2024年6月13日 星期四

另一次的俄羅斯人逃亡:許多逃往土耳其的再次搬往他國 (2/2)

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Another Russian exodus: Many who fled to Turkey move on again (2/2)

Burcu Karakas

Tue, May 21, 2024 at 5:29 a.m. PDT·4 min read



While the Kremlin has released no data on the wartime exodus, the Danish Refugee Council's Mixed Migration Centre says some 800,000 Russian citizens relocated abroad since the invasion of Ukraine.

Turkey, which has cordial ties with both Moscow and Kyiv, maintained visa-free travel for Russians after the invasion and did not join the Western sanctions against Russia.

Turkey's foreign minister at the time, Mevlut Cavusoglu, said Russian oligarchs - and their yachts - were welcome but must abide by international law to do business.

The buzz of Russian conversation increased in parts of Istanbul and Antalya as the newcomers set up or relocated businesses. But that activity has steadily cooled. Trade Registry Gazette data shows the number of companies established with Russian capital fell to 68 in 2023 from 140 in 2022.

Biriz Karacay, professor of political science at Istanbul Commerce University, says Russian migrants are moving to Serbia, Montenegro and even Latin American countries such as Argentina and Brazil.

"Economically, socially, culturally, they feel close to Turkey, but Turkey doesn't want to have too many foreigners now. Economic challenges also made them suffer in Turkey," she said.

Kirill Alekseev, 35, a Russian politician who worked at the campaign headquarters of the late opposition leader Alexei Navalny, said he came to Turkey in March 2022 after a criminal investigation was launched against him.

But when a consulting firm told him that obtaining a residence permit would cost $2,000, he decided not to reapply. "It was too expensive to stay in Turkey," he said.

Instead, Alekseev applied for a German "humanitarian residence permit" and has lived in Nuremberg for a year.

Some wealthier Russians have acquired Turkish citizenship with home purchases of at least $400,000 under a state programme, surpassing Iranians and Iraqis as the biggest foreign buyers over the last two years.

But bureaucratic troubles have proven too onerous for many, said Eva Rapoport, 40. She worked for the 'Ark Project', which helped Russians arriving in Istanbul with free accommodation and legal support, but has also now joined the exodus from Turkey.

"There is no way of knowing if the permit will be extended, or something will change to make the system more hostile to foreigners," Rapoport said.

Another factor, Rapoport added, is pressure in Turkey on human rights such as freedom of assembly.

"After Navalny was killed, even in Russia people gathered to honour his memory," she said. "We couldn't approach the consulate in Istanbul. We traded one authoritarian regime for another."

(Reporting by Burcu Karakas; Editing by Jonathan Spicer and Gareth Jones)




雖然克里姆林宮沒有公佈有關戰時逃亡的數據,但丹麥難民委員會混合移民中心表示,自烏克蘭入侵以來,約有 80 萬俄羅斯公民移居海外。


時任土耳其外交部長 Mevlut Cavusoglu 表示,俄羅斯非常富和有權勢的人及其遊艇是受到歡迎,但必須遵守國際法才能開展業務。

隨著新移民開設或遷入企業,在伊斯坦堡和 Antalya 的部分地區,俄語對話越來越到處聽到。但這種活動已經逐漸降溫。貿易登記公報數據顯示,俄羅斯資本設立的公司數量從 2022 年的 140 家降至 2023 年的 68 家。

伊斯坦堡商業大學政治學教授 Biriz Karacay 表示,俄羅斯移民正湧向塞爾維亞、黑山,甚至阿根廷和巴西等拉丁美洲國家。

: 「在經濟、社會、文化上,他們感覺與土耳其很親近,但土耳其現在不想有太多外國人。經濟挑戰也讓他們在土耳其捱苦」

35 歲的俄羅斯政治家 Kirill Alekseev 曾在已故反對派領導人Alexei Navalny 的競選總部工作,表示在當局對他展開刑事調查後,他於2022 3 月來到土耳其。

但當一家顧問公司告訴他獲得居留許可需要花費 2,000 美元時,他決定不再重新申請。他: 「留在土耳其太貴了」

取而代之,Alekseev申請了德國 人道主義居留許可 ,並在紐倫堡生活了一年。

一些富裕的俄羅斯人透過國家計劃購買了至少40萬美元的房屋,從而獲得了土耳其公民身份,過去兩年, 超過伊朗人和伊拉克人,成為最大的外國買家。

40 Eva Rapoport , 事實上官僚主義的麻煩對許多人來說太繁重了。她為「方舟計劃」工作,向抵達伊斯坦堡提的俄羅斯人供免費住宿和法律支持,但她現在也加入了逃離土耳其的行列。

Rapoport 說:無法知道許可證是否會延長,或者是否會發生某些變化,使該制度對外國人更加敵視。

Rapoport 補充說,另一個因素是土耳其對人權的壓力, 例如集會自由等。

: 「在 Navalny 被殺後,即使在俄羅斯,人們也聚集起來紀念他」 「我們不可以接觸駐伊斯坦堡領事館。我們把一個獨裁政權換成了另一個獨裁政權」。

            So, because of Putin’s invasion into Ukraine, many people have left Russia and move to Turkey. Russian feel that economically, socially, culturally, they are close to Turkey, but now Turkey does not want to have too many foreigners in its country. Economic challenges in Turkey also force many Russian migrants to move to Serbia, Montenegro, and even Latin American countries such as Argentina and Brazil. Many Russian hate war yet they cannot stop the war. I am wondering how the present Russian exodus will impact Russia as a country.

