2010年8月19日 星期四


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:


Because of the global expansion of enterprises English school for business conversation was showing briskness.

Individual school was working on the development of practical educational program to answer the needs of people who had the urge to use English in business.
The Fast Retailing that developed Rokutien and "Uniqlo" obligated English to be used in business, the related industry of English Language Education thought it as a splendid market opportunity and was frantic as demand was generated.
For Berlitz Japan this year from April to June, both corporate contract and individual company employees that applied for admission had increased by half compared with the previous year, besides, short term summer course application compared with the previous year was said to have reached 2.5 times more.This year the number of corporate contractors for Gaga in the first half of the year was also good with a 12% increase.
The demand for language school of English conversation decreased suddenly and became a predicament after the Lehman shock happened in the autumn of 2008 causing a fall in training by corporations and by individuals. According to a private research company the Yano Economic Research Institute, the market size in fiscal year 2009 fell to 502.6 billion yen which was about a 5.8% decrease compared with the previous year, and the big company Jiosu was driven into bankruptcy. (to be continued)

