2014年3月10日 星期一


Recently the FNN News on-line reported the following:


The museum of mail and communication located in Otemachi of Tokyo was closed in 2013. On the 1st it was reopened with a new look in the Skytree town at the Sumida-district of Tokyo. It was "The Postal Administration Museum”, opened on the ninth floor of the Skytree Town Solamachi.

The collections inside the "General Museum on Communications" that was closed in August 2013 were carried forward, and the information detail of some 400 items about mail and communication etc. was exhibited.

On the 1st, being the first day of its opening, 100 people waited for the opening in a long line.

One person who had stood in a line said "I came from Inuyama of Aichi Prefecture and stayed here since yesterday. The Skytree type mailbox brings me pleasure", “previously I have visited the ‘Teipa-ku (General Communications Museum)’ and it gave me pleasure" etc.

At a corner about 330,000 curious stamps were being exhibited.

For stamps of the Swiss Confederation, some had a chocolate scent.

A person who had looked at various kinds of stamps said that “it was nice to see stamps in large number”, “since there is something beautiful, the pleasure and the stamps are unexpected” etc.

Moreover, the mailbox was in a shape of the Skytree, if a mail was posted, a postmark containing the Skytree would be pressed on it and delivered.

Moreover, there was a corner that had a simulation game which mail delivery could be experienced, also there was a projection mapping which postal history etc. could be studied; both of them could be experienced and felt by children and adults virtually.

A person who played the game said "it is fun and I would like to come again".

Things of important cultural nature such the original Embossing Morse telegraph, together with information materials that were exhibited in Japan for first time were also available. With the precious information about the mail to be enjoyed inside the museum, people who visited would be much delighted.

Probably the museum is another tourist attraction in the Sumida-district of Tokyo.

