2014年3月20日 星期四


Recently the FNN News on-line reported the following:


元労働者や遺族ら40人は、三菱マテリアルなど日本企業2社に対し、1人あたり、日本円でおよそ1,700万円の損害賠償などを求めている。(03/18 20:30)

It became clear that a court in Beijing of China had accepted a legal case that sought reparations for being "forcibly taken away" during the Second World War.

This was the first time since the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations in that the Chinese government accepted legal cases on personal compensation for ‘being taken away by force’.

The plaintiff's lawyer said "(because of this acceptance) workers' right is protected, it has a very significant meaning".

According to the defense team for the former Chinese workers that started the petition, they said that they were contacted in the afternoon of the 18th and were told that their complaint had been accepted by the Intermediate People’s Court in Beijing.

Details on the schedule of the trial etc. had not been decided yet.

Because all along the Chinese government had not accept legal challenge from the individual to demand Japanese compensation in China, this meant that for the first time the Xi Jinping Administration allowed individual compensation, and from now on, when similar law suits came out one after another, a huge impact on Japan-China relations could be expected.

Forty former workers and people (from bereaved families) were asking for about 17 million yen reparations etc. per person from two Japanese companies such as the Mitsubishi Materials.
(03/18 20:30)

     I hope such a change in policy in China would not deter Japanese investors.

