2024年7月1日 星期一

「成為極權政府」:英國法官為何退出香港法院 (2/2)

Recently BBC News on-line reported the following:

'Becoming a totalitarian state': UK judge on why he quit Hong Kong court (2/2)

11 June 2024

By Frances Mao, BBC News


Why are there foreign judges serving in Hong Kong?

It is a holdover from Hong Kong’s past as a British colony.

After the UK handed Hong Kong back to China in 1997, the agreement between the countries stipulated that the special territory would continue to operate with its freedoms and systems for 50 years- including its common law legal system which operates in several other jurisdictions worldwide.

Currently there seven foreign judges remaining on the court– three British and four from Australia. Typically they are very experienced senior judges who have retired from their countries’ senior courts.

They operate as overseas non-permanent appointees; a typical appeal bench of five judges at the Court of Final Appeal will see a foreign judge hearing the case along with three other local judges.

Their presence was long seen as a sort of bulwark protection to help uphold the British-style common law legal system which has been key to Hong Kong’s stature as a global financial hub.

As recently as March this year, Hong Kong’s leader praised the foreign judges saying their appointments "help maintain a high degree of confidence in (Hong Kong's) judicial system". According to recent media reports, they are paid £40,000 per case.

Lord Sumption had said most of Hong Kong’s judges are “honourable people with all the liberal instincts of the common law.”

“But they have to operate in an impossible political environment created by China.”

Controversial presence

Since Hong Kong’s security laws kicked in, rights groups, critics and even the UK government had questioned the foreign judges’ continued presence on the court.

In 2020, a senior Australian judge was the first to step down from the court. James Spigelman directly cited the impact of the wide-sweeping National Security Law which hadn’t kicked into operation yet.

Two years later, UK Supreme Court justices Robert Reed and Patrick Hodge also stepped down following concerns raised by the British government.

Lord Reed, the chief justice of the top UK court, said he agreed with the government that serving Supreme Court justices could not continue to serve in Hong Kong without appearing to endorse a government that had “departed from values of political freedom, and freedom of expression”.

The remaining judges on the court at the time – which included Lords Collins and Sumption – issued a statement shortly after defending their position.

They said they believed their “continued participation” would be “in the interest of the people of Hong Kong”.

But on Monday, Lord Sumption said he no longer believed this.

He told the BBC he had chosen to stay on the first few years "to see how things develop and to hope that one can make a positive contribution." He had written he hoped "the presence of overseas judges would help sustain the rule of law."

"It's taken a long time to conclude that that is not realistic."

His sharp criticism and the resignations of the other judges will further fuel concerns about Hong Kong’s status as an international city, particular as the latest resignations come just weeks after the city implemented a second, even more wide-scoping security law known as Article 23.

Legal scholar Eric Lai, told the BBC the two British judges had been “well known” for their support of Hong Kong’s legal system in the past and their commitment to the court in critical cases.

“Their change of mind to resign signals the worsening legal environment in HK,” he said.

But the city's authorities defend the integrity of their legal system.

The chief justice of the Court of Final Appeal said last week the court would continue to function regardless of the resignations.

Andrew Cheung stressed the court's independence: "All judges and judicial officers will continue to... administer justice in full accordance with the law, without fear or favour, self-interest or deceit".






目前,法庭上仍有七名外國法官 - 三名英國法官,四名澳洲法官。通常,他們是從本國高等法院退休的經驗豐富的高級法官。



就在今年三月,香港領導人還讚揚了外國法官,稱他們的任命「有助於保持對(香港)司法制度的高度信心」。據最近媒體報道,每單案件他們的報酬為 4 萬英鎊。





2020年,澳洲一名資深法官率先卸任。James Spigelman 直接指出了尚未實施的, 廣泛的國家安全法的影響。

兩年後,英國最高法院法官 Robert Reed Patrick Hodge 也因英國政府提出的擔憂而辭職。

英國最高法院首席大法官 Reed 勳爵表示,他同意政府的觀點,即在香港高法院法任職,不能避免顯得是在支持一個 背離政治自由和言論自由價” 的政府

當時法庭上的其餘法官 - 包括 Collins 勳爵和岑耀信勳爵 - 在辯解自己的立場後不久發表了一份聲明。





他尖銳的批評和其他法官的辭職將進一步加劇人們對香港作為國際城市地位的擔憂,特別是在最近的辭職是發生在香港實施第二項範圍更廣的安全法, 23 幾週之後。

法律學者 Eric Lai 告訴英國廣播公司,這兩位英國法官因過去對香港法律制度的支持以及在關鍵案件中對法院的承諾而「眾所周知」。

: 「他們改變想法而去辭職表明香港的法律環境正在惡化」



Andrew Cheung(張舉能)強調法院的獨立性:「所有法官和司法人員將繼續……完全依法施法,不畏不偏、不謀私利、不欺騙」。

              So, Lord Sumption gives his warning that the city is “slowly becoming a totalitarian state” and judges are being compromised by an “impossible political environment created by China” after the implementation of Hong Kong’s security laws. In 2020, a senior Australian judge was the first to step down from the court. Two years later, UK Supreme Court justices Robert Reed and Patrick Hodge also left their posts. I am wondering will all non-permanent overseas leave Hong Kong eventually.


1. The Court of Final Appeal in Hong Kong is made up of the Chief Justices, Permanent Judges, and non-permanent Judges who can come from Hong Kong or any overseas Common Law jurisdictions. All appeal cases are heard by a bench of these five judges. (Wikipedia)

2. Andrew Cheung Kui-nung, (張舉能) is currently the chief judge of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong and the designated judge of the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law. (Wikipedia)

