2024年6月20日 星期四


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

AMD launches new AI chips to take on leader Nvidia

Max A. Cherney and Arsheeya Bajwa

Updated Mon, June 3, 2024 at 7:21 a.m. EDT·3 min read

TAIPEI (Reuters) -Advanced Micro Devices unveiled its latest artificial intelligence processors on Monday and detailed its plan to develop AI chips over the next two years in a bid to challenge industry leader Nvidia.

At the Computex technology trade show in Taipei, AMD CEO Lisa Su introduced the MI325X accelerator, which is set to be made available in the fourth quarter of 2024.

The race to develop generative artificial intelligence programs has led to towering demand for the advanced chips used in AI data centers able to support these complex applications.

AMD has been vying to compete against Nvidia, which currently dominates the lucrative market for AI semiconductors and commands about 80% of its share.

Since last year, Nvidia has made it clear to investors that it plans to shorten its release cycle to annually, and now AMD has followed suit.

"AI is clearly our number one priority as a company and we have really harnessed all of the development capability within the company to do that," Su told reporters.

"This annual cadence is something that is there because the market requires newer products and newer capabilities... Every year we have the next big thing such that we always have the most competitive portfolio."

AMD also introduced an upcoming series of chips titled MI350, which is expected to be available in 2025 and will be based on new chip architecture.

Compared to the currently available MI300 series of AI chips, AMD said it expects the MI350 to perform 35 times better in inference - the process of computing generative AI responses.

Additionally, AMD revealed the MI400 series, which will arrive in 2026 and will be based on an architecture called "Next".

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang had said on Sunday the company's next-generation AI chip platform called Rubin, set to be rolled out in 2026, would include GPUs, CPUs and networking chips.

Investors, who have poured billions of dollars into Wall Street's picks-and-shovels trade, have been seeking longer-term updates from chip firms to evaluate the longevity of the booming genAI rally, which so far has shown no signs of slowing down.

AMD shares added 1.4%, while Nvidia rose about 3% before the bell on Monday. AMD has more than doubled in value since the start of 2023, but the surge pales in comparison to the more than seven-fold rise in Nvidia's shares in the same period.

"While the proof will be in the pudding, there's no doubt that AMD is taking Nvidia heads-on and companies looking for alternatives to Nvidia are bound to be happy to hear what AMD had to say," said Technalysis Research chief analyst Bob O'Donnell.

AMD's Su said in April the company expects AI chip sales of roughly $4 billion for 2024, an increase of $500 million from its prior estimate.

At the Computex event, AMD said its latest generation of central processor units will likely be available in the second half of 2024.

While businesses generally prioritize spending on AI chips in data centers, some of AMD's CPUs are used in conjunction with graphics processor units, though the ratio is skewed in favor of GPUs.

AMD detailed architecture for its new neural processing units (NPUs), which are dedicated to handling on-device AI tasks in AI PCs.

Chipmakers have been banking on added AI capabilities to drive growth in the PC market as it emerges from a years-long slump.

PC providers such as HP and Lenovo will release devices which include AMD's AI PC chips. AMD said its processors exceed Microsoft's Copilot+ PC requirements.

(Reporting by Max A Cherney and Ben Blanchard in Taipei and Arsheeya Bajwa in Bengaluru; Editing by Will Dunham, Rashmi Aich and Arun Koyyur)


台北(路透社) - Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) 週一推出了最新的人工智慧處理器,並詳細介紹了未來兩年開發人工智慧晶片的計劃,以挑戰行業領導者輝達 (Nvidia)

在台北舉行的 Computex 技術貿易展上,AMD 執行長 Lisa Su 介紹了 MI325X 加速器,該加速器預計將於 2024 年第四季上市。

開發生成式人工智慧程式的競賽, 導致能夠支援這些複雜的人工智能資料中心(AI data centers)中的先進晶片的需求激增。

AMD 一直在與輝達競爭,輝達目前在利潤豐厚的人工智慧半導體市場佔據主導地位,佔據了約 80% 的份額。


Su 告訴記者: 「作為一家公司,人工智慧顯然是我們的首要任務,我們確實利用了公司內部的所有開發能力來做到這一點」。



AMD 表示,與現有的 MI300 系列 AI 晶片相比,預計 MI350 在推理 - 即計算生成式 AI 回應的過程- 方面的效能將提高 35 倍。


Nvidia 執行長黃仁勳週日表示,該公司的下一代人工智慧晶片平台 Rubin 將於 2026 年推出,將包括 GPUCPU 和網路晶片。

在華爾街以鎬子和鏟子方式去交易的投資者已投入了數十億美元,他們一直在尋求晶片公司的長期更新,以評估支持蓬勃發展中的 genAI 的持久性。迄今為止,這種支持尚未顯示出放緩的跡象。

週一收盤前,AMD 股價上漲 1.4%,而輝達股價上漲約 3%。自 2023 年初以來,AMD 的市值增加了一倍多,但與同期輝達股價七倍以上的漲幅相比,這一漲幅顯得相形見絀。

Technaanalysis Research 首席分析師 Bob O'Donnell 表示:「雖然只有通過體驗才能判斷,但毫無疑問,AMD 正在與Nvidia 正面交鋒,尋求Nvidia 替代品的公司一定會很高興聽到AMD 說法。

AMD Su 4 月表示,該公司預計 2024 AI 晶片銷售額約為 40 億美元,比先前的估計增加了 5 億美元。

Computex 活動上,AMD 表示其最新一代中央處理器 (CPU)可能會在 2024 年下半年上市。

雖然企業通常優先考慮用於資料中心 (data centers) 裡的人工智能晶片的開支,但 AMD 的一些 CPU GPU (圖形處理器)是結合使用,儘管這一比例偏向於 GPUs優先。

AMD 詳細説明新型神經處理單元 (NPU) 的架構,它是專門用於處理 AI PC 中的裝置端 AI 任務。


惠普和聯想等PC供應商將發表採用AMD AI PC晶片的設備。 AMD 表示其處理器超出了微軟 Copilot+ PC 的要求。

              So, AMD has unveiled its latest artificial intelligence processors plans and disclosed its intension to develop AI chips in a bid to challenge industry leader Nvidia. Hopefully such competitions will lower the cost of chips production and benefit the consumers globally.


1. Nvidia (輝達), founded in January 1993, is a fabless semiconductor company that mainly designs and sells graphics processing units (GPUs). Nvidia, with its headquarters in the US, also designs graphics processors for game consoles, such as the first-generation Xbox and PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Switch. Fabless manufacturing is the design and sale of hardware devices and semiconductor chips while outsourcing their fabrication to a specialized manufacturer called a semiconductor foundry. These foundries are typically, but not exclusively, located in the United States, China, and Taiwan. (Wikipedia)

2. Pick and shovel investing involves purchasing stocks that provide the goods, services or technology needed for an industry to produce a final product. This allows investors to gain exposure to an industry with lower risk by investing in suppliers rather than the stocks that make the end product. The idea of pick and shovel investing comes from the US gold rush during the 1800s. Many people were searching for gold in the hope of striking it lucky but there was no guarantee who would be successful. The people selling the picks and shovels that are needed to search for gold fared much better because everyone hunting for the precious metal needed to buy these tools. (https://www.ig.com/en/trading-strategies/pick-and-shovel-investing)

