2024年6月15日 星期六


Recently Yahoo New on-line reported the following:

Sydney judge says US ex-fighter pilot accused of training Chinese aviators can be extradited to US

The Canadian Press reprints the Associated Press

Fri, May 24, 2024 at 7:59 a.m. PDT·2 min read

SYDNEY (AP) — A Sydney judge on Friday ruled that former U.S. Marine Corps pilot Daniel Duggan can be extradited to the United States on allegations that he illegally trained Chinese aviators, leaving the attorney-general as Duggan’s last hope of remaining in Australia.

Magistrate Daniel Reiss ordered the Boston-born 55-year-old to remain in custody awaiting extradition.

While his lawyers said they had no legal grounds to challenge the magistrate’s ruling that Duggan was eligible for extradition, they will make submissions to Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus on why the pilot should not be surrendered.

“The attorney will give us sufficient time, I’m quite sure, to ventilate all of the issues that under the Extradition Act are not capable of being run in an Australian court,” Duggan’s lawyer, Bernard Collaery, told reporters outside court.

Dreyfus’ office said in a statement the government does not comment on extradition matters.

Duggan’s wife and mother of his six children, Saffrine Duggan, said the extradition court hearing was “simply about ticking boxes.”

“Now, we respectfully ask the attorney-general to take another look at this case and to bring my husband home,” she told a gathering of reporters and supporters outside court.

The pilot has spent 19 months in maximum-security prison since he was arrested in 2022 at his family home in the state of New South Wales.

In a 2016 indictment from the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., unsealed late 2022, prosecutors say Duggan conspired with others to provide training to Chinese military pilots in 2010 and 2012, and possibly at other times, without applying for an appropriate license.

Prosecutors say Duggan received about nine payments totaling around 88,000 Australian dollars ($61,000) and international travel from another conspirator for what was sometimes described as “personal development training.”

Duggan served in the U.S. Marines for 12 years before immigrating to Australia in 2002. In January 2012, he gained Australian citizenship, choosing to give up his U.S. citizenship in the process.

The indictment says Duggan traveled to the United States, China and South Africa, and provided training to Chinese pilots in South Africa.

Duggan has denied the allegations, saying they were political posturing by the U.S., which unfairly singled him out.


雪梨(美聯社)雪梨一名法官週五裁定,前美國海軍陸戰隊飛行員 Daniel Duggan 可以被引渡到美國,罪名是他非法訓練中國飛行員,這使得總檢察長成為 Duggan 留在澳洲的最後希望。

地方法官 Daniel Reiss 下令繼續拘留這位出生於波士頓的 55 歲男子,等待引渡。

雖然 Daniel Duggan 的律師表示,他們沒有法律依據對地方法官關於Duggan可以被引渡的裁決提出質疑,但他們將向司法部長 Mark Dreyfus 提出為何不應引渡這名飛行員的意見。

Duggan 的律師 Bernard Collaery 在法庭外對記者表示:我確信,總檢察長會給我們足夠的時間來就所有根據《引渡法》無法在澳大利亞法院審理的問題表達意見。

Dreyfus 辦公室在聲明中表示,政府不對引渡事宜發表評論。

Duggan 的妻子、又是六個孩子的母親 Saffrine Duggan 表示,引渡法庭聽證會「只是遵循規則的古板做法」。

她對法庭外聚集的記者和支持者: 「現在,我們恭請總檢察長重新審視此案,並將我的丈夫帶回家」。

2022 年在新南威爾斯州的家中被捕以來,這名飛行員已在高度戒備的監獄裡度過了 19 個月。

華盛頓特區美國地方法院於 2022 年底公佈的2016 年起訴書中稱,Duggan 與其他人合謀,在2010 年和2012 年,甚至可能在其他時間,在沒有申請適當執照的情況下,為中國軍事飛行員提供培訓。

檢察官稱,Duggan 從另一名共謀者那裡收到了大約九筆付款,總計約 88,000 澳元(合 61,000 美元),以及國際旅行費用,有時被稱為「個人發展培訓」。

Duggan 在美國海軍陸戰隊服役了 12 年,然後在 2002 年移民到澳洲。20121月,他獲得了澳洲公民身份,在此過程中選擇放棄美國公民身份。



So, Australia has ruled that a former U.S. Marine Corps pilot can be extradited to the United States on allegations that he illegally trained Chinese aviators in South Africa. This is an interesting case. I am wondering whether the extradition will be carried out eventually.

