2020年3月13日 星期五

Poor manner of luxury cars - proven by academic research in the US and Europe?

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
2020.02.28 Fri posted at 18:35 JST

(CNN) 高級車を運転するドライバーほどマナーが悪い――。そんな傾向を裏付けるような調査結果が、このほど学会誌に発表された。








(CNN) Drivers who drove luxury cars had worse manners. A survey that supported this tendency had recently been published in a journal.

A research team at the University of Nevada asked volunteers to cross the road several times, took pictures of the situation, and looked into how the drivers responded to the pedestrians.

As a result, drivers who slowed down for pedestrians were reduced by 3% for every $ 1000 more expensive.

Researchers on this tendency had speculated that driving a luxury car might give a feeling of "superior to other road users" which could reduce compassion for pedestrians.

The study also looked at differences in responding to pedestrian by gender and race. 31% of cars stopped when white women were pedestrians, compared to 24% for men and 25% for blacks.

Before this, the University of Helsinki in Finland last month also published a study that showed a correlation between high car prices and poor manners.

Helsinki University conducted a survey on 1,892 drivers. As a result, it was become apparent that "a self-centered man who is belligerent with stubbornness, obnoxity, and a low sympathy may tend to own luxury cars such as Audi, BMW and Mercedes."

              I think the studies made by both universities may sound a bell among drivers of  Audi, BMW and Mercedes cars regarding their driving manners.

