2020年4月15日 星期三

In Venice, Italy a sword in the monastery found to be 5000 years old

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
修道院所蔵の刀剣、5000年前のものと判明 伊ベネチア
2020.03.28 Sat posted at 18:50 JST
Francesca Giuliani-Hoffman, CNN







In a monastery on an island in the Italian Venetian Lagoon, a metal sword displayed as a medieval relic was revealed to actually date back to the Bronze Age 5000 years ago. A doctoral student who saw the exhibition questioned the age and analyzed the composition of the metal, etc., and this led to a surprising discovery.

Vittoria Dalalmerina, an archaeology PhD student at the University of Venice, visited a monastery on the island of San Lazaro in 2017. While being guided by a guide to observe the monastery's display materials, a 43-cm-long metal sword caught his eyes. Based on his specialty he felt that it looked like a Bronze Age weapon as a result.

Although the information sheet described the sword as a relic of the Middle Ages, Dalalmelina intuitively realized that it was older, and began investigating the sword. Analysis of the chemical composition of the sword's metal done in collaboration with the University of Padova revealed that it was made of a copper alloy containing arsenic. This alloy was mainly used from the end of the fourth century BC to the beginning of the third century, meaning that it came before the use of bronze had taken root.

Two swords with the same chemical composition had been found in Turkey, and all were very similar in shape.

At that time, new aristocracy was emerging in the Caucasus, Anatolia, the Aegean Islands and mainland Greece. Archaeologists believed that these swords were both weapons and symbols of authority.

According to investigators in the monastery's archives, the sword was delivered as a gift from the same religious priesthood organization in Trabzon of Turkey during the period between August to September 1886.

        So, it is an interesting archaeological discovery. The sharp eyes of a scholarly can lead to a new discovery. I think to own a sword was definitely a big matter in the Bronze Age.

