2013年10月29日 星期二


Last month the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:





20139192135分 読売新聞)


     The Japan Ophthalmologists Association announced on the 19th (September) that all over the country in the 2010-11 fiscal year 941 people interviewed by ophthalmologists was found to have congenital abnormal color sensation. Among the junior and senior high school students (185 persons) who had declined entering into a school of higher level or an employment, about half of them did not notice their abnormality, and there was also a case which trouble occurred in the course of selecting their future.

     The color perception test for schools conducted in the elementary school fourth years was no longer performed after the fiscal year 2003, because of the effect, the society had appealed for the need to carry on with the inspection.

     According to the results of an investigation, among the junior and senior high school students in the generation who became a fourth grader in an elementary school after the 2003 fiscal year who were not  entering into a school of higher grade or an employment, 45% or 85 people did not notice the abnormality.

     As for congenital abnormal color sensation, one person in 20 men and one in 500 women could be found. Because of the abnormalities of the cell which detected the color, there was the obstacle of being difficult to distinguish between red and green. Although the inspection had once been conducted at the elementary school, after the 2003 fiscal year, for reasons that it might lead to discrimination, it was deleted from the indispensable items on the school health laws, and the inspection became an arbitrary enforcement item.

Health checking is always useful for the young so as to find out health troubles in an early stage.

2013年10月28日 星期一


Last month the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:




20139220022分 読売新聞)


The English paper Guardian reported on the 21st (September) that, based on the disclosed U.S. confidential documents, there was a hydrogen bomb falling accident occurred in the U.S. at the southeast part of North Carolina in January, 1961. Two hydrogen bombs fell to the ground from a U.S. Forces bomber when taking off; one was in the state which was moments before an explosion.

Although the happening of the accident itself was released, the U.S. government so far repeatedly denied the danger of an explosion. This hydrogen bomb was 260 times as powerful as the atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima, and if it exploded, a "fallout" would fall to capital Washington, New York, etc. It was said that life of millions of people would be exposed to the danger.

According to this paper, the U.S. Air Force bomber B-52 which stacked the hydrogen bombs encountered troubles immediately after flying away North Carolina Gold Borough base. Some body parts loosened in the air and two shots of hydrogen bomb fell. The parachutes were opened; they fell to the pasture etc respectively. It was said that one shot had changed into a state where three of the four safeguards were deactivated.

It was a scary story.

2013年10月24日 星期四


Last month the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:




20139182248分 読売新聞)


Noting that the Chinese army might fly an unmanned aircraft over the East China Sea area at the north of Okinawa and the Senkaku Islands, the government on the 18th had decided a management plan for the occasion when an unmanned aircraft with unidentified nationality intruded into the airspace.

     It aimed at enabling the Self-Defense Forces to shoot down the aircraft when it was judged that it might cause harm to the life and property of the nation. Relating to this, Kan the Chief Cabinet Secretary, at the press conference on the 18th, had said that "different kinds of reviews were performed. Firm measures were considered".

     When a foreign manned airplane approached the airspace, the Self-Defense Forces, through radio etc, would ask it to leave so that it might not go into the airspace. But radio warning etc. might not pass through in case of an unmanned aircraft, and for this reason, the government decided to consolidate a management plan including shooting it down. On specific matters, the basis for the use of weapons and the detailed contents of the duty were reflected in the Unit Standard of Conduct (ROE).

In is interesting to note whether anymore unmanned airplane will fly near the Islands.

2013年10月21日 星期一


Last month the NHK News on-line reported the following:

99 2354




In response to the fact that there was an unending outflow of internal information from Japanese companies etc. in the Chinese Internet, a seminar for Japanese companies was held in Shanghai and a specialist appealed to strengthen measures such as restricting those who could access the information that was highly confidential.

JETRO, the Japan External Trade Organization, held this seminar in Shanghai on the 9th and about 200 people, such as staffs of Japanese companies, had participated.

In China, since last year the data containing the internal information of Japanese companies, such as technical data of a product, were flowing out repeatedly from "Baidu", a major company portal site.

Also, at the seminar the person in charge of JETRO explained that it was necessary to demand promptly the deletion of the portal site when an outflow was found.

Moreover, the lawyer who was in charge Japanese company consultations in China said that as "employees are related to about 80 percent of all information leaks", those who had access to the information that was highly confidential should be restricted. Also he appealed to strengthen measures, such as putting into practice the recalling and destroying of data at the time when an employee retired.

A man from a Japanese consultancy firm who had participated in the seminar was saying that "since important data may flow out, I want to put every one's awareness into practice".

Moreover, the lawyer who acted as the lecturer said that “in China these days Japanese companies are also increasingly doing advanced research and development. There is also a possibility that surreptitious use of information may increase from now on, and it was necessary to strengthen awareness".

It is understandable that Japanese companies in China are worry about the leaking of commercial secrets.

2013年10月19日 星期六


Last month the NHK News on-line reported the following:

中国企業 英金融街の建設に巨額投資
916 2332




A Chinese property developer was advancing into the City of London and was going to invest 1 billion pounds (157 billion in Japanese yen) for the construction of the 3rd financial district; and the presence of Chinese companies was increasing in Britain.

The City of London redeveloped the port area eastern part for over ten years, while inviting the financial institutions of Asia including China; it had scheduled to build the 3rd financial district and ranks next to the "City" and the "Canary Wharf".

In connection with this enterprise, a Chinese property developer the "ABP" would invest with a total investment of 1 billion pounds, and in the City of London on the 16th it held an invitation briefing session for the managers of Chinese companies.

Mayor Johnson of the City of London in his greeting said that "London is a place suitable for business. By this development, the ability to generate an economic effect of more than 900 billion yen could be expected", appealing to the managers who were participating to go ahead.

About investments involving Chinese companies, in February this year a Chinese major automaker purchased a company which manufactured the black taxi known for the nickname "black cab" that was famous in London. In addition, in July this year Chinese major insurance companies purchased the corporate headquarter building of the "Lloyd's Insurance Association", known as one of the symbols of a financial district and a city. The presence of Chinese companies was increasing in Britain.

It seems that Chinese investors are doing investment globally.

2013年10月16日 星期三


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:

漫画家やなせたかしさん 死去

1015 1520




Mr. Yanasetakashi, the cartoonist known for anime and picture-book etc. in the popular series the "Anpanman", passed away in a hospital in Tokyo on 13th because of the heart failure.

He was 94 years old.

Mr. Yanase came from the Kochi Prefecture. He found a job at the publicity department of a department store after his university graduation, and from a graphic designer he came out as a cartoonist.

He played the role of a lecturer in the quiz show "Comics School" which was broadcasted in NHK starting from Showa 39th year, each time he could explain how to write good comics.

In Showa 48th year Mr. Yanase published the picture-book in the children-oriented magazine which had the contents that the ally of justice "Anpanman", with a face made ​​of a pan sauce, helped people in trouble while fought with the old enemy "Baikinman".

When there were hungry people, Anpanman offered his presence and the gentle hero image collected popularity. The television anime series "Swerve and Go! Anpanman" which was started in Showa 63rd year became a smashing success and this year was its 25th year, and had been loved for a long time by children.

Moreover, Yanase also played an active part as a songwriter. In Showa 36th year he wrote the lyrics for a song "The Sun in the Palm" broadcasted by NHK in “Everybody’s Song" and had caused an echo, it even appeared in the elementary school musical textbook. In Heisei 3rd year, because of his long distinguished services he was being awarded with the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Rosette.

Moreover, from last year he served as the chairman of the Japan Cartoonists Association.

Mr. Yanase continued with activities vigorously, even when he was more then 90 years old, such as attending the Anpanman related event opened in various locations. But he was admitted into a hospital in Tokyo for liver cancer in late August this year, and passed away due to the heart failure on the 13th.

According to the people concerned it was said that the funeral was already performed by close relatives, and would hold a remembrance meeting later.

The passing away of Mr. Yanase is shocking news for many fans of the "Anpanman".

2013年10月13日 星期日


Last month the NHK News on-line reported the following:






Noting the fact that last month the number of incoming tourists visiting Japan was 906,700 people which was the highest ever in August, the Japan Tourism Agency showed the view that there was a strong possibility of breaking the targeted yearly number of incoming tourists of 10 million people, as the government had set.
The Japan Tourism Agency Director Shigeto Kubo clarified this at a press conference on the 18th (September).
In this conference, Director Kubo said "if the present incoming tourist's pace of expansion continues to the end of the year, there would be 10,140,000 people", and if this developed at the present pace, the government could showed the view that there was a strong possibility of breaking the yearly 10 million people in the number of incoming tourists which was set as the target.

The government up held "promoting tourism as the country’s major industry" because it contributed to the economic growth. It held campaign activity overseas etc. and had set the number of 10 million incoming tourists each year as the present target.

Although the number of incoming tourist fell sharply in the yearly figure to become just a little more than 6,210,000 people because of the Great East Japan Earthquake the year before last, after last year it recovered in response to the fact that the issuing conditions of visa to countries in Southeast Asia were eased, and because of the weak-yen trend. In the month of July this year, the highest ever was recorded which exceeded 1 million people for the first time.

In addition to the further strengthening of the possibility in breaking the yearly 10-million-people target, the government had decided to hold the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020. The next step was to plan to strengthen the sightseeing PR in every corner of the world, aiming at 20 million people every year.

Probably the increase in tourist has help Japan to break away from its deflation trend.

2013年10月9日 星期三


Last month the FNN News on-line reported the following:




A research group in Kyoto Prefecture University of Medicine announced that they discovered the structure of the gene which controlled overweight and metabolic syndrome.

Assistant Professor Koji Ikeda of the Kyoto Prefecture University of Medicine traced the gene "ARIA" for research had ascertained that in the course of growing fat, ARIA stopped the growth of new blood vessels in the fat, and barred the burning of fat.

In the experiment using a mouse, the mouse that had the functioning of ARIA being suppressed could not grow fat easily, and it was said that subcutaneous fat and visceral fat were less than usual.

Assistant Professor Ikeda said, "in the discovered situation of ARIA (in human), the expression pattern observed is very much resembled with that of the mouse, including the many discovery in fat. Because of that, I think there is a very high possibility to say that the situation is the same in human".

From now on if a new medicine which might suppress the functioning of this gene could be developed, it could be said that it was be an epoch-making cure, such as for overweight.

I think to those people with overweight problems, the invention of this new drug could be good news.

2013年10月7日 星期一


Last month the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:


毎日新聞 20130911日 2226分(最終更新 0911日 2331分)







   Although one year had passed since the large scale anti-Japan demonstration occurred in September last year in China due to the nationalization of the Senkaku Islands at Okinawa by the Japanese government, in a questionnaire survey done by the Mainichi Newspaper, the company questionnaires turned out that the achievement of about 60 percent of the Japanese enterprises in China which were subject to the influence of Japan-China-relation aggravation were in a recovery tendency. Although they seemed to have escaped from the worst time, still many companies could not say that they had regained the level before the related aggravation, and were still watching out for the revival of anti-Japan sentiment.

   The questionnaire survey was carried out from the end of August to the beginning of September on 116 major companies except for the companies which their China business was not developed (four companies), or was not subject to the influence of an anti-Japanese riot (39 companies). Among the 73 companies, 45 of them, an equivalent of 61.6%, answered that "although there were bad influences, such as decrease in income, it is in a recovery tendency".

   For example, the car company which had its sales fell greatly due to the attack, or the boycott etc. presupposed that it was "recovering to about the same level as last year" (Nissan Motor), also in retailing it was answered that "although the sales in September last year became a decrease about twenty percent compared to the planned estimate, it recovered after that " (Fast Retailing) and an improvement tendency was mentioned.

   However, the China sales in August for Honda and Toyota Motor had not reached the corresponding month of last year before Japan-China-relations aggravation occurred. Four companies (5.4%) answered that "bad influences, such as decrease in income, continue" etc. and were in a situation far from a full-blown recovery

   About their future investment, "to maintain the status quo" was 78 companies (74.2% of all the replying companies), "to increase" was 16 companies (said 15.2%), by far exceeding just two companies (1.9%) "to decrease". Many of the Japanese companies were thinking China as an important production base or market. However, about the risks (multiple answers allowed) in their China enterprise, they were "an economic slowdown" (77 companies), "a rise in personnel-expenses" (59 companies) etc., and 51 companies mentioned "the aggravation of sentiment towards Japan". Twenty-two companies answered that they would "relocate and expand the base to Asia and to newly emerging countries other than China", and the movement to diversify the distribution of business locations was likely to accelerate in order to avoid the risk of solely depending on China.

It seems that the some Japanese companies are trying to diversify its investment in China.

2013年10月5日 星期六


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:





20131052117分 読売新聞)


      In the border regions such as the Kashmir district where fights with China for sovereignty had occurred, the India air force decided to establish an air force base and an airfield which fighter planes and transport planes could make take-off and landing.

The air force personnel concerned made it clear to our paper on the 5th.

At the same location, it was decided to expand the Nyoma air base which was for helicopter and located at about 4000 meters above sea level, and it was referred to as one of the disposition bases for fighter planes. Moreover, in Arunachal Pradesh state located at the northeast part, seven airfields which were not used presently would be improved and made possible for 24-hours use. All aimed at completion in the years 2016-17.

In the Kashmir district in April - May this year armies of both countries had glared at each other for three weeks inside the India’s ruling area. Although the situation was calmed down through deliberations between top officials and talks between prime ministers, according to the India government, the China military authorities again in June - July invaded into the India’s side on more than one occasion.

It is interesting to note how China would react to India’s decision.

2013年10月3日 星期四


Recently the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:


毎日新聞 20131002日 2225分(最終更新 1002日 2302分)







The Mainichi Newspaper on the first and second of this month carried out an urgent national opinion poll in response to the fact that the government had decided, as planned, to raise the consumption tax rate from April next year to 8%. In the reply the "support" was 46% while the "against" was 45%, the yes and no rivaled. About the plan to abolish the special corporation tax for revival which would allot revenue source for the recovery regarding the Great East Japan Earthquake by advancing for one year, the "against" reached 53%, exceeding the 35% "support". The approval rating for the Abe Cabinet was 57%, being a three-point decrease from the last investigation in September. The disapproval rating was at 26%, having an increase of the three points.

      About the support or against the raising of consumption tax rate to 8%, as analyzed by man and woman grouping, the male was 55% in "support" and 41% "against ". In the same grouping, for woman it was a reverse, with 40% women "support" and 49% "against". Among the supporters of the Abe Cabinet, the "support" occupied 67% while the "against" was 28%. In the non-supporter of the Cabinet, the "against" was 75%.

      However, as for the abolition plan regarding the special corporation tax for revival, among the cabinet supporters, "support" was 45%, the "against" was also 45%. In the non-support group, in "support" was 73% while "against" was only 18%. At the press conference held on the 1st, although the prime minister emphasized that "it is a premise to firmly secure revenue source for the recovery", if it turned towards abolition, a careful explanation, including the stricken area, was likely to be called for.

It was decided to use consumption tax revenues only for social security, such as the pension, medical treatment, and health care in laws. At a press conference held on the 1st, the prime minister also declared that "he would use it only for social security". However, when people were asked whether they would think that this tax increase was useful for the stability of the social security system, "I do not think so" went up to 54%, and "I think so" was only 38%. In the group which supported the raising of consumption tax rates to 8%, those answered "I think that is useful" was 64%. In the group which was against, those answered "I do not think so" was 81%, bringing a contrasting result. It could be read that related to the future of the social security system, the way of handling had influenced the support or against the consumption tax increase.

About the prime minister's economic policy on recovery, 42% of the reply said "it is expectable" while 47% said "not expectable". It was for the first time in an investigation after the Abe Administration’s inauguration that "it is not expectable" increased. In the investigation in March the "expectable" it was 65%, it decreased gradually after that and was 53% in the investigation held in August. Among those who were opposed to consumption tax increase, "it is not expectable" occupied 72%.

It seems that the Japanese were divided over the tax increase.

2013年10月1日 星期二


Last month the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:

旧万世橋駅:100年前の赤れんが再生 商業施設オープン

毎日新聞 20130914日 1214分(最終更新 0914日 1302分)




The redbrick old Manseibashi station was opened about 100 years ago; its ruins were redeveloped into the JR East Japan etc. commercial establishments: the "mAAch ecute Manseibashi Kanda Bridge" (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), and it was re-opened on the 14th.

      To the red brick structure that remained on the elevated bridge, cafes and a viewing deck with glazing were added. It was a space inserted into the rails of the Chuo Line going up north and down south, and where one could closely look at the trains passing through on one side. It was likely to gain popularity. Under the brick arch, eleven stores such as a restaurant and a general store were added. The "1912 Stairs" which was built with natural stones and connected to a platform would be open to the public again at the time when the business was started; it was the first time in about 70 years. A long line waiting for entering was formed.

Probably in future it would become a popular sight-seeing spot for tourists.