望到2047 年令印度成為發達經濟體的雄心壯志,他表示,如果這麼多孩子沒有接受過高中教育 ,而且輟學率很高,那麼談論這一目標是「無稽之談」

: 「我們的勞動力不斷增長,但只有當他們從事好工作時,這才是紅利」 「在我看來,這就是我們可能面臨的悲劇」。 他又說,印度首先需要提高勞動力的就業能力,次要為這勞動力創造出就業機會。

拉詹引用的研究顯示,疫情過後,印度學童的學習能力下降至 2012 年之前的水平,並且只有 20.5% 的三年級學生能夠閱讀二年級的課文。 印度的識字率也仍低於越南等其他亞洲國家。

: 「這個數字應該真正讓我們擔心」; 「人力資本的缺乏將伴隨我們數十年」。

拉詹表示,印度需要做更多的工作才能實現可持續的 8% 成長,這話削弱了近期對經濟前景的樂觀情緒。


拉詹表示,莫迪政府做出的政策選擇是錯誤的,即晶片製造補貼的支出超過了高等教育的年度預算。 印度為半導體企業開展業務提供的補貼估計為 7,600 億盧比(91 億美元),而分配給高等教育的補貼為 4,760 億盧比。



: 「政府的雄心壯志是真誠的,去成為一個偉大的國家」 「他們是否關注需要做的事情乃是另一個問題。 我擔心我們變得更加注重面子項目,這些項目隱射了更多一個大國的雄心,例如芯片製造,但這同時偏離了可為持續芯片製造行業做出貢獻的基礎」。

拉詹是芝加哥大學 Booth商學院的金融學教授,是著名的全球經濟評論員,也是印度政策的率直批評者。他因其觀點而受到強硬政客的攻擊, 2016年當他在印度儲備銀行行長的任期沒有延長後,他離開並進入學術界。

他最近與人合著了一本題為《打破陳規:重新構想印度經濟未來》的書,並在他的 LinkedIn 個人資料上發布了一系列短片,為印度的成長前景提供看法。

除了改善教育之外,拉詹還強調了新政府的一些政策優先事項,包括減少不平等和增加勞力密集生產。 他也表示,印度的治理體系過於集權,將控制權下放給各邦將有助於改善發展。

拉詹: 「我們需要的是務實的方法」 拉詹引用了曾帶頭中國經濟改革的前領導人鄧小平的話說,如果印度向中國學習什麼東西,那就應該是「不管黑貓白貓,重要的是它抓到老鼠」。

So, while foreign investors are flocking to India to take advantage of the rapid expansion predicted to reach more than 7%, former India’s central bank Governor says that India is making a big mistake in believing the “hype” around its strong economic growth since there are significant structural problems in India. In mine mind, usually education and health care are the two most important areas in which a government needs to focus upon and spend a large amount of money. It is shocking to know that, as Rajan points out, literacy rate in India is below other Asian peers like Vietnam. Perhaps India’s leaders are holding the view that they should focus on earn money now, and to use the earning to solve social problems afterwards.

2024年4月15日 星期一

There are no clues as to the cause of the passenger plane crash two years ago, Chinese authorities explain

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

2年前の旅客機墜落、原因解明の手がかりなし 中国当局が説明

2024.03.22 Fri posted at 12:06 JST

香港(CNN) 中国航空史上最悪となる132人の死者を出した2年前のボーイング737800型旅客機墜落事故について、中国民用航空局(CAAC)は20日、これまでの調査結果を公表した。









Hong Kong (CNN) The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) released the results of its investigation into the crash of a Boeing 737-800 passenger plane two years ago that killed 132 people, the deadliest crash in Chinese aviation history.

The Civil Aviation Administration of China once again did not go into the cause of the crash, nor did it mention black box data that could provide clues to the cause. Consistent with previous investigations, the company stressed that no problems were found with the aircraft, its crew or the weather before it took off.

China Eastern Airlines Flight 5735 crashed on March 21, 2022 while en route from Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan province, to Guangzhou, southeast China's Guangdong province.

There were speculation in China about the cause of the crash, with some asking why the information from the black box had not been made public.

As of April 2022, the Civil Aviation Administration of China said that the two black boxes recovered from the crashed plane were severely damaged and that data recovery and analysis were underway.

In May of the same year, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing a US official, that the data from the black box recovered from the plane was sent to the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), and as a result of analysis, it was believed that someone in the cockpit caused the crash intentionally.

Meanwhile, the Civil Aviation Administration of China denied that the crash of the plane was intentional. At a press conference in April of the same year, it was emphasized that `Such rumors have caused serious misunderstandings and have hindered the investigation into the accident.''

The investigation was expected to continue, but the announcement that there were no defects or abnormalities in the plane's systems, structure, or engine sparked criticism on Chinese social media. The top comment was ``Assuming everything was normal, either someone on the plane did it intentionally or it was a sudden force majeure.''

So, CAAC releases the results of its investigation into the crash of a Boeing 737-800 passenger plane happened two years ago and says that there were no problems with the aircraft, the crew or the weather before it took off. Many people in the Chinese social media comment that ``Assuming everything was normal, either someone on the plane did it intentionally or it was a sudden force majeure''. What do you think?

2024年4月14日 星期日


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

US surgeons perform first pig-to-human kidney transplant

By Nancy Lapid

March 22, 20242:33 AM PDTUpdated 2 days ago

March 21 (Reuters) - A 62-year-man with end-stage renal disease has become the first human to receive a new kidney from a genetically modified pig, doctors from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston announced on Thursday.

The four-hour surgery, performed on March 16, “marks a major milestone in the quest to provide more readily available organs to patients,” the hospital said in a statement.

The patient, Richard Slayman of Weymouth, Massachusetts, is recovering well and expected to be discharged soon, the hospital said.

Experts are keenly interested in long-term results of the groundbreaking animal-to-human transplant, said Dr. Jim Kim, director of kidney and pancreas transplantation with USC Transplant Institute in Los Angeles.

Slayman had received a transplant of a human kidney at the same hospital in 2018 after seven years on dialysis, but the organ failed after five years and he had resumed dialysis treatments.

The kidney was provided by eGenesis of Cambridge, Massachusetts, from a pig that had been genetically edited to remove genes harmful to a human recipient and add certain human genes to improve compatibility. The company also inactivated viruses inherent to pigs that have the potential to infect humans.

Kidneys from similarly edited pigs raised by eGenesis had successfully been transplanted into monkeys that were kept alive for an average of 176 days, and in one case for more than two years, researchers reported, opens new tab in October in the journal Nature.

Drugs used to help prevent rejection of the pig organ by the patient's immune system included an experimental antibody called tegoprubart, developed by Eledon Pharmaceuticals.

The surgery marks progress in xenotransplantation – the transplanting of organs or tissues from one species to another - said Dr. Robert Montgomery, director of the NYU Langone Transplant Institute, who was not involved in the case.

The field "is marching closer to becoming an alternative source of organs for the many hundreds of thousands suffering from kidney failure," he said in an email.

According to the United Network for Organ Sharing, more than 100,000 people in the U.S. await an organ for transplant, with kidneys in the greatest demand.

NYU surgeons had previously transplanted pig kidneys into brain-dead people.

Montgomery said transplant centers are taking different approaches in terms of gene edits and medications, adding that "another big step will be when the FDA authorizes clinical trials so we may better understand what will work best for patients on our waiting lists."

A University of Maryland team in January 2022 transplanted a genetically modified pig heart into a 57-year-old man with terminal heart disease, but he died two months later.


路透社321 - 波士頓馬薩諸塞州總醫院的醫生週四宣布,一名患有末期腎病的62歲男子成為第一個接受轉基因豬新腎臟的人。

醫院在一份聲明中表示,3 16 日進行的這場歷時四個小時的手術「標誌著為患者提供更容易獲得的器官的努力中的一個重要里程碑」。

醫院表示,這名患者名叫 Richard Slayman,來自麻薩諸塞州韋茅斯,目前恢復進度良好,預計很快就能出院。

洛杉磯南加州大學移植研究所腎臟和胰臟移植主任 Jim Kim 博士表示,專家們對這項突破性的動物移植到人類的長期結果非常感興趣。

Slayman 經過七年透析後,於 2018 年在同一家醫院接受了人類腎臟移植手術,但五年後器官衰竭,他又恢復了透析治療。

腎臟由馬薩諸塞州劍橋的 eGenesis 提供,來自一頭豬,經過基因編輯,去除了對人類受體有害的基因,並添加了某些人類基因以提高相容性。 該公司也把豬固有的、有可能感染人類的病毒滅活了。

研究人員報道稱,由eGenesis 飼養的,並經過類似編輯的豬腎臟已曾成功移植到猴子體內,這些猴子平均存活了176 天,其中一個案例存活了兩年多,研究人員於10 月在《自然》雜誌開啟了新分頁。

用於幫助防止患者免疫系統對豬器官產生排斥的藥物包括一種名為 tegoprubart 的實驗性抗體,是由 Eledon Pharmaceuticals 開發。

紐約大學朗格尼 (NYU Langone) 移植研究所所長 Dr. Robert Montgomery(未參與此案)表示,這次手術標誌著異種移植 - 即把器官或組織從一個物種移植到另一個物種 - 的進展。


器官共享聯合網絡 稱,美國有超過 10 萬人等待器官移植,其中腎臟的需求最大。


Montgomery 表示,移植中心在基因編輯和藥物治療方面正在採取各種不同的方法,並補充說,「另一個重大步驟將是FDA 授權臨床試驗,以便我們更好地了解什麼是對我們在等待名單上的患者最適合」。


              So, a man with end-stage renal disease has become the first human to receive a new kidney from a genetically modified pig in the US. The surgery marks progress in the transplanting of organs or tissues from one species to another. If this transplanting is a success, it would help millions of patients globally. This is good news to human kind.


1. USC Transplant Institute (洛杉磯南加州大學移植研究所)in its web-site says that it is the leading living donor liver transplant program in SoCal and one of the top 5 living donor programs in the US. Their experts take a complete approach to caring for transplant patients and living donors — leveraging decades of experience pioneering groundbreaking treatments. (https://info.keckmedicine.org/living-donor/?gad_source)

2024年4月13日 星期六

分析人士稱,捕獲海盜船展示了印度世界一流的特種部隊 (2/2)

Recently Yahoo New on-line reported the following:

Pirate ship capture showcases India’s world-class special forces, analysts say (2/2)

Brad Lendon, CNN

Tue, March 19, 2024 at 5:53 p.m. PDT


The destroyer INS Kolkata, operating in the area to help ensure international maritime security, used a ship-launched drone to confirm the Ruen was being operated by armed pirates, the Indian statement said.

After the pirates fired on the drone, destroying it, and then on the Indian warship itself, the Kolkata responded by firing on the Ruen, disabling its steering and navigation, the statement said.

As the Kolkata sought the surrender of the pirates, the commandos parachuted in after a 10-hour flight from India, the air force said on X. Rafts were also dropped into the ocean from the large transport for marines to reach the Ruen.

The Indian show of force proved too much for the pirates.

“Due to sustained pressure and calibrated actions by the Indian Navy over the last 40 hours, all 35 Somali pirates surrendered,” the navy statement said.

Bulgarian leaders, including President Rumen Radev, thanked India and its Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the operation.

“My sincere gratitude to (Modi) for the brave action of (the) Navy rescuing the hijacked Bulgarian ship ‘Ruen’ and its crew, including 7 Bulgarian citizens,” Radev posted on X.

Analyst Carl Schuster, a former US Navy captain, said the incident highlighted the professionalism of the Indian Navy and said Delhi’s marine commando force, known as MARCOS, had learned from its US and British counterparts.

“The Indian Navy itself is a highly trained and disciplined professional force,” Schuster said.

“MARCOS’ nearly eight months of training is modeled after Britain’s SAS. Despite a very intense selection process, only about 10% to 15% of those who enter the training graduate,” he said.

The analysts noted that the Indian Navy is experienced in anti-piracy operations, going back more than 20 years – and the restive security situation in one of the world’s major shipping lanes meant they were likely to be called on again.

In a January media briefing, an Indian Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson said maritime security in the region is a priority for India.

“The ongoing activities there are indeed a matter of concern, and it affects our economic interests,” official spokesperson Shri Randhir Jaiswal said.

“We are consistently monitoring the situation. Our naval forces, naval vessels are engaged in ensuring the safety of our commercial vessels,” Jaiswal said.



印度聲明稱,在該地區執行任務以幫助確保國際海上安全INS Kolkata」驅逐艦使用艦載無人機確認「Ruen號」正在被武裝海盜操縱。

聲明稱,在海盜向無人機開火並將其摧毀,及後向印度軍艦本身開火後,Kolkata 號向 Ruen號 開火,癱瘓其方向轉向和航行的能力。

空軍在 X 號上表示,當 Kolkata 號尋求海盜投降時,突擊隊員從印度出發,經過 10 個小時的飛行後跳傘抵達。大型運輸船還把木筏丟進海裡,供海軍陸戰隊員到達 Ruen 號。


海軍聲明稱:由於印度海軍在過去 40 小時內持續施加壓力並採取了有針對性的行動,所有 35 名索馬利亞海盜全部投降。

保加利亞領導人包括總統 Rumen Radev 內感謝印度及其總理莫迪的行動。

Radev X 上發帖稱:我衷心感謝(莫迪)海軍採取的英勇行動,營救了被劫持的保加利亞船隻 Ruen號及其船員,其中包括 7 名保加利亞公民。

曾是美國海軍上尉的分析師 Carl Schuster表示,這起事件凸顯了印度海軍的專業精神,並表示德里的海軍陸戰隊突擊隊「MARCOS」曾向美國和英國同行學習。

Schuster: 「印度海軍本身就是一支訓練有素、紀律嚴明的專業部隊」

: MARCOS 近八個月訓練是仿照英國 SAS 進行的。 選拔過程非常嚴格,參加培訓的人中只有約 10% 15% 畢業。」

分析師指出,印度海軍在反海盜行動方面經驗豐富,可以追溯到 20 多年前,而世界主要航道之一的動盪不安的安全局勢, 意味著他們很可能會再次被召喚。


官方發言人 Shri Randhir Jaiswal 表示:那裡正在進行的活動確實令人擔憂,它影響了我們的經濟利益。

Jaiswal : 我們一直在監測局勢。 我們的海軍部隊、海軍艦艇致力於確保我們商船的安全」。

              So, the Indian Navy has rescued  a commercial ship from pirates off Somalia’s coast during an anti-piracy operation. Dozens of pirates were taken into custody. The operation involved an Indian Air Force C-17 transporter flying more than 1,500 miles to airdrop marine commandos. It showcases the ability of the Indian navy and its determination to become an active force in maintaining sea route safety in the region.