2015年6月3日 星期三


A few weeks ago the FNN News on-line reported the following:
国内新車販売台数 5297,110台と4年ぶりの減少
04/01 22:55


The number of domestic new car sale decreased for the first time in four years.

According to the "Japan Automobile Dealers Association" etc. the number of domestic new car sale from April 2014 to March 2015 was 5,297,110; being a decrease of 6.9 % compared with the previous fiscal year that had a running demand in response to consumption tax increases.

This would be a decrease in four year since the fiscal year 2011.

Also, the sale number in March stood at 695,411. Compared with March 2014 it was a reduction of 11.2 %, being a 2-digit decrease for 3 months in a row and the decrease trend was continuing.

It seems that the Japanese are not too willing to spend their money.

