2021年2月26日 星期五

China Luckin Coffee filed for bankruptcy in the US – aims at reorganization by debt restructuring

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


中国ラッキンコーヒー、米で破産申請 債務整理で再建目指す

2021.02.07 Sun posted at 14:42 JST

ニューヨーク(CNN Business) 中国のコーヒーチェーン「ラッキンコーヒー」は7日までに、米国で連邦破産法15条の適用を申請したと発表した。







New York (CNN Business) Chinese coffee chain "Luckin Coffee" announced on the 7th that it had applied for the application of Article 15 of the Federal Bankruptcy Law in the United States.

The company said in a statement that by applying, it would improve its finances and restructure its debt. It said that it would continue its daily business and would maintain the operation of about 3,600 cafes.

Article 15 of the Federal Bankruptcy Law was applicable for the purpose of protecting assets in the United States held by foreign companies that were doing restructuring in their country of origin.

In April of last year in this chain, fraudulent accounting practice such as sales involving the former Chief Operating Officer (COO) was discovered. In the following month, the former COO and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) were also dismissed.

 A few months later, it was forced to be delisted from the US Nasdaq market. In December of the same year, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) presented the company a settlement for the fraudulence charge it was facing, and the company was fined of $180 million.

Luckin Coffee was listed on the Nasdaq in 2019 against the backdrop of strong sales growth. At one point, it was also expected to be a competitor to the major US coffee chain Starbucks.

              So, there is a lesson to learn from the Luckin Coffee (瑞幸咖啡) incident. A company can add a lot of locations and suddenly realizes that the demand for them does not exist. Many super-fast-growing companies usually collapse quickly in this way. The Chinese market is vastly different from the U.S.— it is far more like “Wild West”.


In April 2020 it was found out that Luckin Coffee (瑞幸咖啡) in China had inflated its 2019 sales revenue by up to US$310 million. Trading was suspended and the company was delisted from NASDAQ on 29 June 2020.The company filed for bankruptcy in the US in February 2021.

