2024年7月20日 星期六

聯合國在美國支持下通過中國決議, 縮小獲取人工智能的差距

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

UN adopts Chinese resolution with US support on closing the gap in access to artificial intelligence

Edith M. Lederer

Tue, July 2, 2024 at 8:12 a.m. PDT·4 min read

The Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. General Assembly adopted a Chinese-sponsored resolution with U.S. support urging wealthy developed nations to close the widening gap with poorer developing countries and ensure that they have equal opportunities to use and benefit from artificial intelligence.

The resolution approved Monday follows the March 21 adoption of the first U.N. resolution on artificial intelligence spearheaded by the United States and co-sponsored by 123 countries including China. It gave global support to the international effort to ensure that AI is “safe, secure and trustworthy” and that all nations can take advantage of it.

Adoption of the two nonbinding resolutions shows that the United States and China, rivals in many areas, are both determined to be key players in shaping the future of the powerful new technology — and have been cooperating on the first important international steps.

The adoption of both resolutions by consensus by the 193-member General Assembly shows widespread global support for their leadership on the issue.

Fu Cong, China’s U.N. ambassador, told reporters Monday that the two resolutions are complementary, with the U.S. measure being “more general” and the just-adopted one focusing on “capacity building.”

He called the Chinese resolution, which had more than 140 sponsors, “great and far-reaching,” and said, “We’re very appreciative of the positive role that the U.S. has played in this whole process.”

Nate Evans, spokesperson for the U.S. mission to the United Nations, said Tuesday that the Chinese-sponsored resolution “was negotiated so it would further the vision and approach the U.S. set out in March.”

“We worked diligently and in good faith with developing and developed countries to strengthen the text, ensuring it reaffirms safe, secure, and trustworthy AI that respects human rights, commits to digital inclusion, and advances sustainable development,” Evans said.

Fu said that AI technology is advancing extremely fast and the issue has been discussed at very senior levels, including by the U.S. and Chinese leaders.

“We do look forward to intensifying our cooperation with the United States and for that matter with all countries in the world on this issue, which … will have far-reaching implications in all dimensions,” he said.

The Chinese ambassador, however, strongly criticized the U.S. Treasury Department’s proposed rule, announced on June 21, that would restrict and monitor U.S. investments in China for artificial intelligence, computer chips and quantum computing.

“We are firmly opposed to these sanctions,” Fu said. China doesn’t believe the rule will be “helpful to the healthy development of the AI technology per se, and will, by extension, divide the world in terms of the standards, and in terms of the rules governing AI.” He called on the U.S. to lift the sanctions.

The Chinese resolution calls on the international community “to provide and promote a fair, open, inclusive and non-discriminatory business environment,” from AI’s design and development to its use. Fu said that China doesn’t think the U.S. actions foster an inclusive business environment.

Both the U.S. and Chinese resolutions focus on the civilian applications of AI, but Fu told reporters the military dimension of AI is also very important.

“We do believe that it is necessary for the international community to take measures to reduce the dangers and the risks posed by the development of AI,” he said.

China is actively participating in negotiations in Geneva on controlling lethal autonomous weapons, Fu said, adding that some countries are considering proposing a U.N. General Assembly resolution this year on the military dimension of AI — “and we are in broad support of that initiative.”

Both the U.S. and Chinese resolutions warned of the dangers of AI while also touting its potential benefits in promoting economic development and the lives of people everywhere.

The U.S. resolution recognizes that “the governance of artificial intelligence systems is an evolving area” that needs further discussions on possible governance approaches. It calls on countries to ensure that personal data is protected, human rights are safeguarded, and AI is monitored for potential risks.

Fu, who headed the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s arms control department from 2018 to 2022, said that Beijing put forward the resolution because of the widening gap in AI technology between the developed North and developing South.

He said China also wanted to highlight the central role the United Nations should play in AI governance as “the most representative and most inclusive international forum.”

The Chinese resolution resolves “to bridge the artificial intelligence and other digital divides between and within countries,” and promote international cooperation, including sharing knowledge and transferring technology to developing countries.



321日通過由美國牽頭、包括中國在內的123個國家共同提案的第一項聯合國人工智能決議後,週一該決議獲得了通過。它提供國際努力去確保人工智慧「安全、可靠和值得信賴」; 以及 使所有國家都能利用它。


193 個成員國組成的大會以協商方式一致通過這兩項決議,表明全球廣泛支持它們在這一問題上的領導。

中國駐聯合國大使 Fu Cong 週一對記者表示,這兩項決議是互補的,美國的措施 更為廣泛,而剛剛通過的決議側重於 能力建設

他稱這項有多個140國家支持的中國決議 偉大而深遠 ,並表示 我們非常讚賞美國在整個過程中發揮的積極作用

美國駐聯合國代表團發言人 Nate Evans 週二表示,中國發起的這項決議「是經過談判達成的,因此它可將進一步推進美國三月提出的願景和做法」。


Fu 說,人工智能技術發展極為迅速,這個問題已經在非常高層討論過,包括美國和中國領導人。



Fu : 「我們堅決反對這些制裁」。中國不認為該規則「有助於人工智能技術本身的健康發展,並推而廣之, 規則會進一步分化世界的人工智能的標準及其治理」。他呼籲美國取消制裁。

中國的決議呼籲國際社會從人工智能的設計、開發到使用,「提供和促進公平、開放、包容和非歧視的商業環境」。Fu 表示,中方認為美國的行為沒有營造包容性的商業環境。

美國和中國的決議都專注於人工智能的民用應用,但 Fu 告訴記者,人工智能的軍事層面也非常重要。

: 「我們確實認為,國際社會有必要採取措施減少人工智能發展帶來的危險和風險」

Fu 說,中國正在積極參與在日內瓦舉行的有關控制致命自主武器的談判,並補充說,一些國家正在考慮今年就人工智能的軍事層面提出一項聯合國大會決議,我們廣泛支持這項倡議。


美國的決議承認 人工智能系統的治理是一個不斷發展的領域 ,需要進一步討論可能的治理方法。它呼籲各國確保個人資料受到保護,人權得到保障,並監控人工智能的潛在風險。

曾於2018年至2022年期間擔任中國外交部軍控司司長的 Fu 表示,北京提出這項決議是因為已開發北國家與發展中南國家之間在人工智技術方面的差距不斷擴大。


中國的決議決心 彌合國家之間和國家內部的人工智能和其他數字鴻溝 ,並促進國際互聯互通, 包括向發展中國家分享知識和轉移技術。

So, the U.N. adopted a Chinese-sponsored resolution with U.S. support urging wealthy developed nations to close the widening gap with poorer developing countries and ensure that they have equal opportunities to use, and benefit from artificial intelligence. It is obvious that in some areas these super powers can co-operate to do something for the benefit of human kind.

