2021年3月1日 星期一

U.S. Air Force - to deploy B1 bombers in Norway to check Russia

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

米空軍、ノルウェーにB1爆撃機配備へ ロシアを牽制

2021.02.09 Tue posted at 16:05 JST

 (CNN) 米空軍がB1爆撃機を初めてノルウェーに配備する予定であることが9日までに分かった。ロシア政府に対する明確なメッセージとして、米軍による作戦行動が戦略的に重要な北極地方で展開される見通しを示す措置となる。域内の同盟国をロシアのいかなる侵攻からも防衛するとの意図を誇示する狙いがあるとみられる。







(CNN) -- It was revealed on the 9th that the US Air Force would deploy the first B1 bomber in Norway. A was clear message to the Kremlin as a measure to indicate that US military operations could be expected to take place in the strategically important Arctic region. It appeared to aim at displaying its intention to protect allies in the region from any Russian invasion.

Four B1 bombers and about 200 troops from Dyess Air Force Base in Texas would be deployed at Orland Air Force Base in Norway, according to defense officials. It was said that within the next three weeks missions could begin in the Arctic Circle, and in the international airspace northwest of Russia

To date, most military service in the Arctic were based in the United Kingdom. Officials believed that the responding force would be further increased in the event that Russian troops embarked on an invasion.

General Jeffrey Harrigian who commanded the US Air Force in Europe and Africa, pointed out that enabling operational responsiveness and prompt support for allies was crucial to the success of their mission.

The US military had deployed B52 bomber units in the Middle East in the last few months. It showed off that it could quickly deploy troops to areas where tensions could increase. The deployment of these bombers could take several weeks to plan, so it seemed that the deployment to Norway should have been underway for a period of time.

US President Joe Biden had expressed his intention to take a stricter attitude toward Russia than former President Trump.

              So, this deployment of B1 bombers appears to be a new move aiming at displaying the US’s intention to protect its allies in the region against any Russian invasion.

