2021年5月30日 星期日

Australian woman after surgery - has "Irish English Accent" when wakes up

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2021.05.14 Fri posted at 14:50 JST

 (CNN) 扁桃(へんとう)摘出手術を受けた数日後、目が覚めるとアイルランド英語のアクセントになっていた――。オーストラリア人の女性がそんな珍しい症状を明らかにした。









(CNN) A few days after undergoing tonsillectomy, she woke up with an Irish English accent. An Australian woman had revealed such a rare symptomatology.

Angie Yen (27) used her video posting app "TikTok" to record the number of days since her accent changed. She said in it that she "speaks in Irish English when she wakes up. She has never been to Ireland."

She noticed the change nine days after her tonsillectomy. She started singing with Irish accents during the shower and she herself was shocked.

Compared to her past phone voice when she had an Australian English accent, the difference with now was clear.

The most probable cause would be the rare but real symptom "foreign accent syndrome." It developed after head injuries, strokes, and routine surgery.

Experts explained this, "It's not really a foreign accent. It's a loss of the person's native language and accent."

Angie also received a message criticizing her as " just pretending to be Irish English." In response, Angie argued in her video that, "Unfortunately, it's not 'pretending'. It's been 13 days since waking up with a foreign accent."

About 150 cases of foreign accent syndrome had been reported so far. Examples include a Florida woman who had had a stroke, and an Oregon woman whose accents changed after being anesthetized for a tooth extraction surgery.

              So, it is a rare medical case known as the "foreign accent syndrome." It develops after head injuries, strokes, and routine surgery. It's a loss of a person's native language accent.

2021年5月28日 星期五

Italy - the bone remains of nine Neanderthals from a cave was an "Extraordinary discovery" - even with bite marks

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

かじられた跡も、洞窟からネアンデルタール人9人の骨 「並外れた発見」 

2021.05.14 Fri posted at 06:31 JST

 (CNN) イタリアのリゾート地、サンフェリーチェチルチェーオ付近のガタリ洞窟でネアンデルタール人9人やハイエナの群れ、象数匹の骨が見つかり、考古学者を驚かせている。骨の多くにはハイエナにかじられたとみられる跡があった。













(CNN) In the Guattari Cave near San Felice Circeo, an Italian resort,  bones of nine Neanderthals, a herd of hyenas, and the several elephants were found, and this had surprised archaeologists. Many of the bones had marks that appeared to have been bitten by hyenas.

Italy's Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini said in a statement, "It's an extraordinary discovery." He said "it will be a hot topic all over the world".

According to a statement from the Italian Ministry of Culture, the bones of one of the nine Neanderthals were 90,000 to 100,000 years old, and the bones of the other eight were 50,000 to 60,000 years old. All are male, and it is believed that only one was younger than all others.

This cave was discovered by accident in the 1930s. Archaeologists began investigation to reach areas that were inaccessible due to ancient earthquakes or later time landslides. In 1939, two well-preserved skulls believed to belong to the Neanderthals were found, together with two other skull pieces.

In a statement, the Ministry of Culture said, "Combined with the other two skulls found in the past, a total of 11 Neanderthals have been found in the Guattari Cave. It is confirmed that this cave is one of the most important places in the history of the Neanderthals. "

According to the Ministry of Culture, some anthropologists believed that Neanderthals were performing carnivorous rituals because of the discovery of vents on the ceiling of the cave. Some of the bones found were in a burned state.

Notched bones were also excavated from locations deeper in the cave.

The bones found this time included the skull separated from the torso, two teeth, and a spine. Hundreds of other bones from animals such as elephants, rhinos, giant deer, horses, and aurochs the extinct cow-like animal were also found.

The Ministry of Culture said in a statement that "many of the bones have clear bite marks. It is likely that they were by hyenas." He explained that it was unknown whether they were killed by hyenas or eaten after his death. From the archaeologist's point of view, hyenas could have used the caves as a place to store the prey they brought back to eat.

Neanderthals became extinct about 40,000 years ago, but with the advent of home-use DNA test kits, it was found that Neanderthal DNA could to be detected in some people, and recently, interests in the history of Neanderthals had been growing.

The San Felice Circeo region was now one of the most important regions in the study of ancient humans. It was likely to be a kind of time capsule that contained clues about the history of both humans and animals.

Archaeologist Francesco Di Mario who led this project said in a video of the Ministry of Culture that he would begin investigating bones in the future to gain insight into ancient human society. He also intended to investigate cave deposits to unravel the ancient climate change that was believed to have contributed to the extinction of the Neanderthals.

              So, it is an interesting discovery on the development of human civilization. Further investigations on these bones probable could give us some insight into the ancient human society.

2021年5月26日 星期三

China's population growth rate - the lowest level in decades - national statistics

 Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

中国の人口増加率、過去数十年で最低の水準 国家統計

2021.05.11 Tue posted at 18:05 JST

香港(CNN) 中国の国家統計局は11日、2020年の人口が14億1000万人だったと明らかにした。人口の増加率は過去数十年で最低の水準となったが、この傾向は世界2位の経済力を擁する中国にとって深刻な問題を引き起こす可能性がある。







Hong Kong (CNN) - China's National Bureau of Statistics revealed on the 11th that the population in 2020 was 1.41 billion. As population growth had been at its lowest level in decades, the trend could pose serious problems for China, the world's second-largest economy.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the population in 2020 had increased by 5.38% compared to 10 years ago. In terms of the number of people, it was calculated to show an increase of 72 million.

According to the latest data, the average annual population growth rate was 0.53%, 0.04 points lower than the growth rate from 2000 to 2010.

On the other hand, the proportion of the population aged 65 and over increased rapidly from 8.87% in 2010 to 13.5% in 2020.

In November last year, China sent out 7 million workers for this seventh census amid the new coronavirus epidemic.

The Chinese government was working to reverse a decline in population growth.

              So, in China the population in 2020 was 1.41 billion. One noted feature is that the number of people aged 65 and over has increased rapidly from 8.87% in 2010 to 13.5% in 2020. Now China needs more social service for the aged, and the working age population have to work harder to support the aged group.

2021年5月24日 星期一

Inevitable vaccine lost battle - 30 years of inaction, remove people’s ladder (2 of 2)

Recently Nihon Keizai Shimbun Electronic Edition reported the following:

必然だったワクチン敗戦 不作為30年、民のはしご外す (2 of 2)

202159 5:30 [有料会員限定]
















The frustration of UMN Pharma, a biotech company that attempted to tackle the flu vaccine with a new technology, was a legend. Although it invested more than 10 billion yen in the construction of the factory, the application for approval was rejected in 2017 because it was "of little clinical significance" than the existing vaccines.

UMN fell into insolvency and become a subsidiary of Shionogi after some twists and turns. Because it was a vaccine only approved in the United States, the pharmaceutical industry would " just don't want to introduce a new vaccine anymore" (domestic pharmaceutical company) as distrust grew stronger.

Researchers and technology drifted overseas. One virologist said, "while Japan has a lot of regulations, the support system is poor”. There were only two experimental facilities in the country that could handle dangerous viruses, and one of them did not operate until recently due to oppositions from the local residents.

Regulations across the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Education were complicated, and genetic recombination experiments were bound by the "Cartagena Law" that prevented impacts on the ecosystem. Europe had exempted drugs from this law, and the United States also did not ratify the law.

Pharmaceutical companies bypassed the Japanese market. A plan for domestic approval of the dengue vaccine under development by Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, and also the plant-derived vaccine from tobacco leaves owned by Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma remained undecided.

The government had hurriedly appointed a minister to take charge of vaccines for the new Corona, but even if the domestic vaccine being developed by AnGes, Shionogi and others were approved, it was something expected to be beyond 2022. The price for losing sight of the origin of national crisis management and the 30-year drifting was great.

Questioning scientific understanding

Vaccine” was a word derived from the Latin word "cow", vaccine was derived from the development of a smallpox which had a much higher mortality rate. The stagnation of vaccine development in Japan was not the sole responsibility of the government. On public health issue regarding the fact that the benefits of vaccination were great then the risk, the understanding by people of the whole society including us was not enough.

The cervical cancer vaccine, which was routinely inoculated in 2013, had an inoculation rate of less than 1%. This was because some media complained that chronic pain and impaired movement function would occur after administration, and the promotion on vaccination was subsequently discontinued.

A large-scale survey had not proved a causal relationship between the vaccine and pain, but the vaccination rate did not improve since then. There was also incorrect information that had no scientific basis, and as the mood of "I don't want to be jabbed somehow" spread, it would be difficult to turn the tide. This was in contrast to the world's advanced vaccine countries, which have proven effective in reducing cancer patients and were aiming for a 90% inoculation rate.

Japan amended the Immunization Law and canceled compulsory vaccination. Mass inoculations at schools like those used to be were no longer seen. Vaccination was left to the desire of an individual.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare had announced suspicions of side effects of the new corona vaccine. "Science is not about believing but understanding." Each and every citizen had to face the crisis with the thinking of Edward Jenner, who developed the smallpox vaccine at the end of the 18th century.

              So, Japan has its own historical problems in dealing with public vaccination. In dealing with the Covid-19, its vaccination rate is far behind many advanced countries. One reason for that is the slow vaccine supply from overseas. Investigation into the scenes behind this "vaccine lost battle" reveals a blank 30-year of inaction by the Japanese government. I am wondering if Japan will review its vaccine policy in view of the current pandemic.

2021年5月22日 星期六

Inevitable vaccine lost battle - 30 years of inaction, remove people’s ladder (1 of 2)

Recently Nihon Keizai Shimbun Electronic Edition reported the following:

必然だったワクチン敗戦 不作為30年、民のはしご外す (1 of 2)

202159 5:30 [有料会員限定]










(to be continued)


Japan lagged behind not only the United States, Britain, China and Russia, but also Vietnam and India in developing a vaccine for the new coronavirus. In April, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga directly contacted the top people of Pfizer, a major US pharmaceutical company, to secure the necessary vaccines. When investigating the scenes behind the "vaccine lost battle", it revealed the inability to remove the public's distrust over the side effect problem, and a blank 30-year shutting up due to the inaction of the government.

As the world intensified the competition for vaccines, no Japanese vaccine had been approved yet. However, a person in charge of pharmaceuticals at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare became defiant, saying that "the infection explosion has not occurred as serious as in the United States and Europe. What’s wrong?" " To introduce it to Japan after it has been used to some extent overseas could determine its safety and effectiveness."

Until the 1980s, Japanese vaccine technology level in areas such as chickenpox, Japanese encephalitis, and whooping cough was high, and technologies were provided to the United States and other countries. The development of new vaccines and technologies declined to the point of almost zero after the Tokyo High Court issued a ruling in 1992 in which the government was ordered to compensate for the side effects of vaccination.

At this time, public opinion spread that it was an epoch-making decision that paved the way for victim relief. The country abandoned an appeal. The vaccination law was amended in 1994, and vaccination became an "obligation effort", and the vaccination rate dropped sharply due to the judgment of parents who feared of side effects.

Furthermore, the HIV-tainted blood scandal case also had casted a shadow. It was an incident over blood product, which was the same "biological product" as vaccine. The chief of the biologics section of the Ministry of Health and Welfare at that time was arrested in 1996, and was convicted of negligent fatalities in business. It was natural to take responsibility, but inside the ministry, it was used as an excuse (by former employees) for doing nothing, saying that "if something happened, we were relentlessly forced to bear responsibility and resign from our position while politicians did not take any responsibility" .

Right now, the "vaccine gap" in that vaccines developed in Europe and the United States were being approved in Japan with a delay from several years to over 10 years had become the norm. Pfizer's vaccine, which had begun to be given to the elderly in Japan, was "specially approved" by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, but this was a procedure that applicable only to overseas vaccines.

While the Japanese vaccine progress had stopped, the United States evolved its response to the public health crisis in the wake of the 2001 anthrax incident. In an emergency, its Ministry of Health and Human Services (HHS) would play a central role, and related ministries and agencies would share one spirit in collaborating with pharmaceutical companies and research institutes. Policy gears were spinning around such as funding support to vaccine development, clinical studies (clinical trials), and emergency use authorization.

The growth rate of the global vaccine market was near 7% per year. A new vaccine would be developed every time when we were struck by cases that had high fatality rate such as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Ebola. The genetic technology of "messenger RNA (mRNA)", which was now in the limelight with the new corona virus, had its application research in vaccine being carried out for more than 20 years.

Vaccine would not be in demand unless the infection spread, and it would be difficult for private companies to handle it alone. Yet, in Japan, there was little momentum for vaccine developmental support, purchase, and stockpiling. Tetsuo Nakayama (中山哲夫), a specially appointed professor at Kitasato University (北里大学) lamented the stagnation of policy, saying that "the vaccine gap occurs because of a policy gap."

(to be continued)

2021年5月20日 星期四


Recently Yahoo New on-line reported the following:

Chinese Covid vaccine: Sinopharm gets WHO approval

BBC Fri., May 7, 2021, 8:52 a.m.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has granted emergency approval for the Covid vaccine made by Chinese firm Sinopharm.

It is the first vaccine developed in a non-Western country to get WHO backing.

China has already vaccinated millions of people at home and in 45 other countries.

Until now, the WHO had only approved the vaccines made by Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna.

However, individual health regulators in various countries - especially poorer ones in Africa, Latin America and Asia - have already approved the Chinese jabs for emergency use.

With little data released internationally early on, the effectiveness of the various Chinese vaccines has long been uncertain.

Brazilian trials of another vaccine, Sinovac, for instance, showed an efficacy rate of around 50.4%, which is barely over the 50% threshold needed for approval by the WHO.

Other trials in Turkey and Indonesia have indicated a higher efficacy rate though.

Why does WHO backing matter?

The green light from the global health body is a guideline for national regulators that a vaccine is safe and effective.

It also means that the vaccine can be used in the global Covax programme, which aims to provide about two billion vaccines to developing countries.

The decision to list the Chinese vaccine for emergency use would give a substantial boost to Covax, which is currently crippled by supply shortages, mostly caused by India halting the export of vaccines.

It has only been able to deliver about 50 million doses so far.

The vaccine made by Sinovac, called CoronaVac, has only been fully authorised for use by China, but the government has already shipped millions of doses to a number of countries, which have permitted its emergency usage.

In Asia, the biggest recipients of the vaccine are Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Pakistan, while in the Americas, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador have ordered millions of the jabs.

In Europe, Turkey and Ukraine have signed large contracts for Sinovac.

The vaccine is also thought to be particularly important for African countries, where so far Zimbabwe, Somalia, Djibouti, Benin and Tunisia have received vaccines from China.

One of the Chinese vaccines' main advantages is that they can be stored in a standard refrigerator at 2-8 degrees Celsius, like the AztraZeneca vaccine.

How do the Chinese shots work?

The two Chinese vaccines differ significantly from some of the other Covid vaccines currently in use, especially those by Pfizer and Moderna.

Developed in a more traditional way, they are so-called inactivated vaccines, which means they use killed viral particles to expose the immune system to the virus without risking a serious disease response.

By comparison, the BioNtech/Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are mRNA vaccines. This means part of the coronavirus' genetic code is injected into the body, training the immune system how to respond to it.

The UK's AstraZeneca vaccine is yet another type of vaccine where a version of a common cold virus from chimpanzees is modified to contain genetic material shared by the coronavirus. Once injected, it teaches the immune system how to fight the real virus.

BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna have an efficacy rate of around 90% or higher, while the AstraZeneca jab is thought to be around 76%.

In April, China's top disease control official said the efficacy of the country's Covid vaccines was low, although he later insisted his comments had been misinterpreted.


世界衛生組織(WHO)已緊急批准了由中國國藥集團 (Sinopharm) Covid疫苗。







但在土耳其和印度尼西亞的其他試驗, 則表明其有較高的療效。




將中國疫苗列為緊急用途的決定, 將大大促進Covax的發展,目前由於供應短缺而使Covax癱瘓,主要原因是印度停止了疫苗出口。








這兩種中國疫苗與目前正在使用的其他Covid疫苗有顯著差異,尤其是輝瑞 (BioNtech/Pfizer) 和莫德納 (Moderna) 的那些。






              So, the World Health Organization (WHO) has granted emergency approval to the Covid vaccine made by Chinese firm Sinopharm. This will give the vaccine an official status globally.

2021年5月19日 星期三

Public and private to research on quantum technology – a council with 50 companies including government and Toyota

Recently Nihon Keizai Shimbun Electronic Edition reported the following:

量子技術を官民で研究 政府、トヨタなど50社と協議会


202155 2:00 (202155 5:30更新) [有料会員限定]





















Quantum communication and cryptography, which Japan had strengths in, were directly linked to security advantages (dilution refrigerator installed for quantum computers).

The government would collaborate with the industry world to embark on a joint research on quantum technologies used for information processing and communications. Also in May, a council would be set up in which about 50 companies such as Toyota, Toshiba and NEC would participate. The United States and China, which were making large-scale investments led by the state, were ahead of the rest of the world. As quantum communication and cryptography, which Japan had strengths in, were directly linked to the superiority of security, the public and private sectors were rushing to put them into practical use.

Quantum technology used quantum mechanics, which was a special physical law, for high-speed calculations and communications. The processing power of the computer could be dramatically improved.

The importance of security was high, and individual country such as the United States and China were focusing on it. It was greatly related to ensuring the security of communication and encryption; and also the ability to collect and analyze information. It also affected the ability to develop advanced technologies in making materials etc. 

Japan, especially in quantum communication and cryptography research had some influence. Toshiba had the highest number of hardware-related patents in this field in the world, and NEC and NTT also ranked high. It was an element that constituted a highly secure "quantum Internet" so that information could not be stolen.

This council was expected to include Fujitsu, Hitachi, and NTT Group. There were also plans to make it a corporation by the end of 2022, and to create a fund to engage in investment activities.

While Japan had an advantage in some research, China was ahead in a move towards its actual infrastructure development. China had already built a 2,000-kilometer quantum cryptography network between Beijing and Shanghai.

The council aimed to combine the knowledge of domestic forces to put it into practical use. It could be an opportunity to apply the technology to new products and services in cooperation with other companies. If information could be aggregated for the government, it would be easier to formulate a national strategy. It also played a role in expanding the base of the highly specialized human resources.

Companies had high expectations for public-private partnerships. Shintaro Sato, who was in charge of the quantum computer development at Fujitsu, pointed out that "it is difficult for a single company to work exhaustively." He emphasized that "I want to collaborate widely with the industry, government, and academia without restriction in any point."

Hitachi analyzed that "quantum technology requires research investment from a medium- to long-term perspective." NEC replied that "There are many discussions with peers, and there are not many opportunities for discussions with experts in different fields."

The council would have multiple specialized subcommittees. A collection based on research done in each field would be fused together, and development would be deepened.

There were also expectations for the practical application of high-speed calculations that would make use of quantum technology. It was expected that the efficiency of developing new drugs and materials could increase because information processing regarding the combination of substances would be faster.  A concept was sketched out that it might be useful for creating new industries.

The public and private sectors would accelerate the development of domestic quantum computers through this council. Their applications would include advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and the creation of new financial products.

The genome could be analyzed in a short time, and the accumulation of biological data would progress.  It might directly link to the technological development in the medical field. It could also work on a research to find more efficient logistics and transportation networks.

Overseas, there were a number of cases in which the government and industry had teamed up to create a fund related to quantum technology. The US government in 2020 announced a plan to invest about 600 million dollars to set up some research bases for quantum technology in multiple national laboratories.

In 2020, the Japanese government put together a strategy for quantum technology and announced a policy to support its development.

Cooperation with the United States that was strong in quantum computer technology would be considered. China's technological rise would be competed from an economic security perspective.

At the summit meeting between Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and US President Joe Biden on April 16, views on quantum technology were exchanged. The joint statement stated that "we will work together to strengthen our competitiveness in quantum science research and technological development."

Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato said at a press conference that "quantum technology is a field that should be strategically addressed from the perspective of industrial policy." He also said, "I hope that industry, academia and government can work together to create a new industry using quantum technology."

              So, Japan will cooperate with the United States in quantum technology development. China's technological rise would be competed by the US and Japan.

2021年5月18日 星期二

香港交易所 - 押注放寬上市規則指望新股流入發行

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Hong Kong Bourse Bets on New IPO Inflow from Eased Listing Rules

John Cheng and Kiuyan Wong

Bloomberg Thu., April 29, 2021, 6:39 p.m.

(Bloomberg) -- Hong Kong is counting on a fresh inflow of overseas firms selling shares in the financial hub as it proposes to ease its listing rules.

The exchange is seeking to lure more firms, in particularly those from mainland China amid tension over their ability to trade on U.S. exchanges. It has proposed expanding listing rules to include secondary listings to all companies as long as they have one vote per share. Currently, only innovative and high growth dual-class share firms are eligible for secondary listings in Hong Kong. It also wants to lower the minimum market capitalization for secondary listings.

Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. has estimated about 18 Chinese companies currently listed elsewhere could take advantage of the new rules. “Through these changes, HKEX will become more welcoming and accommodating to overseas potential issuers,” Christina Bao, head of global issuer services, said in an interview with Bloomberg on Thursday.

Even so, it faces formidable competition from the U.S., whose depth of capital has long been a potent lure for Chinese companies. Despite tensions and U.S. sanctions being imposed, Chinese firms are listing in the U.S. at the fastest pace ever.

Bao, however, said Hong Kong offers advantages, and those that have chosen to sell shares in the city this year have a larger average float size than those which opted for the U.S. “If issuers are seeking a wide recognition from both mainland China and the rest of the world, Hong Kong is the place,” she said.

The exchange this week reported record quarterly earnings in the first three months of the year driven by a boom in listings. Funds raised in initial public offerings jumped ninefold in the period. Big name Chinese companies such as streaming platform Bilibili Inc. and search giant Baidu Inc. sold shares.

The new rules are the next step after the exchange operator in 2018 introduced major reforms to allow companies with weighted voting rights and pre-revenue biotech firms to list in Hong Kong. That brought tech giants such as Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., Meituan and Xiaomi Corp. to the city and made it the world’s second largest biotech fundraising hub.

Since the new rules were introduced, 146 new economy companies have listed in Hong Kong, accounting for 61% of the IPO funds raised, according to HKEX’s data. Among them were 31 pre-revenue biotech companies and 13 secondary listings.

These companies made up 95% of funds raised in the first quarter of this year, Bao said.

The consultation period on the new proposal runs until May 31.


(彭博社)- 香港放寬其上市規則,指望新的海外公司的流入, 在香港金融中心出售股票。


香港交易及結算所有限公司估計,目前在其他地方上市的約18家中國公司可以利用新規定。交易所全球發行部主管Christina Bao週四在接受彭博社採訪時表示: “通過這些變化,香港交易所將變得更加受歡迎和適應海外潛在發行人。”


Christina Bao,香港具有優勢,而那些選擇今年在香港出售股票的公司的平均流通量要比選擇美國的要大 又她: “如果發行人正要在尋求由中國大陸和世界其他地區的廣泛認可,香港就是這個地方。

該交易所本週報告了在上市旺盛的推動下,今年前三個月的季度收益創歷史新高。在此期間,首次公開募股籌集的資金猛增了九倍。流媒體平台Bilibili Inc.和搜索巨頭Baidu Inc.等著名的中國公司出售了股票。



Christina Bao,這些公司佔今年第一季度募集資金的95%。


 So, Hong Kong is counting on a fresh inflow of overseas companies to sell shares in this financial hub by proposing a relaxation in its listing rules so as to lure more Chinese companies. Hong Kong becomes a window for China to attract international investment.

2021年5月17日 星期一

Does the vaccine work against mutant viruses?

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:


2021512 1612














How effective was the new corona vaccine inoculated in Japan against mutant viruses?

When a research group at Yokohama City University summarized the research results by analyzing about 100 people who received the vaccine twice, about 90% of the people had produced the body antibodies that could be expected to be effective against mutant strains.

As the new coronavirus was repeating mutation continuously, it had been pointed out that some mutant viruses could make the vaccine less effective.

For this reason, a research group at Yokohama City University conducted a study to find out how effective the inoculated vaccine (manufactured by Pfizer) was against mutant viruses in Japan.

From March to April this year, blood was collected from 105 healthcare workers who received the vaccine twice to check to what extent "neutralizing antibodies" had been made to prevent infection from mutant viruses.

As a result of the analysis, it was found that 89% of the total people had neutralizing antibodies in the body in a quantity that could be expected to be effective for mutant viruses from the United Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil, etc. up to seven kinds in total.

From less than 20% effective for mutant strains after the first inoculation to more than 90% effective after the second inoculation

Effectiveness by mutant virus, 94% for British strains, 90% for South African strains, 94% for Brazilian strains, 97% for Indian strains, 97% for California strains, 98% for New York strains. For the strains of unknown origin called E484K found in Tokyo etc., it was confirmed to have an amount of neutralizing antibody that could expect to be effective in 97% of the people.

For traditional strains, 99% of people were confirmed.

On the other hand, after the first inoculation, effectiveness was 18% for British strains, 21% for South African strains, 16% for Brazilian strains, 37% for Indian strains, 39% for California strains, 55% for New York strains, and for the unknown strains it was only 34% of the people.

For the conventional strain it was 57%.

Professor Takeharu Yamanaka (山中竹春) of Yokohama City University School of Medicine (横浜市立大学医学部) who was a member of this research group said, "If you inoculate the vaccine twice, you can expect immunity with neutralizing antibodies against the mutant virus that is currently appearing. It is not possible to produce neutralizing antibodies in everyone, and there are individual differences. In the future we would like to further expand the target audience and accumulate data. "

So, the purpose of this study is to check for the extent of "neutralizing antibodies” produced by the vaccine manufactured by Pfizer in preventing infection from mutant viruses. The data collected so far show that Pfizer vaccine is effective. Although the scale of this study is very small, still it is good news in encouraging people to choose the Covid-19 made by Pfizer. It is obvious that not all vaccines are born equal.

2021年5月16日 星期日


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Chinese Firms Are Listing in the U.S. at a Record-Breaking Pace

Julia Fioretti and John Cheng

Bloomberg Sat., April 24, 2021, 2:00 p.m.

(Bloomberg) -- Chinese companies are listing in the U.S. at the fastest pace ever, brushing off tensions between the world’s two biggest economies and the continued risk of being kicked off American exchanges.

Firms from the mainland and Hong Kong have raised $6.6 billion through initial public offerings in the U.S. this year, a record start to a year and an eightfold increase from the same period in 2020, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The largest IPO is the $1.6 billion listing of e-cigarette maker RLX Technology Inc., followed by the $947 million offering of software company Tuya Inc.

That’s even as Sino-U.S. tensions show few signs of easing and the threat of Chinese firms being delisted from U.S. exchanges remains. In fact, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said last month it would begin implementing a law forcing accounting firms to let U.S. regulators review the financial audits of overseas companies. Non-compliance could result in a delisting from the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq.

The risk for mainland firms is high given China has long refused to let U.S. regulators examine audits of its overseas-listed companies on national security concerns.

They would acknowledge this is a potential risk, and if something happens they might need to get prepared for a rainy day,” said Stephanie Tang, head of private equity for Greater China at law firm Hogan Lovells. “But the risk itself would not prohibit those companies from going to the U.S., at least in the second half of this year or probably toward next year.”

Despite all the risks, the pipeline continues to grow, setting up 2021 to potentially exceed last year. Chinese firms raised almost $15 billion through U.S. IPOs in 2020, the second highest on record after 2014, when e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. fetched $25 billion in its float.

Didi Chuxing has filed confidentially for a multi-billion-dollar U.S. IPO that could value the Chinese ride-hailing giant at as much as $100 billion, Bloomberg News has reported. Uber-like trucking startup Full Truck Alliance is also working on a U.S. listing this year that could raise about $2 billion, people familiar with the matter said, requesting not to be named because the matter is private.

Chinese companies in the new economy do not seem to have been deterred from seeking U.S. listings despite the ongoing tensions,” said Calvin Lai, a partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. “They take that as one of the risks but that doesn’t tilt the pendulum.”

Additional share sales by Chinese companies have also been well-received in the U.S. this year, delivering an average return of 11% from their offering prices in the following session, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

And while rival financial centers like Hong Kong have in recent years changed their listing rules to make it easier for new economy firms to go public there, that has not stopped the flow of firms going stateside. In fact, the traffic now goes both ways, with U.S.-traded Chinese firms getting a second listing in Hong Kong to expand their investor base and as a hedge against the delisting risk.

Such secondary listings raised almost $17 billion last year and have fetched over $8 billion this year already, Bloomberg data show. Bankers said many companies go to the U.S. knowing they can subsequently list in Hong Kong.

For example, Didi is also exploring a potential dual offering in Hong Kong later, a person familiar with the matter has said, while Chinese electric carmaker Xpeng Inc. is also looking into a share sale in the financial hub less than a year after going public in New York.

U.S. capital markets have long attracted Chinese companies for a number of reasons: their greater liquidity, broader investor base, and the cachet associated with a U.S. listing. Technology and fintech firms have flocked to the U.S. because of its more streamlined process as well as greater openness to loss-making businesses.

The U.S. still remains a magnet for the IPOs of Chinese technology companies,” Tang said. “Just in terms of the pipeline, I don’t see any pause to that. I think the pipeline is very strong.”


(彭博社)- 中國公司正在以有史以來最快的速度在美國上市,從而減退了世界上兩個最大經濟體之間的緊張關係, 以及被美國交易所棄的持續風險。

彭博彙編的數據顯示,今年以來,來自中國地和香港的公司, 通過在美國的首次公開募股IPO)籌集了66億美元,創下一年以來的新高,比2020年同期增長了八倍。最大的IPO是電子煙製造商RLX Technology Inc.16億美元上市,其次是軟件公司Tuya Inc9.47億美元發行。

即使中美之間的緊張關係幾乎沒有緩解的跡象,及中國公司從美國交易所退市的威脅依然存, 在美國的募股繼續。實際上,美國證券交易委員會上個月表示,它將開始實施一項法律,強制會計公司讓美國監管機構審海外公司的財務審計。不遵守規定可能導致從紐約證券交易所或納斯達克除牌。

鑑於中國長期以國家安全為理由, 一直拒美國監管機構審其在海外上市的公司對的擔憂,因此地公司的風險很高。

Hogan Lovells律師事務所大中華區私募股權主管Stephanie Tang: “他們承認這是潛在的風險,如果發生某些事情,他們可能需要為將來可能遇到的困難做好準備。”但這種風險本身不會阻止這些公司至少在今年下半年或至到明年進入美國。”

儘管存在所有風險,因管道仍在繼續增長,使2021年將有可能超過去年。在 2020年,中國企業通過美國IPO籌集了近150億美元,是2014年之後的第二高紀錄。當時電商巨頭阿里巴巴集團控股有限公司(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.)的流通量達到250億美元。

彭博新聞社報導,滴滴出行(Didi)已秘密提交了數十億美元的美國IPO申請,可能使這家中國網約車巨頭的估高達1000億美元。因為此事是不公開的, 要求不透露姓名的知情人士,類似Uber的卡車運輸初創公司Full Truck Alliance今年也在美國上市,籌資約20億美元。

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer合夥人Calvin Lai表示: “儘管經濟形勢持續緊張,但新經濟中的中國公司似乎並沒有受到阻撓。”他們認為這是風險之一,但這不會使進程改變。”


而且,儘管近年來像香港這樣的競爭對手的金融中心, 已經更改了上市規則,以使新經濟公司更容易在當地上市,但這並沒有阻止公司向美國境的流動。實際上,交易是雙向的,在美國上市的中資公司, 有在香港第二次上市以擴大投資者基礎,並作為對沖可能要退市風險的工具。


知情人士,例如滴滴出行亦探索稍後將在香港進行可能的雙重發行,而中國電動汽車製造商小鵬汽車(Xpeng Inc.)在紐約在上市不到一年的時間, 也探索這在金融中心進行股票出售。


Stephanie Tang: “美國仍然吸引著中國科技公司的首次公開募股。”就管道而言,我認為這沒有任何停止。我認為管道是非常強勁。”

              So, Chinese companies are listing in the U.S. at the fastest pace ever despite the political tensions between the two countries. U.S. capital markets have long attracted Chinese companies because of the markets’ greater liquidity, broader investor base, and the cachet associated with a U.S. listing. I think the trustworthiness of US markets in terms of transparency and law enforcement etc. are also factors that attract investment globally.