2014年3月18日 星期二


Last month the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20142122318  読売新聞)

On the 12th (February) the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology released the result of an investigation for the fiscal year 2013 which investigated management conditions in new universities and faculties etc.

Improvement was required of 266 schools in which unit authorization was not performed on English lessons at the junior high school level, or the number of teachers did not meet university establishment standards.

In this investigation, 528 schools across the country were the targets, centering on new universities, junior colleges, and graduate schools that had no graduates yet. Cases such as the institutional capacity failed to match the number of students by a large margin; the incidents that teachers who had obviously reached the retirement age continued their employment; in Yamazaki Gakuen University (Tokyo) where English was a compulsory subject, there were classes that taught how to use the “verb to be” etc. This ministry asked for changes in levels to make them suitable for university education.

At Sendai Aoba School junior college (Sendai) in a new teaching subject, only 70 percent or more of all full-time teachers had the qualification of a college graduate or special school graduate, and the educational structure was insufficient. In Seirei Christopher University (Hamamatsu), in a new teaching subject which needed eight full-time teachers by university establishment standards, at the time of investigation there were only six people. At Chubu University (Aichi Prefecture) although four professors were required for a new teaching subject based on the establishment criteria, there were only two people at times, and currently only three people stayed on.
(23:18 on February 12, 2014    Yomiuri Shimbun)

Obviously the government has the responsibility to ensure the quality of educational institutions.

