2022年9月5日 星期一

US university library announced - Valuable ``Galileo's manuscript'' was a fake

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

貴重な「ガリレオの手稿」、偽物だった 米大学図書館が発表

2022.08.26 Fri posted at 20:00 JST

Aya Elamroussi, CNN, Claudia Dominguez, CNN














A manuscript by renowned Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei held in the University of Michigan library that was thought to be a treasure trove had turned out to be a forgery. This was made clear by the university.

According the statement the one-page document, known as "The Galileo Manuscript", could not be dated before 1930 and could have been written by notorious Italian forger Tobia Nicotra.

The chance to start an investigation was when Nick Wilding, a historian at Georgia State University in the United States, contacted Pablo Alvarez, a curator at the University of Michigan. Wilding questioned the manuscript's watermarks and provenance, and said he had strong doubts about the manuscript's authenticity.

The University of Michigan in a statement said that "Mr. Wilding's investigation has concluded that Galileo's manuscripts in the University's collection are 20th-century forgeries, forged by renowned forger Tobia Nicotra."  The university supposed that "After our experts examined the most compelling evidence given by Mr. Wilding (paper and evidence of provenance) and reviewing the manuscript, we come to the same conclusion."

Wilding questioned the paper itself, especially the monogram (a combination of letters) in the watermark. Given the date of these monograms, it would be inconceivable that the manuscript predated the 18th century.

In 1934, Nicotra was sentenced to two years in prison for forging documents related to Galileo.

The University of Michigan was currently reviewing the manuscript's placement in its collection.

Before it was confirmed as a forgery, the university described the document as "one of the treasures of the University of Michigan Library."

Until now, the document had been regarded as a note by Galileo about the discovery of the four moons of Jupiter.

The University of Michigan’s description supposed it as "the first documented observation of an object orbiting a celestial body other than Earth" and "marking a turning point in Galileo's life, it was a record of an event that transformed our understanding of the universe".

About Galileo who died in 1642, one of the many achievements being listed out was the construction of the telescope.  The discovery that Jupiter had moons was made possible by telescopes. Galileo then became a major proponent of Copernican astronomy, which rejected the idea that the Earth was fixed at the center of the universe.

The University of Michigan acquired the manuscript in 1938. It was donated by Detroit businessman Tracy McGregor who was a collector of books and manuscripts. According to the university, it is said that when McGregor got hold of the manuscript, Cardinal Pietro Maffi, then Archbishop of Pisa, had expressed that "compared it with Galileo's handwritten letters in his collection" he endorsed it as authentic.

              So, a manuscript held in the University of Michigan library that thought to be by the renowned Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei has turned out to be a forgery. On and off, such thing happens, to produce counterfeit work is a big business.

Note: Tobia Nicotra was a prolific Italian forger who produced counterfeit works of artists in various disciplines. In 1937, he was described as "the most proficient forger of autographs". He might have produced as many as 600 forgeries before he was caught. (Wikipedia)

