2024年6月10日 星期一

Microsoft asks employees in China to transfer to other countries

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2024.05.17 Fri posted at 16:00 JST


(CNN) 米マイクロソフト(MS)は17日までに、中国国内で働く少なくとも100人の従業員に対し、他国への転勤を検討するよう求めた。中国の国営メディアが報じた。











(CNN) Microsoft (MS) had on the 17th asked at least 100 employees working in China to consider transferring to other countries. This was reported by Chinese state media.

Relations between the United States and China had worsened over technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and clean energy.

MS employees primarily involved in cloud computing had recently been offered the opportunity to work in countries such as the United States, Australia, and Ireland. China's state-run Penghu Newspaper (澎湃新聞)reported on the 15th, citing anonymous sources.

A MS spokesperson said in an interview with CNN on the 16th that "Providing opportunities internally is part of running our global business". The company said that as part of that process, it shared the option of relocating within the company with some employees.

According to the Wall Street Journal as reported on the 16th, MS had asked up to 800 employees to consider relocation. Most of them were Chinese engineers working in cloud computing and AI.

This same Journal had reported last year, citing anonymous sources, that the Biden administration was preparing to restrict Chinese companies' access to U.S. cloud services.

MS entered China in 1992. It had built its influence based on the research facility it established in Beijing.

One employee told Penghu in an interview that "Everyone is confused,". The employees were asked to decide within a month.

According to Chinese media outlet Daiichi Caijing (第一財経), more than 100 employees are affected. However, the media added that they also had the option of not transferring,

The US and China had been at odds in recent years over the technology sector. This week, the Biden administration announced that over the next two years it would increase tariffs on $18 billion worth of Chinese-made electric vehicles and many other products.

So, Microsoft has asked at least 100 employees working in China to consider transferring to other countries. I think this move is within expectation as relations between the United States and China have worsened over computing technologies such as artificial intelligence.

