2010年5月28日 星期五


Recently Mainichi News reported the following:


 同店が開業した1931(昭和6)年にオープン。7階建て店舗の屋上(約2650平方メートル)の一角にあり、全国の百貨店が屋上遊園地を作るさきがけになった。今回、営業戦略の見直しで閉鎖が決まった。 現在は昭和の香りが漂うメリーゴーラウンドやゴーカートがあり、隅田川の対岸で建設中の東京スカイツリーも望める。この日もツリーを背に来場者が写真撮影を楽しんでいた。

The amusement park "Play Land" located at the rooftop of the department store "Matsuya Asakusa" of Taito Ward, Tokyo would be closed at the end of the business hours on the 31st. As the oldest rooftop amusement park in Japan, it was known as a showplace in Tokyo. Although it was a cloudy sky on the 30th, many parents and children were visiting, trying to treasure its remaining fame.

The shop opened business in 1931(6th year of Showa). It was in the corner of the rooftop (about 2650 square meters) of a seven-story store, and it took the lead to become the sample of the future department store in the whole country in building the rooftop amusement park. This time, its closure had been decided after reviewing the business strategy. Now, with the smell of the Showa era drifting in the air, there were the merry-go-round and the go-cart, and the Tokyo Sky Tree under construction in the opposite bank in Sumidagawa was being expected. On this day, those who had come were enjoying taking pictures against the backdrop of the Tree.

This rooftop amusement park must have been the dream place of many old Tokyo residents when they were young. In 1931 the national strength of Japan was on the rise, to many Japanese of the older generation, this park could reflect how modern and prosperous Japan was in the 1930s.

2010年5月26日 星期三

The China White Paper 1949(XXI)

Under the mutual agreement of the Nationalist government and CCP, the Political Consultative Conference (PCC) was established and held a meeting in January 1946 from 10th-31st. In this meeting Chiang Kai-shek agreed to (a) grant freedom of speech, assembly, and association; (b) equal legal status for all political parties; (c) to hold popular election; and (d) to release political prisoners. Among other things, PCC suggested that the KMT should revise the organic law of the National Government "to make the State Council the supreme organ of the Government in charge of national affairs". This council would have 40 members, KMT could only have half of the membership, and the allocation of non-KMT seats should be decided by the PCC. As subsequent historical development would tell, the veto power of this Council later became an important point in the negotiation between the National government and CCP.1 This PCC had also touched on the military problems by suggesting the reorganization and reduction of armies and the creation of "a national army belonging to the State in which no political parties would be allowed to carry on political activities". It aimed at reducing the army size in China to 50-60 divisions.2 (to be continued)

1.United States, Department of State. The China White Paper-August 1949. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1967, page 139-140.
2. Ibid., page 140.

2010年5月24日 星期一


Recently the Mainichi New reported the following:


 原告代理人の松丸正弁護士は「こうした訴訟で役員ら個人の責任を認めるのは珍しい」と話している。 判決によると、吹上さんは07年4月に入社し、大津市の石山駅店で調理や接客を担当。出勤日は午前8時半から午後11時まで働き、死亡前4カ月間の月平均時間外労働は過労死の認定基準(月80時間)を超える112時間に上っていた。

 同社は基本給に時間外労働80時間分を組み込むシステムを採用。大島裁判長は「到底、労働者の生命・健康に配慮しているとは言えない」と指摘し、社長ら役員について「悪意か重大な過失で、そのような体制をとっていた」とした。 大津労働基準監督署は08年12月、死亡と業務の因果関係を認めて労災認定し、09年4月には大庄と石山駅店長を労働基準法違反容疑で書類送検している。
On the 25th at the Kyoto district court the decision on the lawsuit initiated by the parents of a former employee Yasushi Fukiage (24 years old at that time) of the restaurant chain "Sea of Japan Syoya" who had died suddenly on August 2007 due to excessive overtime work, sought compensation for damages of about 100 million yen from the four directors and presidents who managed as "Daisyo" (Ota Ward, Tokyo). Presiding judge Shinichi Oshima admitted that this company had violated the safety consideration obligation, and in this connection ordered a payment of about 78.6 million yen.

Plaintiff's lawyer Matsumarusei said, "It is unusual to establish individual responsibility such as directors in such a lawsuit". According to the court, Mr. Fukiage joined the company in April 2007, and took charge of cooking and serving in the Ishiyama station shop in Otsu City. On working days the work started from 8:30AM to 11:00PM, and the average monthly overtime labor hour for four months before he died went up to 112 hours which exceeded the recognized standard of death from overwork (80 hours a month).

This company adopted the system that 80 hours of overtime labor was built into the basic wage. Presiding judge Oshima pointed out, "It could not be said that worker's life and health were properly considered", and held that "such a system was in place due to the malice or the serious fault" of the directors and presidents. In December 2008, Otsu Labor Standards Inspection Office accepted the causal relation between the death and the business, and recognized that there was a case for workers' accident compensation, and in April 2009 sent police a report that Daisyo and Ishiyama station manager were suspected of violating the Labor Standards Law.

As far as the welfare of workers is concerned, can Hong Kong have similar laws to protect employees from death due to overworking?

2010年5月23日 星期日


Recently Asahi News reported the following: 


 ダイハツ工業の軽自動車ミラバンを同クラブが改造した「ミラEV」で、三洋電機製の円筒形リチウムイオン電池8320本を積んでいる。消費電力は発進や停止を繰り返すと多くなるため今回は信号や渋滞がある公道を避けた。 22日午前11時にスタートし、同クラブの会員ら17人が1時間交代で1周689メートルのコースを時速40キロで走行。途中、電圧変換機が故障し約30分中断したが、23日午前2時ごろ公道での記録を更新し、同日午後2時26分、1456周したところでゴールとなり、新記録を達成した。 同クラブ代表で最終ドライバーを務めた舘内端(たてうち・ただし)さん(63)は「ガソリン車と比べ走行距離が短いと言われるEVでも、やればできると夢と希望を与えられた」と話した。

An electric vehicle (EV) had traveled 1003.184 kilos and while traveling there was no need for the Japanese EV Club (Tokyo), a civic group that aimed at the promotion of EV to re-charge it. On the 23rd, spending about 27 and a half hours in circling in a course established as an annex of the Tsukuba Circuit in Ibaraki prefecture, the world record set last autumn achieved by the same club of going from Osaka to Tokyo (555.6 kilos) without charging was broken and updated. The record was making application to the Guinness Book.

8320 cylindrical lithium-ion batteries made by SANYO Electric were piled up on "Mira EV" which this club had remodeled from the light weight car Miraban of DAIHATSU MOTOR. Because repeated start and stop would increase power consumption, this time it avoided the public road which had signals and congestion.It started at 11:00 am of the 22nd, 17 people all members of this club at one-hour shift, went around the course of 689 meters at a speed of 40 kilos per hour. Although during the trip the voltage conversion machine broke down and caused interruption for about 30 minutes, a new record in the public road was updated at around 2:00 am on the 23rd, and on the same day at 2.26 pm and it did 1456 times around the course, it achieved a new high record. Tateuchi Tadashi (63) as the final driver and representative of this club said "Although it can be said that for EV the mileage is short when compared with gasoline cars, it gives dream and hope if we give it a try".

An experimental electric vehicle can travel over 1000 km without the need for re-charging is an exciting record.

2010年5月21日 星期五

The China White Paper 1949(XX)

To the American, the problem in China consisted of three areas: political, military and economic. When General Marshall arrived in Chungking (重慶), he became the intermediary between Chiang Kai-shek and representatives of the CCP. In his initial contacts with the National government leaders and CCP representatives in Chungking, Marshall already felt distrust between these two parties. 1 On the one hand the National government thought that the USSR was obstructing the KMT to occupy Manchuria, on the other hand the CCP was suspicious of KMT trying to destroy the Communist Party. Because previously the US, UK and USSR had agreed that Manchuria should be returned to China after the War, Marshall informed Chou En-lai (周恩來) on January 4th 1946 that the US was committed to move the National government troops to Manchuria. This was agreed by Chou. On January 10th 1946, an agreement was reached for Chiang and Mao to issue orders to their respective armed forces to cease hostilities and halt all troop movements. To facilitate the cease of hostilities, an Executive Headquarters was set up in Peiping (北平) on the January 14th which consisted of representatives from the US, the National government and the CCP. The role of the US representative was merely to assist the other two parties.2 (to be continued)

1.United States, Department of State. The China White Paper-August 1949. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1967, page 136.
2. Ibid., page 138.

2010年5月18日 星期二


Recently the NHK News reported the following:



In a investigation report released on the 20th done by the South Korea and the US combination investigation committee that dealt with the sinking of a South Korean patrol warship in the the Korean Peninsula offing in March this year, it was able to conclude that the warship sank because of an attack by the torpedo from a submarine which sailed in the vicinity of this patrol warship, a conclusion that in fact North Korea had taken part was obvious, according to materials obtained by NHK.
It was now clarified that on the basis of some logical reasoning, the South Korea and the US combination investigation committee responsible for investigating the cause of the sinking of the patrol warship had confirmed that an unknown nationality submarine had been sailing in a near sea region when the patrol warship sank. The combination investigation committee was concluding that it was an attack by the torpedo, based on the result of investigation done so far on the gunpowder and the aluminum metal pieces that had been detected from the patrol warship, and this torpedo was thought to have been launched by a submarine that sailed in the vicinity. In addition, the possibility that this submarine belonged to North Korea was high because it had sailed in the sea on the North Korea side before it launched a torpedo. It was expected that in this combination investigation committee report announced on the 20th that dealt with the cause of the sinking, it was able to conclude that it was the attack by the torpedo from the submarine of North Korea.

I think this report is trustworthy. I am wondering why the North Korean did this and what political mileage they wanted to gain.

2010年5月16日 星期日


Recently the NHK News reported the following:


Foreign Minister Okada at his visiting destination South Korea had talked with Minister Yu who was responsible for diplomacy and trade about the sinking of the South Korea patrol warship, and based on the result of the survey made public this week a join effort of Japan and South Korea and together with the co-operation of the US to respond to the matter was confirmed.

At the beginning of the meeting, Foreign Minister Okada, regarding the sinking of the South Korea patrol warship in which the involvement of North Korea was suspected, had said that "even in such an extremely difficult situation the South Korea government had responded to the incident calmly and this had my respect. Japanese Government would support South Korea, and to give the necessary assistance without reservation". This was accepted, and at the conference, from Yu the Minister for Diplomacy and Trade the progress of the investigation that South Korea was doing jointly with the United States etc. was explained, and the two Foreign Ministers based on the result of the survey made public this week, confirmed Japan and South Korea cooperation together with the United States to work out a response. On the other hand, regarding South Korean government drilling survey in the sea area around Takeshima, Foreign Minister Okada had expressed "hope it would be controlled carefully", and requested a cautious reaction so as not to affect the relation between Japan and South Korea. After the conference, Foreign Minister Okada had expressed that "with Yu the Minister for Diplomacy and Trade, the sinking of the patrol warship and its investigation was the center of discussion, though details could not be said now. It is necessary for Japan-U.S. South Korea to come into co-operation".

The sinking of the South Korean patrol boat had probably drawn South Korea and Japan closer in terms of diplomatic relationship. I am wondering which countries are helping South Korea to do the investigation: Japan, the US and China?

2010年5月14日 星期五


Recently the NHK News reported the following:


During the Onbashira Ceremony of the Suwa Great Shrine in the Nagano prefecture Suwa town, setback was suffered on the 8th when two people fell from a pillar (Onbashira) and died while trying to put in place the pillar which was made from a gigantic tree, and on the 9th using life saving belts that prevented falling, the construction work of erecting the pillar was held.

On the 8th, in the precincts of the Spring Shrine of the Great Shrine of Suwa in Nagano prefecture, during the Onbashira Ceremony, one wire that supported a gigantic wood pillar of 17 meters long to be built as one corner of a shrine building came off, three parishioners who had gotten on the pillar fell to the ground, and among them two died. Some how these three people had not hooked up the life saving belt that prevented falling. At the Spring Shrine on the 9th, changes on how the people that had connection with the festival should use life belts and how to stay on the pillars etc. were confirmed, and the event was held again in which two Onbashira were built separately in the morning and the afternoon. 13 parishioners who had gotten on it did not tip the balance and people who got on the pillar had life belts on, and the event ended safely although the Onbashira in the afternoon shook a little bit. On the 10th, during the Onbashira Ceremony of the Great Shrine of Suwa, the last pillar of the Spring Shrine was built, as for the Autumn Shrine, the four Onbashira used as the corners of a Shinto building were built.

If building safety standards were strictly observed, the death of the two people could have been avoided, I think.

2010年5月13日 星期四


Recently the Asahi News reported the following:

 研修生は19~23歳の男女12人。日本語レベルは中・上級という。同校日本語担当のグワハルト・ユミコ准教授が、国際交流のNPO法人スターティングプレース(千葉県船橋市、高橋徹代表)や旧知の伴和香子・元鶴岡市教育委員長と企画、準備を重ねた。 同校では4年前から、日本各地でホームステイして語学学校に通う研修をしている。今年も和歌山市と金沢市で従来方式の研修を行うが、鶴岡市だけは初の試みとして、地域に入って言語の背景にある文化や歴史を学ぶ。「地域社会の体験に参加し、奉仕活動など教室の壁を越えた研修にしたい」とユミコ准教授。

Starting from the 23rd students of the School for the U.S. Air Force Officers would do the home stay at the Yamagata Prefecture Tsuruoka city for about one month to learn Japanese. It is a unique program to experience the important intangible folk cultural property, the Kurokawa play, and to exchange experience with locals and to learn their culture before Edo period and the living at Nakayama.

The trainees included 12 men and women aged between 19-23 years old. All had Japanese language level from middle to high. The Associate professor responsible for Japanese language of this school, together with a Japanese agency that promote international exchange (a city representative from Chiba Prefecture) and an old friend Kaoru who was the former Tsuruoka City education committee chairman, all repeatedly made the preparation. Since 4 years ago, the training was done using the home stay in various parts of Japan through the language school . Although training method used so far was adopted in Wakayama City and the Kanazawa city this year, Tsuruoka City was the first attempt to enter a region to learn its culture that had language background and its history. The Associate professor was saying that " we hope to participate in the experience of the regional society, and to make training and volunteer works to go beyond the wall of the classroom".

They would come to Japan on the 23rd. The home stay would be done in the Atsumi district, and in the morning bamboo shoot hunting would be experienced, and in the afternoon Japanese studies related program would be held. In the latter half of the period (June 5 to 18th), the location would be moved to the old Kushibiki town, the old Haguro town, and the Tsuruoka city, etc. , and to hear the story of Shonai clan Sakai family present 18th generation master Sakai superintendent (63) of the Itamichi Museum, and to face the challenges of reading the Analects of Confucius without construing, together with the primary-school students of the Itamichikan clan school.

As US Air Force officers in Japan, these 12 young men and women are required to understand the culture and language of the local people. I think their home stay in Japan is a good opportunity for them to broaden their horizon.

2010年5月11日 星期二

The China White Paper 1949 (XIX)

In a letter dated November 26th, 1945 Ambassador Hurley informed the US President about his intention to resign, and was accepted by the President the next day. This ambassador position was vacant until July 11th the next year to be taken up by Ambassador Stuart.1 When President Truman accepted Ambassador Hurley's resignation, he also appointed George C. Marshall as his Special Representative in China. One of the Presidential instruction to George Marshall was to achieve a cessation of hostilities in North China.2 This instruction also stated that a "strong, united, and democratic China" was crucial to world peace. The president hoped that the Chinese people would not miss the opportunity to settle internal disputes peacefully. He also explained that the presence of US troops in North China was for disarming and evacuating surrendered Japanese troops there, and that no military intervention would take place to influence the Chinese civil fighting.3 The US also promised that American assistance would be targeted at the improvement of China's industrial and agrarian economy, and to help establish a military organization "capable of discharging China's national and international responsibilities for the maintenance of peace and order."4 (to be continued)

1.United States, Department of State. The China White Paper-August 1949. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1967, page 110.
2. Ibid., page 132.
3. Ibid., page 133.
4. Ibid., page 133.

2010年5月9日 星期日


Recently the Excite News reported the following:


 逮捕容疑は、8日午後6時半ごろ、宮古市和見町の同病院官舎前で、職員に対し、医師免許がないのに循環器科の医師と虚偽の申告をした疑い。2人は10日から勤務予定で、8日に宮古入りしていたという。 同病院によると、一宮容疑者は08年11月ごろ、大阪市内の病院の医師と名乗って宮古病院に電話し、「ニュースで岩手の医師不足を知り、手助けがしたい」などと話した。



On the night of 8th, Miyako station prefecuture police arrested a suspect Terumi Ichinomiya (44) who came from Osaka City Tennoji Ward, unemployed, for pretending to be a doctor for the purpose of working in the prefecture Miyako hospital (Director Kanno had 387 beds) in Miyako City in Iwate Prefecture which all along had trouble of doctor shortage, and thus suspected of violating the Medical Law. Miyako police station also listened to the case that an acquaintance man (self claim 38 years old) who was scheduled to work together was also an imitation doctor.

The arrested was suspected to have made false declaration to hospital staff in front of this hospital's staff residence in the Miyako City at around 6:30PM on the eighth, purporting to be the doctor of circulatory but in fact had no medical licence. The two people said that they entered Miyako on the 8th and scheduled to start work on the tenth.

The Ichinomiya suspect introduced himself in around November 2008 as the doctor in the hospital in the Osaka city, calling the Miyako hospital, saying that "from the news I know about doctor shortage in Iwate, and I want to help" etc. according to this hospital. This hospital therefore interviewed Ichinomiya the suspect and the acquaintance man for two to three times since the end of 09, and decided on the employment in the middle of April. However, the two people did not respond to a request to present the medical licence and the personal history, although had sent the medical licence by fax at last on the sixth this month, but because there were no Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare stamping etc, the hospital consulted the Miyako Police station through the prefecture medical treatment bureau.

According to the office responsible for prefecture doctor promotion and support, the number of doctors to a population of 100,000 in this prefecture is 191.9 (year 2008), ranking at the 37th place in the whole country. The Miyako district was in serious doctor shortage, and when the full-time doctor of circulatory was absent another doctor had to be sent to this hospital. A full-time medical doctor annual income was about 20 million yen. It had not made open recruitment. Director Kanno said 「A doubtful point has been overlooked due to the desire of wanting a full-time doctor. My apology to the fact that it had resulted in trampling down citizens' expectation and safety」.

I am wondering whether it is due to lack of funding that the Miyako district has difficulties in attracting doctors to work for them.

2010年5月7日 星期五


Recently the NHK News reported the following:


Foreign Minister Okada considered that Japan's sovereign right had been violated and protested against China because on the 3rd of this month China's oceanographic vessel approached the surveying vessel of Japan Coast Guard that was conducting investigation at Amami Oshima offshore and requested the Japanese vessel to discontinue the investigation.

According to the Japan Coast Guard, when the surveying vessel of the Japan Coast Guard was doing investigation in the exclusive economic zone of Amami Oshima offshore on the third of this month, an oceanographic vessel from China approached, and used wireless to request the investigation be discontinued. This was received, and on the 6th Foreign Minister Okada called in China Ambassador to Japan Mr. Cheng to protest, saying that "The sabotage of China is violating the sovereign right of Japan and can never be accepted". Ambassador Cheng while insisting that the response of China to be the right one, undertook to convey the protect back to his own country. Between Japan and China, last month, twice the helicopter belonged to the warship of the Chinese naval forces fleet abnormally approached Japan's escort vessel of the Maritime Self-Defense Force that were conducting monitoring activities on East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean, Japan considered that was a dangerous act yet merely protested at such a behaviour.

It seems that arguments between China and Japan over their respective sovereign right at sea will continue. I hope they will have the wisdom to resolve these disputes peacefully.

2010年5月6日 星期四


Recently NHK News reported the following:


A man was arrested by the South Korean police for helping South Korean who in the past had faced compulsory eviction and could not enter Japan again, disguising them as others in order to enter the country unlawfully using silicon to counterfeit fingerprints.

The arrested man was a 43-year-old South Korean. According to the police in Seoul, this man was suspected of using silicon resin to counterfeit fingerprints of 13 South Koreans who were not allowed to enter Japan again because they had a forced displacement due to illegal residence in the past. This man received fingerprints by cheating his acquaintances to offer them, then made fingerprint imitation by method of transcribing, using silicone resin, and offered them to 13 people who tried to enter Japan illegally, among them eight people tried to pass through the examination in the airport in Haneda and Aomori, etc and it was said that these fingerprints came off. According to the police, two men who were the principal offenders had escaped to China and were on the wanted list internationally, the 13 clients together with the men and women who introduced them to these two men to request the counterfeiting totaling 17 people had their reports sent to the police.

Some people are trying to enter Japan illegally, using many different ingenious ways.

2010年5月4日 星期二


Recently Asahi News reported the following:


 約14分間をすべて英語で通し、日本は「核廃絶の先頭に立つ」と強調。会議にあわせて被爆者らがニューヨークで核兵器の悲惨さを訴えていることに言及し、「その思いの共有」を各国に呼びかけた。 英語での演説は、国連日本代表部の職員らに意見を求めたところ、「圧倒的な多数」で決まり、前夜に猛練習したという。「英語は苦手で恥ずかしかったが、唯一の被爆国として行動する道義的責任を強く訴えたかった」. 演説後には、韓国やグルジアの代表らが駆け寄り、握手を求めた。福山氏は「被爆国としての立場を明確にしたことに敬意を表してもらえた、と感じた」と述べた。

On the 4th, Senior Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Tetsuro Fukuyama of Japan ascended the platform of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference held in The United Nations Headquarters, and as a representative of the Japanese Government he made a speech in English.
In English throughout the some 14 minutes, Japan emphasized "standing at the lead of nuclear abolition". It made reference to radiation victims and appealed in this conference in New York about the misery of the nuclear weapon, and called on all countries to "share such a desire". It was said that to give the speech in English was decided by "overwhelming majority" when opinion was sought from staff of the Japanese representative in the United Nations, and hard practice was made at the previous night. "As the only nation that had suffered atomic bombings, I wanted to appeal strongly for a moral responsibility to act, although my English was not good and even shameful. " After the speech was made, representatives from South Korea and the Republic of Georgia came forward, and requested the handshake. Mr. Fukuyama described, "I can feel the respect given to me for being able to clarify the standpoint of the atomic-bombed nation".

The hard work of Mr. Tetsuro Fukuyama to give a speech in English at the UN is respected.

2010年5月1日 星期六

The China White Paper 1949(XVIII)

Ambassador Hurley left China for the States on September 22, 1945. Meanwhile negotiation between Chungking and the CCP continued. In early October, Dr. K.C. Wu, the Minister of Information of Chinese Government through the US Embassy at Chungking told Hurley that the CCP had agreed to accept the proposal by Nationalist Government that they were to be given 20 divisions in the National Army. A military commission would work out the time table and General Yeh Chien-ying (葉劍英) would represent the CCP in this commission. Also, a political council 0f 37 members would be established during the interim. CCP insisted that this council should adopt a 'system of absolute veto', which meant that all proposals would have to receive unanimous approval before they became effective.1 In late October, a CCP representative at Chungking told the US Embassy that recent negotiations had yielded little progress.2 He felt that the Nationalist government was buying time for the purpose of securing military control over areas liberated by CCP, and that the American was landing troops to many points in North China, and holding them until the arrival of the Nationalist army. On November 4, 1945, the Embassy at Chungking reported that the chance of a widespread civil war in China was growing. The Communist was trying to prevent the Nationalist government troops from entering the areas they controlled. They had offered to refrain from attacking communication lines if the Nationalist government stopped moving troops into North China. The Nationalist government rejected such a request.3

1.United States, Department of State. The China White Paper-August 1949. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1967, page 108.
2. Ibid., page 109.
3. Ibid., page 110.