2021年2月19日 星期五

Chinese submarine crews - tend to have more mental health problems - a research result unusually announced

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

中国軍の潜水艦乗組員、精神衛生に著しい問題抱える傾向 異例の研究結果発表

2021.02.02 Tue posted at 12:51 JST

香港(CNN) 南シナ海で任務に当たる中国軍の潜水艦の乗組員のうち5人に1人以上が精神衛生の問題を報告していることが新たな研究で分かった。中国軍内でも最も厳重な水準での保護下にある潜水艦部隊について、内部の分析が公開されるのは異例だ。











Hong Kong (CNN) -- A new study found that more than one in five Chinese submarine crew members on duty in the South China Sea had reported mental health problems. It was unusual for an internal analysis of a submarine unit, which was under the strictest level of protection within the Chinese military, being published.

The study was conducted by the Second Military Medical University in China and was published in the British Military Medical Journal. According to a report, the proportion of submarine crew members with severe mental problems was much higher than that of the PLA as a whole.

Researchers attached a conclusion that "for the first time, this study shows that soldiers and officers of submarine units deployed in the South China Sea are facing mental health risks, and are suffering from serious psychological problems."

The study surveyed 580 male crew members of a submarine unit of the Chinese Navy's South China Sea fleet, and received responses from 511. As a result, it was made known that their overall mental hygiene was slightly worse than that of overall PLA soldiers. Significantly the situation was getting worse than the overall in the four areas:  anxiety, phobia, paranoia, and physicalization (of mental problems).

The Chinese government had claimed sovereignty over almost the entire South China Sea and built artificial islands on reefs and sandbars since 2014. The establishment of  military bases with missiles and runway were in progress. Governments in neighboring countries that also claimed sovereignty over the South China Sea were opposing to this move. The US government did not acknowledge China's claim and regularly dispatched naval vessels and military aircrafts to the region.

Researchers believed that this military situation in the South China Sea had led to the worsening of mental health problems within submarine units.

Chinese troops were also increasing their military activities in the South China Sea in response to the dispatching of US troops, and their submarines might continue to dive for two to three months. Researchers pointed out that the crew spent their days in a small, closed space, and were suffering from the excessive noise.

The noise made it impossible to get enough sleep, and the constant exposure to artificial light also caused mental health problems.

Researchers also analyzed that the highly educated crew members tend to have more mental problems. The reasons could be that they did not have a way to relieve psychological pressure in an isolated environment compared to those less educated crew members, and that they had a strong desire for freedom and connection with the society.

It was said that the crew of nuclear submarines were more problematic than normally powered submarines. The reasons were the tendency to feel more anxious about the effects of accidents and radiation on health during the mission.

              Usually, this type of military information would be regarded as a national security secret for mainland China. I am interested to know what is the intention for China to release the report.

