2010年8月20日 星期五


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:

However, in the process of recuperation, the number of enterprises that had business centering in Asia yet attempted to expand overseas had increased, to secure talents who could use English became urgent. Panasonic in 2011 fiscal year would have about 80 percent of the new graduate employees from overseas, Fast Retailing also planned the schedule of 2011 fiscal year to have half of the 600 people to be recruited from foreigners, and such movement was connected to the popularity in business English recently.
A male company employee (35) who went to the English conversation school in Tokyo Shibuya was making an all-out effort to learn had said that "Mail and video-conferencing had to be done with overseas customers daily, and any business stagnation due to the inability to speak English would be scary".
The schools were also making efforts in English classes that cultivated skills by employing lecturers who had corporate experience. In Berlitz the course which the scene of the conference and the negotiation was assumed was popular, and to learn the technique of bargaining and breaking deadlocks which had practical content that could be made the best use in work soon was the selling point. It was said that directors of the big enterprises occasionally rushed into these courses.

My impression is that Japanese employers are making an effort to cope the the globalization. To learn English is an indicator of their keen determination in this respect.

