2013年10月1日 星期二


Last month the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:

旧万世橋駅:100年前の赤れんが再生 商業施設オープン

毎日新聞 20130914日 1214分(最終更新 0914日 1302分)




The redbrick old Manseibashi station was opened about 100 years ago; its ruins were redeveloped into the JR East Japan etc. commercial establishments: the "mAAch ecute Manseibashi Kanda Bridge" (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), and it was re-opened on the 14th.

      To the red brick structure that remained on the elevated bridge, cafes and a viewing deck with glazing were added. It was a space inserted into the rails of the Chuo Line going up north and down south, and where one could closely look at the trains passing through on one side. It was likely to gain popularity. Under the brick arch, eleven stores such as a restaurant and a general store were added. The "1912 Stairs" which was built with natural stones and connected to a platform would be open to the public again at the time when the business was started; it was the first time in about 70 years. A long line waiting for entering was formed.

Probably in future it would become a popular sight-seeing spot for tourists.

