2014年3月5日 星期三


Last month the NHK News on-line reported the following:

韓国 従軍慰安婦の資料を「記憶遺産」に

211 2223



About the so-called comfort women question, the South Korean government announced their aim to get the related records registered as "Memory Heritage" of UNESCO etc., and to strengthen measures that could stir up concern within and outside the country so as to obtain the sympathy of the international community towards South Korean’s position; all these indicated an intention to strengthen the pressure on Japan.

In her report submitted to President Park Ohakune on the 11th (February) Cho Yun Son the Minister of Gender and Family of South Korea clarified the above in a plan about business to be tackled this year.

In this plan, it was supposed to hold a cultural festival etc. in South Korea and a memorial day should be prepared for students to participate in so as to raise the national awareness to the so-called comfort women question.

Furthermore, in order that this question could generate some international attention, the supposition was to aim at a registration in the "Memory Heritage" of UNESCO, after all the related data were investigated and collected in the United States and China.

The first plan for the Female and Family ministry was to hold a show in France during an international comics festival with the theme of comfort women, and it was calculated that "a big echo could be created". From now on, the intention was to base on the sympathy obtained from the international community towards South Korea to strengthen the pressure on Japan.

Japanese government officials "very regrettable"
Regarding South Korean government’s announcement, an administration official said that "it is very regrettable that both the position of the Japanese government on this question and that the effort to set up an 'Asian Women's Fund' had been neglected. After checking the details, we would discuss our future response within the government".

     Obviously South Korea is trying to draw the attention of the international community to the question of “comfort women”. It seems that nationalism is given more attention by the South Korea Government recently.

