2024年7月3日 星期三

EU announces plan to impose 38.1% tariff on Chinese-made EVs

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

EU 中国製EV38.1%の関税 上乗せする方針を発表

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中国商務省「断固反対」EUの発表に強く反発 対抗措置を示唆





The European Union (EU) had announced a plan to impose a provisional tariff of up to 38.1% on EVs (electric vehicles) imported from China, claiming that they are receiving unfair subsidies from the Chinese government and might harm European companies. China had strongly opposed this.

On the 12th, the European Commission, the EU's executive body, announced its plan to provisionally impose tariffs on EVs imported from China, in addition to the 10% already imposed.

The tariff would be up to 38.1%, and could be implemented after July 4th if the situation did not improve through discussions with Chinese authorities.

In addition to Chinese manufacturers, the tariffs would also apply to European and American manufacturers manufacturing in China.

The European Commission had been investigating since October 2023, claiming that EVs imported from China were receiving subsidies from the Chinese government and distorting competition in the EU market.

As a result, it had been confirmed that subsidies were being received at every stage of the supply chain, and as these cars were rapidly increasing their share of the EU market, EU manufacturers were unable to raise prices and were suffering losses.

Regarding Chinese-made EVs, the Biden administration in the United States announced in May that it would raise tariffs from 25% to 100%, and the EU's policy followed suit, and China strongly opposed it.

Chinese Foreign Ministry: "Resolutely Defend Legitimate Rights and Interests"

Prior to the EU's announcement, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian argued at a press conference on the 12th that "it goes against the principles of market economy and the rules of international trade, undermines economic and trade cooperation between China and the EU and the stability of the global automotive production supply chain, and ultimately harms the EU's own interests."

He then said, "We urge the EU to strictly adhere to its commitment to support free trade and oppose protectionism. China will take all necessary measures to resolutely defend its legitimate rights and interests," suggesting that countermeasures would be taken.

China's Ministry of Commerce strongly opposed EU announcement, hinting at countermeasures

In response to the EU's announcement, a spokesperson for China's Ministry of Commerce issued a strong statement, saying, "China expresses strong concerns and strong dissatisfaction, and the Chinese industry is deeply disappointed and firmly opposed."

The spokesperson also claimed, "The EU's actions not only undermine the legitimate rights and interests of China's electric vehicle industry, but also disrupt and distort the global automotive supply chain, including the EU."

On top of that, "China urges the EU to immediately correct its erroneous practices. China will closely monitor future developments on the EU side and will take all necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies," suggesting countermeasures.

              So, the EU has announced a plan to impose a provisional tariff on EVs imported from China, claiming that they have received unfair subsidies from the Chinese government and may harm European companies. China has strongly opposed this and vowed to take all necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies. I am wondering whether a trade war will erupt between China and EU because of the EVs.

