2022年3月15日 星期二

UAE shows intention to encourage OPEC to increase production - signs of easing the soaring oil prices

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

UAE、OPECに増産促す意向を表明 石油高騰に緩和の兆し

2022.03.10 Thu posted at 15:42 JST

ニューヨーク/アブダビ(CNN Business) アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)のアルオタイバ駐米大使は9日、CNNに対し、UAEは石油増産を望んでいると述べ、石油輸出国機構(OPEC)に供給拡大を促す意向を示した。








New York / Abu Dhabi (CNN Business) UAE Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) told CNN on the 9th that UAE wanted to increase oil production, and showed the intention to expand supply to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

In the oil market, few countries could make up for the US embargoed Russian oil, and supply and demand were extremely tight. The UAE was in a posture to suggest a possibe action to resolve this situation.

Oil prices plummeted on the 9th in response to Mr. Al Otaiba’s remarks. US oil fell 12% to break below $ 109 a barrel. Brent crude oil, an international indicator, fell 13% to $ 111 a barrel, the largest daily decline in nearly two years.

If the UAE succeeded in persuading its partner countries, it could be a shift for OPEC. OPEC agreed last week at a meeting called "OPEC Plus" that had cooperating oil-producing countries coming together, agreed to maintain the current gradual supply expansion plan, while not responding to the voices of developed countries calling for further price easing.

What was important for Saudi-led OPEC was that Russia was among these cooperating oil-producing countries.

OPEC Plus announced in a statement on the 2nd that it would increase production in April by 400,000 barrels a day, which was only a small part of Russia's daily crude oil production of 10 million barrels. OPEC described the market as "balanced" despite oil prices had risen by 30% in the last two weeks.

Mizuho Securities' energy futures executive Robert Yoger told CNN that "The UAE has made a turn. They were one of the countries that continued to resist to the end.” Saudi Arabia would follow suit as the UAE had announced support for increased production.

So, UAE wants to increase oil production, and shows its intention to expand supply to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Hopefully oil price will go down globally.

