2020年4月24日 星期五

US NY crude oil futures: first-ever negative price, demand decreased due to new corona

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
米NY原油先物、史上初のマイナス価格 新型コロナで需要減少
2020.04.21 Tue posted at 13:30 JST

ロンドン(CNN Business) 20日の米ニューヨーク商業取引所(NYMEX)の原油先物相場は、原油価格の指標となる米国産WTI原油の先物価格(5月物)が1バレル=マイナス37.63ドルで取引を終えた。これは原油先物の取引が1983年に始まって以来、最低の水準。







London (CNN Business) - About the crude oil futures quoted at the New York Commercial Exchange (NYMEX) on the 20th, as an index of oil price, the US WTI crude oil futures price (May) had a closing deal stood at minus $ 37.63 per barrel. This was the lowest level since crude oil futures trading began in 1983.

The sale of futures also affected the way the market was working. The May trading deadline was coming near. Most investors were already focusing on June. June trading was at around $ 22 a barrel.

The intense pressure on May crude oil futures highlighted concerns about supply and demand in the crude oil market which had fallen sharply.

Experts said, "In the short term, nobody wants crude oil in the United States".

Oil-producing countries such as Saudi Arabia and Russia last week agreed to cut 9.7 million barrels a day in both May and June to support crude oil prices. However, it was unclear whether the excessive supply caused by the disappearing energy demand could be resolved.

There was already a danger that crude oil stockpile could run out of storage space.

              So, Covid-19 brings into sight several new phenomena that challenge our understanding on how our society is operating. For example, in commodity price, crude oil can have a negative price; in environment, air pollution problem in big cities could easily go away when human activities slow down. In health-care, globally surgical masks could become a rare commodity. 

For me the pandemic is an “Apocalypse Now” and I think at least a few lessons could be learned from it. First, our daily life can change easily by unexpected factors: something looks trivial happens locally could turn into a global crisis as a result of globalization. 

Second, on the need and appropriateness to wear fact masks in public during a pandemic, there is a culture difference between eastern countries such as China, Korea and Japan, and western countries such as the United States, Canada and Britain. 

Third, about medical items such as medical mask and personal protective equipment (PPE), suddenly they become rare items globally. Probably many countries will re-reconsider whether these things should be perceived as national security items and to ensure the ability to produce them domestically.  As a related issue, for those national leaders with foresight, they may try to ensure their countries' ability to produce a reasonable amount of food domestically during an international food crisis. 

