2014年3月29日 星期六


Recently the FNN News on-line reported the following:
東芝データ流出事件 茂木経産相、技術流出防止へ対応強化を検討

また、甘利経済再生担当相も、「技術流出を防止するための法整備が、他国と比べて劣後しているという指摘が多々ある」と述べ、必要に応じ、法改正など対策の強化が求められるとの認識を示した。(03/14 17:18)

In relation to an incident that a former engineer of a cooperator company of Toshiba was arrested on suspicion of leaking research data to a South Korean company, at an interview after the cabinet meeting on the morning of the 14th, Mogi the Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry showed the idea that the government would consider a response to strengthen the prevention of technology leakage.

Mogi the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Minister said "I think it is important for our country as a technology-oriented nation to be strict in giving suitable protection to the technology and in preventing it from leaking".

Mogi the Economy, Trade and Industry Minister showed the idea that "the measures of the company itself to manage trade secrets are important"; on top of that "it is necessary to re-consider governmental measures in the handling while referring to overseas examples".

Moreover, Amari the Economic Revitalization Minister also said "there are many indications that the development of laws to prevent technology leakage has been lagging behind when compared with foreign countries", and he showed the recognition that a call to strengthen measures, such as legal revision, is needed.
(03/14 17:18)

Research data are important asset of a company. I think spying for commercial secrets is a common feature among competing companies in the same country in general, and with overseas companies in particular.

