2021年3月29日 星期一

China and Russia - to jointly build a research base on the moon

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2021.03.10 Wed posted at 17:53 JST

(CNN) 中国の国家宇宙局は9日、ロシアと協力して月に研究拠点を建設する計画で合意したと発表した。










(CNN) China's National Space Agency announced on the 9th that it had agreed with Russia to build a research base on the moon.

A complex facility for experiments and research would be constructed on the surface of the moon and on the orbit of the moon.

The China's National Space Agency and the head of Russia's space development corporation Roscosmos were said to have represented their government to respectively signed a memorandum of understanding.

According to Roscosmos, the "International Lunar Science Research Station" constructed by China and Russia could be made available to any country with the aim of promoting the peaceful use of space.

The two countries would prepare a construction time table to move forward with the design, development and operation of the station.

China and Russia had also agreed to jointly open a data center for the Moon and deep space exploration. In addition, China would cooperate in a plan to explore the South Pole of the Moon with "Chang'e No. 7" and Russia with "Luna No. 27".

Russia during the former Soviet Union era competed with the United States for leadership in space development and after the end of the Cold War participated in the construction of the International Space Station (ISS).

On the other hand, although China was delayed in starting the space development, it caught up at a rapid pace, and in 2019, for the first time in the world, landed the unmanned spacecraft "Chang'e 4" on the other side of the moon. In 2020, for the first time it succeeded in launching the Mars probe "Tianwen-1". It would take up the challenge of making a landing on the surface of Mars from May to June this year.

In December of last year, "Chang'e 5" brought back the moon rock. China aimed to succeed in manned explorations of the Moon by the 2030s.

              So, China and Russia will be in co-operation in space exploration. This is a good match as China has the money while Russia has the experience. Also, as both countries are having a tense relationship with the western world,  a sign of co-operation among them could make them look stronger.

