2020年3月1日 星期日

California grapes oversupplied - US wines at a low price for the first time in five years

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
米国産ワイン、5年ぶりの安値に カリフォルニア州のブドウが供給過剰
2020.02.17 Mon posted at 15:21 JST

(CNN) 米カリフォルニア州でワイン用ブドウの生産が過剰になり、需要減退と相まって、ワインの値段は5年ぶりの安さになる見通しだ。安値は最大で3年続くという予想もある。









(CNN)  In California of the US  there was an overproduction of wine grapes; coupled with a drop in demand, a fall in wine price was expected for the first time in five years. Some estimates suggested that the low would last up to three years.

Rob McMillan, who compiled an annual report on the trend of the wine industry, predicted that US wine could be "the best bargain in the past 20 years."

In northern California, large vines were planted in a large area in 2016, harvesting methods had become more efficient, and grape yield had increased.

On the other hand, there was not enough wine demand to support the increase in production, and excess grapes were discarded.

According to Jeff Bitter, the head of grape growers, the oversupply was largely due to the slow growth of wine shipments over the past few years, as well as repeated abandon harvests in wine grapes in 2018.  Wine shipments had been growing for 20 years until 2015, and the slowdown was unexpected for the industry.

California producers were forced to reduce their wine grape cultivation area in order to balance the markets. It was said the plan was to start with Napa, and then plunged into making adjustments at the main high-quality breed growing area in the state. It was expected that it might take at least a few years before grape prices stabilized.

According to industry group IWSR, wine consumption saw a reversal as it began to decline for the first time in 25 years due to increased consumption of liquors and easy-to-drink cocktails in the United States.

McMillan pointed out that "the baby boomers, which have been boosting wine sales for 30 years, is not going to live forever." Hopefully, if wine prices fell, millennials (born in the 1980s and 1990s) who were not very familiar with wine might consume more.

          So, the price of wine grapes in California should be cheaper in the coming few years. If this is the case,  I shall try more California red wine with my friends.

