2021年5月30日 星期日

Australian woman after surgery - has "Irish English Accent" when wakes up

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2021.05.14 Fri posted at 14:50 JST

 (CNN) 扁桃(へんとう)摘出手術を受けた数日後、目が覚めるとアイルランド英語のアクセントになっていた――。オーストラリア人の女性がそんな珍しい症状を明らかにした。









(CNN) A few days after undergoing tonsillectomy, she woke up with an Irish English accent. An Australian woman had revealed such a rare symptomatology.

Angie Yen (27) used her video posting app "TikTok" to record the number of days since her accent changed. She said in it that she "speaks in Irish English when she wakes up. She has never been to Ireland."

She noticed the change nine days after her tonsillectomy. She started singing with Irish accents during the shower and she herself was shocked.

Compared to her past phone voice when she had an Australian English accent, the difference with now was clear.

The most probable cause would be the rare but real symptom "foreign accent syndrome." It developed after head injuries, strokes, and routine surgery.

Experts explained this, "It's not really a foreign accent. It's a loss of the person's native language and accent."

Angie also received a message criticizing her as " just pretending to be Irish English." In response, Angie argued in her video that, "Unfortunately, it's not 'pretending'. It's been 13 days since waking up with a foreign accent."

About 150 cases of foreign accent syndrome had been reported so far. Examples include a Florida woman who had had a stroke, and an Oregon woman whose accents changed after being anesthetized for a tooth extraction surgery.

              So, it is a rare medical case known as the "foreign accent syndrome." It develops after head injuries, strokes, and routine surgery. It's a loss of a person's native language accent.

