2022年9月21日 星期三

A survey reveals the effect of walking for 2 minutes after meals would lower blood sugar levels

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

食後2分間のウォーキングで血糖値下げる効果 調査で判明

2022.09.07 Wed posted at 07:02 JST

(CNN) 食後に2~5分ほど散歩するだけで血糖値を下げる効果があるという研究結果が、スポーツ医学誌に発表された。食後に立っているだけでも、座り続けるよりは血糖値を下げる助けになるとしている。




(CNN) A walk for 2- to 5-minute after eating could help lower blood sugar levels, according to a study published in the journal Sports Medicine. Standing after a meal, compared to sitting down, could help lower blood sugar levels.

Aiden Buffey, a graduate student at the University of Limerick in Ireland who published the paper found that throughout the day, simply standing up to rest after eating, compared to sitting for long periods of time, could lower blood sugar levels by an average of 9.51%. However, light brisk walking lowers blood sugar by an average of 17.01% compared to prolonged sitting.

The current study analyzed the results of seven studies that compared the effects on insulin levels and blood sugar levels in the body due to sitting, standing, and walking. Subjects were asked to stand or walk for 2-5 minutes every 20-30 minutes throughout the day. Total activity time during observation was approximately 28 minutes.

              So, it is found out that a walk for 2- to 5-minute after eating can help lower blood sugar levels. Standing after a meal can help lower blood sugar levels compared to sitting down. It seems that body movement, even a simple one, could improve our health condition.

