2015年6月18日 星期四


A few weeks ago the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
GW宿泊予約者数:58%増 北陸新幹線沿線が人気
毎日新聞 20150413日 0020

According to Rakuten Travel domestic travelings as at 11th (April) regarding the number of subscribers who stayed overnight during the Golden Week (GW) period (April 29-May 6) this year, there was a 58.4 % increase compared with the corresponding period a year ago. The opening up and the extension of the Hokuriku Shinkansen had a big impact. In Niigata prefecture, Toyama prefecture and the Ishikawa prefecture in the area along the railway line there was a going up as a whole with an increase of more than two folds.

  A fall in the yen together with a recovery in demand for leisure had helped creating a wind on domestic traveling boom. The second half period was a sequence of five consecutive holidays which was suitable for long-distance travelling. There was a tendency for an increase in the number of days staying overnight.

Rakuten Travel thought that “also has an influence is the spread of cheap airline companies (LCC) and the effect of the falling gasoline price that make transportation costs affordable".

It seems that the Japanese are more willing to spend money in these days.

