Recently the Excite News reported the following:
Regarding the gun presented to Ryoma Sakamoto by Takasugi the patriot warrior who lived at the end of shogunate, a gun of the same model was found in the personal residence of Matsuyama, and it was donated to the memorial pavilion of Ryoma Sakamoto in Kochi City on the 18th. It would be exhibited in the pavilion at the end of this month. The gun was the "Model 2 Army" made by S&W Company of the United States during the Civil War between the Northern and Southern states, and it was imported into Japan. According to the pavilion, this same model gun was bought in Shanghai by Susumu Takasugi and presented to Ryoma. In the Teradaya House incident, Ryoma used this pistol to fight with the attackers who were trying to capture him and Ryoma was successful in getting away.
Ryoma Sakamoto (1836-1867) was an important historical figure in Japanese history during the 1860s and this attack took place in January 1866. Things that have connection with him are fascinating to many people.