2023年2月27日 星期一

The trade between the US and China hit a record high last year- looking contemptuously at the decoupling theory

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

米中間の貿易額、昨年は過去最大を記録 切り離し論尻目に

2023.02.09 Thu posted at 21:21 JST

香港(CNN) 米商務省経済分析局は9日までに、米国と中国との間の貿易額が昨年、約6906億ドルと過去最大を記録したと報告した。








Hong Kong (CNN) - Trade between the United States and China hit a record high of about $690.6 billion last year, the US Bureau of Economic Analysis said on the 9th.

Exports to China increased by $2.4 billion to $153.8 billion, while imports increased by $31.8 billion to $536.8 billion, causing a huge deficit. The past record high for trade with China was $658.8 billion in 2018.

Political tensions were rising between the United States and China, and some U.S. policy makers were calling for decoupling the two countries in the economic and technological fields, and suggests that realistic responses were being made on the trade front.

The chief analyst for global trade at the “Economist Intelligence Unit”, the research arm of British business magazine “The Economist”, in an interview with CNN said that the supply chain issues were difficult, especially when it was related to China.

As the U.S. government sought to reduce its reliance on China in its supply chain, it was pointed out that most companies were mindful of getting their products to consumers on time and were looking for the most cost-effective way to operate.

In 2018, the Trump administration had imposed tens of billions of dollars worth of additional tariffs on Chinese products and launched hardline measures to push for a reduction in the trade deficit with China. These measures had largely survived.

The Biden administration was also taking measures to restrict trade with China, mainly in high-tech products, in light of the deepening conflict between the United States and China. In anticipation of China's military expansion, it had also come up with new ways to contain the acquisition of technology that might be diverted to military use.

So, trade between the United States and China hit a record high of about $690.6 billion last year. It seems that he hardline measures to push for a reduction in the trade deficit with China carried out by Trump administration by imposing additional tariffs on Chinese products failed to achieve the objective.

