2010年8月22日 星期日


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following: 


 この日は、ミュージシャンらによるミニライブなどのイベントも開かれ、閉店を惜しんで記念撮影する客も多かった。 「時代の移り変わりを感じる」と話すのは東京都目黒区、会社員大江浩行さん(38)。「自分が18歳で上京した年にちょうど開店した。仕事帰りによく寄ってCDを買っていた。閉店してしまうのはさみしい」

 子どもの頃から通っていたという東京都東久留米市の谷川正樹さん(31)は「アルバイトでためたお金で、よく渋谷系音楽のCDを買っていた。新しい音楽と出会える場所だった」と名残惜しそうに語った。 同店は、英国系CD販売チェーンHMVが1990年に日本第1号店として開店。98年にセンター街の現在地に移転した。

The popular, large-scale CD shop "HMV Shibuya" (Shibuya Ward, Tokyo) as a place of music dispatching called "Shibuyakei" closed store on the 22nd.

Events depending on musicians such as mini-rhyme were held, and there were a lot of guests who regretted the closing of store took commemoration pictures on this day. "The change of an age is felt" said company employee Hiroyuki Oe (38) at Meguro Ward, Tokyo, "The store was just opened in the year when I went to Tokyo at the age of 18. After work I often stopped by to buy CD. The closure of the store means loneliness".

Masaki Yakawa (31) in Higashikurume City, Tokyo went there since he was a child said in regret about the departing "I often bought CD of Shibuya music with money saved up from the part-time job. It was a place that one was able to encounter new music". British CD sales chain HMV opened this shop as the first shop in Japan in 1990. It moved to the present location on Central Street in 1998.

Although old shops are closing, new shops are opening up. It is natural to see change from one generation to another.

