2024年7月10日 星期三

UK continues to see outflow of wealthy people, 9,500 people to emigrate in 2024

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2024.06.19 Wed posted at 16:15 JST


(CNN) 投資可能な流動資産を少なくとも100万ドル(約1億5800万円)保有する最大9500人が英国を離れる見込みであることが分かった。英移住アドバイザーのヘンリー・アンド・パートナーズが18日に発表した報告書の試算で明らかになった。この人数は2023年の2倍以上に上る。










(CNN) Up to 9,500 people with at least $1 million in investable liquid assets were expected to leave the UK. This was estimated in a report released on the 18th by British migration advisor Henley & Partners. This number was more than double the number in 2023.

Hannah White, CEO of the Institute for Government Studies, said in the report that "These figures reflect a growing number of factors that are making the UK less attractive to the wealthy", noting that the effects of Brexit (British's exit from the European Union) are lingering and London is no longer seen as a global financial center.

16,500 wealthy people left the UK between 2017 and 2023. This was just part of a global mass exodus of wealthy people that appeared to be accelerating. According to the report, 128,000 people were expected to emigrate this year, 8,000 more than last year's record.

Of the 15 countries and regions with the largest numbers of wealthy people, the UK was particularly suffering. In 2024 only in China would see a greater decline in its wealthy population (15,200). Outside of the UK, Japan and Hong Kong were the only other countries to have recorded a net decline in the decade since 2013. The US, Canada, Australia, Germany and France all saw their wealthy numbers increased over the same period.

In addition to the economic fallout from Brexit, the war in Ukraine and the resulting energy price hikes impacting the economic impact, all were exacerbated by unprecedented political uncertainty.

The UK had had five prime ministers since 2010, including former Prime Minister Truss, who resigned after just 45 days in 2022.

New risks were also looming. Starmer's Labour party, which polls led Sunak's Conservatives by about 20 percentage points, was working to attract businesses and investors, and in its July 4 election manifesto had pledged to deliver economic stability and stronger growth.

Labour had said it would not raise income or sales taxes and would stick to the fiscal rules adopted by Sunak's government, but it had also promised tax hikes that could hit the wealthy.

White said "The economic and political situation is already causing an exodus of the wealthy, which is being accelerated by policy decisions ahead of the election".

So, up to 9,500 people with at least $1 million in investable liquid assets are expected to leave the UK. This number is more than double the number expected in 2023. I think the US, Canada, Australia, Germany and France will probably see the number of their wealthy people increase as a result. I am wondering how a country will be impacted if the rich people depart.

