2021年5月28日 星期五

Italy - the bone remains of nine Neanderthals from a cave was an "Extraordinary discovery" - even with bite marks

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

かじられた跡も、洞窟からネアンデルタール人9人の骨 「並外れた発見」 

2021.05.14 Fri posted at 06:31 JST

 (CNN) イタリアのリゾート地、サンフェリーチェチルチェーオ付近のガタリ洞窟でネアンデルタール人9人やハイエナの群れ、象数匹の骨が見つかり、考古学者を驚かせている。骨の多くにはハイエナにかじられたとみられる跡があった。













(CNN) In the Guattari Cave near San Felice Circeo, an Italian resort,  bones of nine Neanderthals, a herd of hyenas, and the several elephants were found, and this had surprised archaeologists. Many of the bones had marks that appeared to have been bitten by hyenas.

Italy's Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini said in a statement, "It's an extraordinary discovery." He said "it will be a hot topic all over the world".

According to a statement from the Italian Ministry of Culture, the bones of one of the nine Neanderthals were 90,000 to 100,000 years old, and the bones of the other eight were 50,000 to 60,000 years old. All are male, and it is believed that only one was younger than all others.

This cave was discovered by accident in the 1930s. Archaeologists began investigation to reach areas that were inaccessible due to ancient earthquakes or later time landslides. In 1939, two well-preserved skulls believed to belong to the Neanderthals were found, together with two other skull pieces.

In a statement, the Ministry of Culture said, "Combined with the other two skulls found in the past, a total of 11 Neanderthals have been found in the Guattari Cave. It is confirmed that this cave is one of the most important places in the history of the Neanderthals. "

According to the Ministry of Culture, some anthropologists believed that Neanderthals were performing carnivorous rituals because of the discovery of vents on the ceiling of the cave. Some of the bones found were in a burned state.

Notched bones were also excavated from locations deeper in the cave.

The bones found this time included the skull separated from the torso, two teeth, and a spine. Hundreds of other bones from animals such as elephants, rhinos, giant deer, horses, and aurochs the extinct cow-like animal were also found.

The Ministry of Culture said in a statement that "many of the bones have clear bite marks. It is likely that they were by hyenas." He explained that it was unknown whether they were killed by hyenas or eaten after his death. From the archaeologist's point of view, hyenas could have used the caves as a place to store the prey they brought back to eat.

Neanderthals became extinct about 40,000 years ago, but with the advent of home-use DNA test kits, it was found that Neanderthal DNA could to be detected in some people, and recently, interests in the history of Neanderthals had been growing.

The San Felice Circeo region was now one of the most important regions in the study of ancient humans. It was likely to be a kind of time capsule that contained clues about the history of both humans and animals.

Archaeologist Francesco Di Mario who led this project said in a video of the Ministry of Culture that he would begin investigating bones in the future to gain insight into ancient human society. He also intended to investigate cave deposits to unravel the ancient climate change that was believed to have contributed to the extinction of the Neanderthals.

              So, it is an interesting discovery on the development of human civilization. Further investigations on these bones probable could give us some insight into the ancient human society.

