2010年8月6日 星期五


Recently the Asahi News reported the following:

 三木谷氏は、本社で開いた約1時間の会見を英語でスピーチ。同時通訳が日本語に訳した。質問した記者7人のうち、日本メディアを含む5人が英語で質問した。 英語を使う理由について、三木谷氏は「我々の最も重要な施策はグローバル化だ」と説明。「英語はストレートに表現するが、日本語だとあいまいになる」とし、仕事の効率が上がるとも強調した。

On the 5th president Hiroshi Mikitani of Rokuten announced in English the June 2010 midterm financial settlements. As the policy of making English the official language in the group by March, 2012 had been declared, this was a form of voluntary practice to "Make it into the official language".

Mr. Mikitani made a speech in English for about one hour in the interview held at the headquarters. The simultaneous interpreter translated it into Japanese. Among the seven journalists who had asked questions, five people including the Japanese media raised questions in English. As for the reason to use English, Mr. Mikitani explained, "Our most important measure is for globalization". It was assumed that "When it is in Japanese, things become vague though it is expressed straightly in English", and it was emphasised that work efficiency would go up.

When asked about whether there would be confusion in communication among the Japanese colleagues, it was said that 「The environment that English should be spoken is made. Now there may be scenes that Japanese should be supplemented, but 1 or 2 years later all employees will become able to speak English fluently」. The meaning of making English official in business doing was stressed to the last minute.

It seems that some company CEOs in Japan are quite determined to use English in business activities.

