2021年2月8日 星期一

Foreign direct investment in 2020: Significant decrease in US, an increase in China

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

2020年の対外直接投資 対米は大幅減、対中は増加

2021.01.25 Mon posted at 16:30 JST

ニューヨーク(CNN Business) 国連貿易開発会議(UNCTAD)は24日、2020年の海外直接投資(FDI)に関する報告書を発表し、対米FDIは前年比49%減の1340億ドルだったと明らかにした。対照的に対中FDIは同4%増の1630億ドルだった。外国企業は米国に背を向ける一方で、中国の拡大する経済や新型コロナウイルスに対するより優れた管理態勢を利用している。








New York (CNN Business) -- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released on the 24th a report on foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2020 which revealed that FDI with the United States was $ 134 billion, down 49% from the previous year. In contrast, FDI with China was up 4% to reach $ 163 billion. While foreign companies were turning their backs on the United States, they were taking advantage of China's expanding economy and its better control over the new coronavirus.

According to this report, 2020 was the first time for FDI with China surpassed FDI with the United States. China was now the country that undertook the most FDI.

A decline in FDI in the United States and other parts of the world was largely due to the new coronavirus, but the decline in investment in the United States began long before the epidemic of the new coronavirus.

According to the US Department of Commerce, foreign investments in the United States peaked at $ 440 billion in 2015 and then fell sharply. Former President Trump's self-righteous trade policy had hit foreign investments. In particular, investments from China had declined significantly in the last few years. Increasing uncertainty about the global economy was also a factor in the decline in investments.

According to the report, the areas of FDI with the United States that showed the biggest decline last year were in the fields of wholesale, financial services, and manufacturing.

Meanwhile, China's explosive economic growth and rapid recovery from the new coronavirus had led to a surge in FDI. Economic growth in 2020 was up 2.3% in China, while many countries in the world dropped into negative.

Overall, FDI in 2020 fell 42%, the lowest level since the 1990s, and 30% below the level of the global financial crisis of 2008-09.

              So, according to this UN report, the decline in FDI in the United States and other parts of the world was largely due to the new coronavirus, but the decline in investment in the United States began long before this pandemic. Covid-19 has changed the economic pattern globally.

