2021年5月11日 星期二

Carnivorous dinosaur T-Rex's walking speed was surprisingly slow - a new research

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

肉食恐竜Tレックスの歩行速度、驚くほど遅かった 新研究

2021.04.21 Wed posted at 12:01 JST

(CNN) 巨大肉食恐竜のティラノサウルス・レックス(Tレックス)は恐ろしい捕食動物だが、歩くスピードはそれほど速くなく、人間でも汗をかかずに付いていける程度だった――。そんな研究結果が20日、科学誌「王立協会オープンサイエンス」に発表された。








(CNN) The giant carnivorous dinosaur Tyrannosaurus Rex (T Rex) was a terrifying predator, but it walked not so fast that even humans could keep up with it without sweating. The results of such research were published in the scientific journal "Royal Society Open Science" on the 20th

According to new calculations by Dutch paleontologists, T-Rex walked at less than 4.8 km / h, comparable to humans and many animals. This speed could fall below all other conventional estimates made so far.

Most animals, including humans, have a natural walking speed that minimizes their body's energy consumption when there is no reason to run.

Previous estimates in the calculations had not fully taken into account the role of the tail, which accounted for more than half the length of the T-Rex. This was pointed out by Pasha van Bijlert, the lead author of a new study.

Bijlert, a graduate student at the Free University of Amsterdam, in an email pointed out that "Animals tend to prefer walking speeds that consume the least amount of energy at a distance, so each part of the body resonates at a particular pace". He said that since the entire tail of T-Rex was suspended by ligaments, so he reconstructed this tail and investigated what kind of walking rhythm would resonate with the tail.

This time, the research team calculated the walking rhythm from a computer model of the tail based on the fossil "Trix" of a 12-meter-long T-Rex adult that was kept at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in the Netherlands. Subsequently, this rhythm was multiplied by the stride seen in the fossil footprints, and the standard walking speed was estimated to be about 4.6 km / h.

According to Bijlert, other calculations were based primarily on the legs and buttocks, and to base solely on these areas could lead to inaccurate results. It was supposed that dinosaurs such as T-Rex had a unique tail that was not found in other existing animals.

              So, Pasha van Bijlert suggests that the walking speed of the dinosaurs is quite slow. It is an interesting theory.

