2025年1月23日 星期四

"Mysterious volcano" finally identified; eruption in 1831 caused global cooling

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2025.01.04 Sat posted at 15:00 JST

(CNN) ある未確認の火山が1831年に大規模噴火し、地球の気候を寒冷化させた。それから200年近くを経て、科学者たちはこの「謎の火山」を特定するに至った。













"Mysterious volcano" finally identified; eruption in 1831 caused global cooling

(CNN) An unidentified volcano erupted in 1831, causing global climate cooling. Nearly 200 years later, scientists had identified the "mysterious volcano."

The eruption was one of the most powerful to occur in the 19th century. As a result of the release of a large amount of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere, the average annual temperature in the Northern Hemisphere dropped by about 1 degree. The eruption occurred at the end of the Little Ice Age, which is considered one of the coldest periods on Earth in the past 10,000 years.

The year of this historic eruption was known, but the location of the volcano was unknown. Researchers recently solved the mystery through ice core samples from Greenland. The layers of the core were analyzed, sulfur isotopes, ash grains, and volcanic glass fragments deposited between 1831 and 1834 were examined.

Using geochemistry, radiometric dating, and computer modeling, the scientists were able to determine the trajectory of these particles. They found that the 1831 eruption was linked to a volcanic island in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. The research was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) of the United States of America on December 30.

The analysis revealed that the mysterious volcano was Zavaritsky Volcano on Shinchi Island in the Kuril Islands. Zavaritsky’s last eruption was in 800 BC before the scientists discovered it.

Dr. William Hutchison, lead researcher at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of St. Andrews in the UK said "We know very little about the eruptive history of many of the Earth's volcanoes, especially those in remote locations."

According to what Hutchison had told CNN in an email, Zabalitsky was extremely remote. It was an uninhabited island between Japan and Russia, and historical records were limited to a few logbooks left by ship crews who occasionally passed through the Kuril Islands.

Due to the lack of information on volcanic activity in the 19th century, Zabalitsky was not considered as a possible candidate for the 1831 eruption. According to the paper, the researchers looked at volcanoes closer to the equator, such as Babuyan Claro in the Philippines.

Besides Zabalitsky, three other volcanoes erupted between 1808 and 1835. These eruptions coincided with the end of the Little Ice Age. During the Little Ice Age, which lasted from the 1400s to around 1850, annual temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere dropped by an average of 0.6 degrees Celsius. In some areas, temperatures were up to 2 degrees Celsius lower than normal, and remained that way for decades.

The above three eruptions were in Indonesia in 1815 and Nicaragua in 1835. The location of the 08 or 09 eruptions remains unknown. The paper said the identification of the 1831 eruption was Zavaritsky's highlights the power of the Kuril Islands' volcanoes. It suggested that they might have been large enough to affect the global climate.

After the 1831 eruption, the Northern Hemisphere experienced colder and drier weather conditions. Reports of food shortages and hardship came from far and wide. Famines occurred across India, Japan and Europe, affecting many people.

Hutchison said, "It seems likely that volcanic cooling caused crop failures and famines," "Current research is focused on understanding to what extent these famines were caused by volcanic cooling, or these famines were caused other sociopolitical factors."

              So, an unidentified volcano erupted in 1831 had caused global climate cooling with the average annual temperature in the Northern Hemisphere dropping by about 1 degree that led to colder and drier weather conditions. Reports of food shortages and hardship came from far and wide and caused famines across India, Japan and Europe. It is likely that the volcanic cooling had caused crop failures and famines. Apparently human survival depends on a stable climate condition, too hot or too cold will spell disasters.

