2010年5月16日 星期日


Recently the NHK News reported the following:


Foreign Minister Okada at his visiting destination South Korea had talked with Minister Yu who was responsible for diplomacy and trade about the sinking of the South Korea patrol warship, and based on the result of the survey made public this week a join effort of Japan and South Korea and together with the co-operation of the US to respond to the matter was confirmed.

At the beginning of the meeting, Foreign Minister Okada, regarding the sinking of the South Korea patrol warship in which the involvement of North Korea was suspected, had said that "even in such an extremely difficult situation the South Korea government had responded to the incident calmly and this had my respect. Japanese Government would support South Korea, and to give the necessary assistance without reservation". This was accepted, and at the conference, from Yu the Minister for Diplomacy and Trade the progress of the investigation that South Korea was doing jointly with the United States etc. was explained, and the two Foreign Ministers based on the result of the survey made public this week, confirmed Japan and South Korea cooperation together with the United States to work out a response. On the other hand, regarding South Korean government drilling survey in the sea area around Takeshima, Foreign Minister Okada had expressed "hope it would be controlled carefully", and requested a cautious reaction so as not to affect the relation between Japan and South Korea. After the conference, Foreign Minister Okada had expressed that "with Yu the Minister for Diplomacy and Trade, the sinking of the patrol warship and its investigation was the center of discussion, though details could not be said now. It is necessary for Japan-U.S. South Korea to come into co-operation".

The sinking of the South Korean patrol boat had probably drawn South Korea and Japan closer in terms of diplomatic relationship. I am wondering which countries are helping South Korea to do the investigation: Japan, the US and China?

