Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:
China Enticing Taiwanese to Live There Stirs Concern in
Bloomberg - Yian Lee
Sun, January 5, 2025 at 7:57 p.m. PST·2 min read
China’s efforts to promote the residence permit have recently intensified, especially when it comes to targeting Taiwanese people who’ve never traveled to the mainland, said the official, who asked not to be identified discussing a sensitive matter.
Taiwanese officials are concerned holders of this permit will be easier to convince to apply for China’s national citizen identification card and to swap their passports for those issued by Beijing, the official said. They worry that could in turn be used by the Chinese government to justify the need to “protect Chinese citizens” in Taiwan, said the official.
In 2018, China introduced this type of residence permit specifically for those from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau to make it easier for holders to live and work on the mainland. The permit also grants access to financial services and social benefits, and can be obtained without those from Taiwan having to renounce their Taiwanese citizenship.
Asked about the Chinese residence permits after he delivered his New Year’s address last Wednesday, Lai responded by saying, “do not be tempted by short-term benefits and stray onto the wrong path, because democracy is priceless and freedom cannot be cashed in.”
中國認為台灣是其領土的一部分,並誓言即去使用武力, 也最終會將該島置於其控制之下。賴清德於 2024 年當選台灣總統後,兩岸關係近來愈發緊張。北京對賴抱持極大懷疑,並指責他推行徹底是台灣獨立。
China’s efforts to entice more Taiwanese people to get permits to live and work
on the mainland is causing concern in Taipei in that Beijing could be laying
the groundwork to justify intervention in the self-governing island’s affairs. Apparently,
it is a soft way for China to absorb Taiwan into its orbit. Anyway, it is much
better than using military forces.