2024年6月30日 星期日

「成為極權政府」:英國法官為何退出香港法院 (1/2)

Recently BBC News on-line reported the following:

'Becoming a totalitarian state': UK judge on why he quit Hong Kong court (1/2)

11 June 2024

By Frances Mao, BBC News

A high-profile British judge who resigned from Hong Kong’s highest court last week has warned the city is “slowly becoming a totalitarian state” and judges are being compromised by an “impossible political environment created by China”.

Lord Sumption’s comments on Monday came as a third senior foreign judge in the past week resigned from the Court of Final Appeal.

"The problem in Hong Kong has been building up over the last four years and I think all the judges on the court feel concerned about this," Lord Sumption told the BBC's Today programme.

"I have reached the point eventually where I don’t think that my continuing presence on the court is serving any useful purpose."

On Monday he wrote in a newspaper op-ed that the city's rule of law has been "profoundly compromised".

Hong Kong’s government said it "strongly disapproves" of Lord Sumption's opinions, calling them a "betrayal against Hong Kong's judges".

It highlighted remarks from the other leaving judges who said they still believed in the independence of the courts.

Canadian judge Beverley McLachlin, who resigned on Monday citing her wish to spend more time with family said: "I continue to have confidence in the members of the Court, their independence, and their determination to uphold the rule of law.”

But her departure as well as that of Lords Sumption and Lawrence Collins - another former UK Supreme Court justice- last week means at least six senior foreign judges have stepped down from sitting in Hong Kong since a major national security law (NSL) was imposed by China in 2020.

Lord Sumption has been much more overtly critical than his peers- arguing that the laws, which have been widely criticised as being draconian, have overridden the independent functioning of courts and heaped pressure on the judiciary.

“Intimidated or convinced by the darkening political mood, many judges have lost sight of their traditional role as defenders of the liberty of the subject, even when the law allows it,” he wrote in the Financial Times.

An 'oppressive' situation in Hong Kong

Speaking to the BBC on Monday, Lord Sumption said it had become increasingly clear that Hong Kong’s supercharged security laws were being used to "crush peaceful political dissent, not just riots."

Legal experts have for some time now warned about the city’s degraded rule of law in the wake of laws enacted by Beijing.

China and Hong Kong have defended the NSL laws as crucial to maintaining law and order in the city after major pro-democracy protests and unrest in 2019 and 2020.

But rights groups and Western governments say the law has been used to criminalise acts of free speech and assembly, leading to a near complete silencing of dissent in the global financial hub,.

More recently, the EU and the US heavily criticised as “politically motivated” the conviction of 14 democracy activists on 30 May for “subversion” . The defendants in the landmark Hong Kong 47 case face a minimum of 10 years in prison and could even be jailed for life.

That case "was the last straw", Lord Sumption said, referencing the court's assessment that organising a political primary was tantamount to a national security crime.

"The judgement... was a major indication of the lengths to which some judges are prepared to go to ensure that Beijing's campaign against those who have supported democracy succeeds."

He also emphasised the other major problem: "If China doesn't like the court's decisions it can reverse them."

Such a precedent was set in 2023, when in the high-profile prosecution of Hong Kong billionaire Jimmy Lai, Beijing overturned the Court of Final Appeal’s ruling to allow the democracy activist his choice of lawyer.

He also spoke of further pressures on judges, describing in his op-ed an “oppressive” environment. He wrote of the government’s “continued calls for judicial ‘patriotism’” and the outrage sparked in the rare instances when a judge acquits or grants bail to an NSL defendant.

“It requires unusual courage for local judges to swim against such a strong political tide. Unlike the overseas judges, they have nowhere else to go," he wrote.

(to be continued)


上週從香港最高法院辭職的一位備受矚目的英國法官警告說,香港正在 慢慢變成一個極權國家 ,法官們正受到 中國創造的不可能的政治環境的損害。

正當岑耀信勳爵 (Lord Sumption) 於週一發表上述言論之際,上週有第三位高級外國法官從終審法院辭職。

岑耀信勳爵在英國廣播公司的「今日」節目稱: 「香港的問題在過去四年裡一直在加劇,我認為法庭上的所有法官都對此感到擔憂」。





加拿大法官 Beverley McLachlin 於週一辭職,理由是她希望花更多時間陪伴家人,她表示:「我仍然對法院成員、他們的獨立性以及他們維護法治的決心充滿信心」。

但她以及另一位前英國最高法院法官岑耀信勳爵和 Lawrence Collins 上週的離職意味著,自2020年香港實施一項重要的國家安全法以來,至少有六名高級外國法官辭去了香港的職務。






2019 年和 2020 年發生重大民主抗議和騷亂之後,中國和香港都堅稱《國家安全法》對於維持香港的法律和秩序至關重要。


最近,歐盟和美國嚴厲批評 5 ​​ 30 日對 14 名民主活動人士的「顛覆」定罪是「出於政治動機」。這個具有里程碑意義的香港47案的被告面臨至少10年監禁,甚至可能被判終身監禁。

岑耀信勳爵表示,該案 是最後一根稻草 ,他提到法院的評估,即組織政治初選等同於國家安全犯罪。




他還談到了法官面臨的進一步壓力,並在他的專欄文章中描述了「壓抑」的環境。他寫道,政府不斷呼籲司法 愛國主義’”,並且在罕有地有法官宣判國家安全法被告無罪或准予保釋時,發出憤怒。

他寫道: 「地方法官面對這大政治浪潮, 需要非凡的勇氣去逆流而上。與海外法官不同,他們無處可去」。


